
Apples, Berries, Roses, herbs

bound with string and ribbon,

hide the hint of decay.

Satin, Velvet, Cotton, oak

tucked in and around a box

made to take love away.

Sobbing, Whispers, Tip-toe, grief

made all pretty for those

forced to deal with the day.

Ritual, Habits, Ceremony

humane acts, over time, muting truth

and the reason for the nosegay.

A Challenge

These past few weeks have had me thinking I hadn’t done anything right.

Friends, partners and associates, alike had me questioning if the path I was on, was the right flight.

I, who had love for everyone, couldn’t understand-

This abandonment that came from no where, yet seemed orchestrated and planned.

Great care was taken as every detail of my demise was checked off and executed with great precision.

A lesser man would have succumb to your withdrawl-

Started feening for your affections

Like a slave in chains begs to be free and an addict clamors for the next fix…

But wisdom is more powerful than all that.

And He used this very thing to grab my attention-

Where once it was had, he failed not to mention

All the places I was going and the success I am destined to be.

He reminded me that those I had once held in high esteem had to leave

For this next level, had no room for the haters who used to keep me company.

I am a shining star, getting ready to shoot out of this galaxy

So to those that thought me a flower, who would whither and die

Here is a chair. Pull one up.

Have several seats.

And enjoy the feast

Prepared especially for you.

You’re in for a special treat

So get ready to see how your hate and disdain has become the fuel that makes me great.

And remember this Queen doesn’t cower to whispered conferences held behind backs or chambers I’ve not been invited in.

I guess only one of us knows what it is to be called this and lives by it’s TRUE definition.

Mysterious She

With a series of follies
She was to agonize
But otherwise
She was, One amongst the Wise

With the sparkle in her eyes
Unseen were her tries
And a mouth full of lies
Unheard were her cries

To the broken ties
She said goodbyes
But love never dies
She was made, just to rise

Unending were her flies
Infinite were her skies
Limitless were her spies
Years together, she was in guise

Unlike many a guys
Never did she compromise
Supernal were her highs
All she did, was, without sighs

Late did she realize,
Fate for her had a surprise;
Everything comes with a price
And On her knees she had to apologize

Yet it is a reprise;
Again, she lives her life king size
Her follies met a demise
And watching the sunrise
She’s all butterflies!

Wargames Tableau

Wargames to the table
Bring friends together
Our minds we will test
The tactics we use
To bring victory
To the plan best thought

Up for Interpretation

I scroll through all the pictures,
Trying to decipher their messages.
Trying to really see them, yet
Uncomprehending what they mean.

A photo of a boat on the azure water catches my eye.
Immediate, visceral outrage 
Oil spilling on the pristine waters.
(Oil spills are the only context in which ‘pristine’ is used anymore. 
Why can’t they pollute polluted water instead?)

My rage is distracted by my reflection in the screen.
It’s been a little over a week 
and I’m still not sure if I like my hair cut this way.
I have spikes and horns enough for a dragon.

I take my device inside
To stop seeing my reflection
Expanding the picture to feel 
The anger inside once again.

My thumb and finger slide away from each other
to reveal that the picture is of a boat moored near coral.
There is no oil spill.
Never mind.

Prompt #4 Numb

image by poetry marathon
Dead from the inside 
I am numb.
A complete shut down
unresponsive to the external.
Immovable, life wasting away.
Tired eyes and hungry heart 
all dead in a row.
No thirst to quench
no dreams to conquer
powerless in one way
powerful in another
- nothing affects me.

Nothing to lose,
no fear, no feelings, 
no attachment, no sorrow, 
Just the bottomless pit 
of nothingness -encroaching.
Overtaking... overcoming...
infectious and familiar
It feels comfortable, 
I am doomed anyway, 
Damned if I do,
Damned if I don't.

Hopelessness looms 
like a shadow. 
Wasted life, 
Wasted years,
The Pointlessness of the point,
at the edge of reason 
and lingering disappointment.

Far from any harm,
removed and isolated
detached and unemotional, 
I let that shit go. 

Only to dive deep
Head first into the chaos of living.
The madness of emotions.
The passage through life.

I am waking up,
Undoing these chains 
that have held me down 
for far too long.
I am becoming human.
I am living. 

I open the doors 
and let it surge.

-Janice Raquela Mendonca  

I, the Butterfly

you nagging sparrows, stay away!
see my eyes, watching always.
see my trophies, certificates, grades.
see my pride, demons, stay away!

do not look too close, I pray.
do not see this painted fraud.
do not see my scales and pride
crumbling slightly under stress.

see these colors! they mean poison!
see my smile, it means I’m fine.
see the forest, not the trees.
pay no attention to those rotting leaves.

do not touch the butterfly:
you will cripple its wings forever.
do not inspect my state of mind:
this facade is holding me together.

36 Corn Road, Part 2 – Aunt Imogene




She was never just sitting there, waiting for us

She knew we were coming

But that couldn’t keep her from

The work at hand

Chores to her, but her legacy to others


Who would be the first to find her?

Sweet Aunt Imogene, earth mother

Would she be working in the garden

Tending to her rooted accomplishments

Her labor of love that would nourish us time and again


Would she be in the hen house?

Gathering eggs in her work worn apron

Or taking the “last walk” with one she had nurtured

Who would now take its place at the dinner table

Or more correctly put, “on” the dinner table


By the pleasant twitch of my nostrils

I would gather she was in her kitchen

A place so small and dark with coal dusted floors

Yet a place that brought about warmth and love



The vibrant colors of her beautiful harvest

Made even the oldest of porcelain dishes

Come to life like a finely crafted painting

But one for our consumption, not just for viewing



When she felt we had our fill

And the empty vessels cleaned and put back in their place

Behind the curtained cupboards,

She would take us out for an adventure

What would it be this time?


Would we canvass the hills for the perfect

Leaves and nuts, or butterflies for our school projects

Or would we go digging for old bottles

Blue ones, green ones, clear ones, ones with labels or corks

What had been in them, who left them behind for us to find?


Or would we be so lucky to have her share

Her button collection

Tin after tin, dumped out on the creaky feather bed

She knew where she found that black one or the one

That looked like it came from a movie star’s dress.

Always a story, now a great memory.


It was time to go

But we never left empty handed.

A trip to the root cellar, though scary

With the possibility of interrupting a snake’s nap,

Always ended with a basket of jarred goodness

The best of her…..home with us

Until we needed, more correctly, wanted, to come back for more.

More food, more adventures, more Aunt Imogene.


I miss her!


The Clock Strikes One
As I countdown
Until I can see you.
No more,
Chats, or texts
To keep us connected
While you work.
I will see you
Not a photo, but you.
My love.
Heart and soul,
We’ll be skin to skin.
Heartbeats and breath
Keeping time.

I wait for you.
And I would for a lifetime.
I’d yearn for you,
But I’d wait.
Love, so fierce,
So strong
No matter our distance from each other.
I long for it to be done.
So, I can show you
Our love.
Is still as strong.
Unbroken by what had to be.