No Penny For Dreams

Hope and dreams
Fill Schemes.

Slippery as soap
Both dreams and hope.

My dreams have seen
The things that might have been.

The sweat it seems
Is a part of my dreams.

I sit by the streams
With moonlight dreams.

I rise up from my dreams
With new found themes.

‘New Found Themes’ come to roam
To the hearth in my home.

Aspiring dreams
So it seems.

Everything it seems
Is beyond my dreams.

But never question my dreams
For they come in streams.

Just chase my dreams
However hard it seems.

I accomplish my dreams
With well thought out schemes.

At times it seems
He is always in my dreams.

Dreams have no logic
But plenty of magic.

Dreams reside
In the magic carpet ride.

Dreams make me whole
With a look into the soul.

Dreams are penniless
Of the soul it speaks.

Let’s start assuming
That life is about dreaming.

Sit by the stream
Dreaming beautiful dreams.

Bearing in mind, dreams will come true
By just using the right glue!


hour thirteen

the walk we need to learn

walking is our giving gift,
one step at a time
and one foot in front of the other
no looking back or
you might fall,
turn into a salt statue or
just die
disapear, be forgotten forever,
erased from the planet,

But now that i read the end of the earth,
i know the world is no longer round and
if i do walk in i will fall off the edge
and die
so what to do,
i cant look back
i cant walk backwards,
only bad people do that
and then they are punished
but what am i going to do

now that the world is no longer round
but flat as a pancake.
Forward is no longer an option
but staying put is no possible,
people start showing and pushing from behind
will i be strong enough to resist,
the leap into the unknown
or just let go,..

Words Can Do Wonders

Words have quality

That is the reality.


Words can deceive

Like water through a sieve.


Must be properly blended

Words once apprehended.


Words once said

Later we may dread.


The words need weighing

When you recite an old saying.


Words that generate heat

Try not to repeat.


Words that are measured

Forever will be treasured.


Words once said

Later we may dread.


Heartfelt word

Is better heard


Words that say nothing

Can amount to something


Choose your words better

If it is your last letter


With words you must play

When you know what to say


Best words in their best disorder

Will make room for fodder






Hour 21

24 Hours Is A Lot

The day had yet to ever stop

It seems like I will never sleep

My eyelids weigh more than barbells

And my body want’s to relax

My head is full of thoughts of sleep



Copy of a copy of a copy
Spinning into a lack of cogent
There is no definition
Making out the lines
Has become foggy
More of a guessing game
Than anything advertised

None of us signed on for this
And there is more every day
We need space
We need originality
Instead of tightening ligatures
Of conformity

As the boundaries get tighter and tighter
The lyrics of the songs
Blur into one long litany
Of Gimmee Gimmee Gimmmee
There isn’t enough for everyone
To have everything they want

Not when they don’t want it really
Not anyhow
Once their fingers are on it
It’s tossed to the side
The next illusion chased

All to the litany of gimmee gimmee gimmee
It never gets
It only takes
The dance of the copy machine
All running around
Trying to look, act and talk the same
shaming anyone who dares to stand

gimmee gimmee gimmee
copy copy copy
you won’t ever get what you’re wanting
Not this way
this isn’t what we’re here for
None of us really want this anyway

The dance of nihilism continues
Every single day
Killing the pain with whatever comes
Up the nose, with a pill, in a vein on a VISA card
Gimmee gimmee gimmee
The copies fade more each day

Prompt twenty one

He gave me roses


He knows I hate flowers

Especially roses

How cliché can you get?

And it wasn’t even a simple red rosebud

It was two dozen premium Peruvian Gold Circle Rose Winner roses

With blooms so big I could cover my face

Maybe that’s what he wants

Maybe he thinks these roses will cover what he doesn’t want to see

Or maybe just to cover my mouth

But I don’t think there is a rose big enough for that

A day passing

a day passing

A Sunday about to end
drenched day in the early morning
though passing the heat like summer day
evening calls next in the horizon
pushing in the limits of things
enriching life episodic days
clarity assimilating
ending a so meaningful
gracious spirits sharing
closing in the day with moment
greenery of City Forest garnering
always making meaning in the days passing

The Sole Desire

I have no hi-fi desire,
To overcome the mountains.

I have no hi-fi desire,
To bring draught to the water filled oceans.

I have no hi-fi desire,
To tread beyond the dark clustered clouds.

I have no hi-fi desire,
To get the beautiful heavenly sky on the earth.

But I do have a sole desire to-
Reside in everybody’s heart,
Bring glee on every depressed visage,
Overcome any hurdle with indomitable spirit,
Brighten every desolated path;

And I have the sole desire to-

Hour 14 Words again

Frogs jump in joy
as the rain leaves
drops of nature
for them to breed.
Evenings be filled with
laziness dipped in coffee
Tomatoes are to ditch
in a bowl of soup
for the noodles to finds its place
Jars kept open
to be filled with cookie shakes
as I am too tired of hot in colds
Raincoats lie folded in the corner of the store
reminding me of memories of childhood
that none seem to care now
Steaming pots of noodles
twisting up to a swallow
Peculating the stolen cup of ice cream
hiding from my mother’s glance
as it’s not to be had
with the rains
Children still indoors in their
den with empty water floods
without paper boats
All Elbowed into their joy
of playing that racing galore.
Mystery finds its place
in stores of the book
left open.
calling for me unveils its trance.

Copyright © Snigdha