
Thinking about nada, liberating my mind-

what a wonderful sensation!

The sky is blue, birds sing freely,

it’s nice to do nothing except listening to them!

Hour Seven – Fierce Dog

I found this a difficult prompt because I couldn’t make out the lirics of the song, so I used the picture of the dog on the cover as a prompt…

Image courtesy of Chiemsee 2016


I heard a noise that startled me

And went outside, weapon in hand

I saw fiery eyes and flashing teeth

Coming at me

Ready to fire, I waited

Something cautioned me not to use the gun

The creature became more tangible

The closer it got to me

And still, I waited

I heard a low growl, and aimed

Suddenly, she became visible in the light

of a the street lamp

beneath which I stood;

Eyes begging, she lay down at my feet

and I knew that I couldn’t pull the trigger

I kneeled at her side and stroked her head;

We became best friends forever…


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019

#5 Miss T

She is known for being fiery.

Straightforward and spicy.

She got that looks,

Men cannot  shy away

But who is she?

The woman named Miss T.


I knew her before she knows me,

She has this beauty inside and out that inspired me.

A strong woman woven in compassion and kindness.

She loves life more than itself.


Her life is a beautiful story.

Her faith in God and humanity is history.

Her wisdom has been tested in times.

She had seen pain, loses and goodbyes.


life’s surprises, she has seen a fair shares

But she never faltered nor wavered.

She stood proud, strong and undeterred .

She is the epitome of a woman now and then.



What Will My Ghost Want To Say?

She'll return to Spain's mountains along the sacred path to Santiago 
yet transform a half a world away to guard her childhood crib
now rocking, gently rocking, rocking rocking a new little one. 
Pilgrams and infants alike will hear soft chimes and glance, 
looking for the music maker, the one who hints of the good to come.

She'll rustle the fallen leaves on autumn nights when the very last of the 
warm winds blow, and families will take walks -- long walks to faraway lands
in search of warm homes, food, safe sleep for their gray-haired ones, education
for the youngest, and the chance to dream yet again for what they want and love.
She'll walk beside and whisper, "I'll protect you with all I am. Keep on." 

She'll enter schoolrooms and playgrounds and again teach, trading ponderous 
lessons for life skills to keep best friends, new loves, and honored guides. 
Students will look back on saved notebooks but remember the days so glorious 
with deep meaning and new dreaming. She'll sigh as she journeys with them,  
growing older but -- so she'll hope -- not old. Never old. 

She'll return to Spain's mountains along the sacred path to Santiago,
to Syria to Sudan to Guatemala and reservations, to your home and mine
and walk beside those Pilgrams seeking a meaning for life, their yearning
for wholeness and worth. She'll watch them grow and whisper in the evening winds, 
"Laugh for Life will fly. Protect each other. Have strength. Keep on." 

Recurring Dream

It is always the same

You standing in the shadows, waiting

Until the time is right

You ask, Will I?

I look at you as tears fill my eyes

My heart says, Yes

My mouth says, No

Hour 7

I lie admiring your vulnerability

Like the fresh pink skin under a scab

How you wrap yourself in it

And become stronger

More beautiful

The places where you’ve stitched yourself together

Allow light to escape

A life exchanges


Eager listening to hums of cold wind

Winding road of new adventure

Leisure of new tomorrow

Cascading reality of new possibility

Rendering in the core of an existence

Freeing elements of known hearting

Experience of a lifetime

Musing away in clear grass

Fitting element of new movement

Engaging life much adventurism

A facade in the wings of love

Evolving dove fulfillment


Prompt # 9 Hour # 7

3:40  AM PHT 23/06/2019

Going and Staying

Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow
We’ll settle in a life long left behind
To play the music fast, and sing it slow

The world outside may scream and fall apart
But it can’t hurt us living in the past.

Reality’s become a crazy show.
We’ll take the modern world and hit rewind
Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow

Forget the world and all its many cares
They’ll kill themselves just fine without us there

We’ll tend the crops, we’ll reap, and plant, and hoe
We’ll live the simple life and still find time
To play the music fast, and sing it slow

And if they bomb the cities flat at last
We’ll sell our goods to any who come past.

The two of us need fear no friend or foe
No threats or enmity of any kind
Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow

No duty have we but to us alone
We didn’t make this planet a warzone

We’ll live in peace, and never need to go
We’ll set the pace, and it will be just fine
To play the music fast, and sing it slow

The world could end and we would never know
The perfect spot to live well and unwind
Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow
To play the music fast, and sing it slow


Form: Grá Reformata

Prompt: The video in this post. I expect I’ve completely misrepresented the song, sorry – I was listening to the mood rather than the words, and I’ve long wanted to write about the dark side of self-sufficiency.

This form is tricky. I should have given it more than one hour.

Sizzle Flow, Hour 7

Sizzle sweet beatnik,
Sentences translucent
Triptamine-influenced mindset more fluid

Techno-druidic architecture intersecting grey matter
Sip a cup of tea poured by the mad hatter and splatter random

Hail Eris and piss on centralized power,
We going off-grid lyrical Jackson Pollock here for hour seven

Seven chakras
Seven colors in the rainbow
Seven continents used to be Pangea, so the theory goes
But no one really knows, we’re all just pissing in the wind
We tear it down to build it up again

Lose it all so you can win
Shift the baseline
Shift spine to the bass line
Sizzle beatnik, sizzle
Slip along toroidal-shaped fabric of spacetime
Let go of mind and just glide
Reach the infinite inside
Ply secrets from obsideon tessaracts transdimentional
The consequences are inconsequential

Words cast in liquid metal,
Meddling fragments of fleeting insight recognized and tossed aside
Nothing can humiliate like pride


Hour 6

Oh what is this place
As far as my eyes goes
There is only dust Strom
Which resting place
Life has brought me
Here neither have
Power over my sorrows
Nor control over
My joys

Life asking me
Accounts of
All my doings
What do my heart says?
It’s ashamed !

Who is calling me
From other side
Of those
burning lamps

Is there anyone
Atall for me
Thinking and
Looking forward
Being sad…?