The Melody

The melody
It comforts
Soothes and brings
peace beyond all understanding
Release tension,tightness
Might of the muse
Power to delight
Inspire the instrument
Play not by sight
Use the melody
From memory
No enemy conspire
Against the comfort
Of the one
With the music

A strange feeling inside 
Butterflies fluttering 
A bubble of joy floating
A breeze of happiness 
Rustling my hair
My hands in the air
A smile on my lips
Filling me with joy

You know why?
Why the world feels
So beautiful?
Because I,
I let go
Let go of the worries knawing me
The troubles haunting me
And felt free
Free of doubts...

Gentlemen’s Quarterly

In the pavilion, there are many people
All new faces but without the new smell
I want to reach across and grab someone and say hello and know them
But in the end, I know I will just walk past all of you without a whisper

As I said before, there are always people
But today, I saw someone with a purple purse
Now an accessory such as that belongs on the runways in Milan or Rome
But on your godlike shoulder, it looked to be made of crude, lifeless paper

I wanted to go closer but my shirt wasn’t right
There are many days when an outfit is a letdown
I knew that I couldn’t approach your picturesque form without a prominent plan
So I rummaged in my closet, prepared something for the next day, and fantasized

The next day, I searched the entire cemented pavilion
But you weren’t there, until I saw you buying flowers
I began to walk, then trot, and then sprint towards you in anticipation but then I saw him
He crawled up from behind you, held you in his bulging arms, and kissed your rosy cheeks

That night, my tears gathered on my baby blue shirt and turned it navy
I cut up my jet black pants and the loafers, I gave to the homeless man
My visions for our trips, our small family, and our red-brick house all faded away without a hello
You did nothing wrong and if it is meant to be, my eyes will once again be graced by your purse

Hour 7: Drag


Bluegrass reminds me of a shit town

Worse than dirt

You can drag your dreams up north on a bus

They won’t come back

From a place so shattered


It’s lonely out there once you hit the road

The stars look on and the trees pass in the windows,

But they all seem to live in the past

You can drag your hope around America

It won’t come back


Love lives in my heart like a mad dog

Trying to get out and

Who would you loose it on,

Wish it on,

When you know it won’t let go?

You can drag your love by the throat

It won’t love you back

Stained Bridge

I shouldn’t have crossed that bridge to your house

I knew you wouldn’t leave her for me

Even though it’s my nectar stained on your sheets

I shouldn’t have crossed that line but all I heard was fire

Pop! Pop!

My life on the line no more and yours no longer in the balance

I knew I shouldn’t have crossed that bridge and jumped over the broom

As I lay her bleeding

My child not breathing

Our blood stained on your fists

I crossed that bridge with my children

My fingers stained with berry juice that we picked

My hands I can wash easily of these actions

But the actions above these lines

Not so much

Because not all stains on a bridge can be washed away


Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved






Hour 7 – Resurrection Fern

In our days we will live

like our ghosts will live


Then let us get to work

not in the service of

squealing like iron and steel on train tracks

trundling bodies like product

from one place to another

like cheap plastics



not in the service of

getting ahead by making sure

that someone else is behind

struggling harder

not in the service of

“At least that’s not me”


But in the honor of

the free, living body

life unencumbered

aware and inspired


I want my ghost to live healthy

I want my ghost to live in sunsets

I want my ghost to be a reminder

that there is someone who cares

I want my Black ghost to help the kid

alive in the projects

with their english homework


In our days we will say

what our ghosts will say


Let pearls of wisdom

fall from my living mouth

as they will form on the lips

Of my ectoplasm

To ask you:


What is it that you are wanting in this

clamorous and magnificent existence?


Can you see your divinity

reflected in the eyes of a newborn?


Can you be a Rose of Jericho

and welcome the rain?

Three Dots

Three Dots,
Then nothing.
I wait for days
But no word.
I’m ghosted,
I think.
Maybe, I said the wrong thing
To you.
Hurting you
In some way,
Too stubborn to say what you need me to say.

Three dots,
And we are done.
Forever, a memory.
Two back to one.
Insecurity reins,
With those three dots
And I curse the world I saw them.

Three dots,
The death of love.


Inspired by: ‘The middle of night interlude where dreams may or may not happen.’

Moonlight shines
on the back of her neck
suggesting muted colours, light textures
a flowing arc

I am intrigued, enchanted
but keep a respectful distance

This moment is a haven
I am but a wanderer seeking sanctuary

Yes, I may find temporary solace
in the warmth of an embrace
but it is the feeling
that will protect me
long after body becomes memory

I close my eyes

Her presence tinctures the air I breathe
I am inadequate, but she does not share such concerns

I sigh
I am comforted

And when my open eyes
reveal the illusion
the shimmering moonlight
carries a tint
that was not there before

I will be all right


(22 June 2019, Hour Seven)

Hour 7-At This Moment

Your mind is a haunted house.

You send your ghosts away

before they evolve into demons

you can no longer fight.

You can’t move,

you can only build more rooms.

And string Christmas lights

along every wall to add color to this hell.

If you’re lucky you will be able to write again,

creating beauty that won’t be forgotten or ugliness

that makes no sense.

You struggle and push onward.

Don’t give up.

You can do this.

Mental Electronics

My brain is a sparking live wire
While at rest, the wires stay still

Thunder clap
The wires scratch and shower me in sparks

Car horn
They brush each other and sparks sting my skin

Car door
Neighbor’s door
Sudden loud noise
The shock knocks me out of my skin

Recent chemical baths
Have created a safety coating
But still things cut through
And my thoughts hit the floor

Repetitive hits
Throw me off all day

Day to day
The tolerance level changes

This is invisible
The only sign my temper