First timer

Hi, my name is Donna.

This is my first marathon. Not just poetry, I mean, I think it is my first marathon of any type. We may have had a fund-raising dance marathon in high school, but if I remember right, everyone just signed up for one hour. So it was like a team effort. Not like stay-awake-all-night-crafting-something-sensible sort of thing.

I’m thinking:

In the darkest hours / When the brain is surely fried / Can one write haiku?


another introduction ~

Hi all ~

This will be my fourth marathon, although last year’s was a bust due to a serious family illness. I had to drop out before I really started. I was sooo disappointed.

This year, I’m settled in a new state, in a new chapter of my life. I’ve been a writer of one sort or another all my life — primarily poetry, but I also write non-fiction. I’ve published both, as well as journalism & academic writing. My work background is as eclectic as my writing: journalism, academia, the arts & humanities. Writing has been a doorway for me into all kinds of places & jobs.

My plan for this marathon (actually half-marathon; I do not function well on no sleep) is to just do the prompts. What I found in years 1 & 2 was that I just had to trust the process. Oh — and have a LOT of good coffee and/or Thai iced tea to help keep me going!

Here’s to poets, and their brilliantly coloured voices!

Year 3

Poetry and writing are essential to my wellbeing. I’ve been writing and publishing for almost half a century, so I write almost daily, but the half marathon gives me a day just to celebrate poetry. My schedule is crazy, but I find a way to make time for this.

Looking forward to Saturday!


Hi, my name is Tanya and I’m new to this marathon thing. I used to write stories and poems all the time but I lost a fiancee in 1994 to drowning and then in 1998 I lost another one when he was hit while riding his motocycle. I have kids by both. Anyway I’ve been busy raising my kids and just trying to get back to me. I’m throwing myself into this because I want to get back to writing and what better way than to stay up posting poems every hour. I hope to embrace what emotions and creativity I may have in me. Thank you for letting me be involved.


This is post to familiarize myself with the poetry marathon thematics.

Hello friends! I’m very excited to be here. My name is Ruchi and I live in Brecksville city, Ohio. I’m a published poet with a background of broadcasting media and print media, in India. I have been writing news assignments and news for a while but found my Nirvana in the poetry about 3 years back. Since then, I’m following, reading, writing, expressing thoughts, voices and issues through my poems. I write mainly on the gender issues, social issues and ecology. My poems have been published in online journals and anthologies in South Africa, India, UAE, Uzbekistan and USA.

My inspiration to write mainly come from my surroundings and memories. I am looking forward to learning from you all. And, hope to connect with the like-minded people from across the world.


a dream- inspiring

within confines of chaos

echo harmony and peace

Thanks! Happy writing everyone. 🙂

Testing with a Poem

The silky hot liquid steams in my mug

I inhale its frothy fragrance in.

It is rich and strong, with a touch of sweet

It awakes me so my day can begin.

I take just a sip and warmth fills my soul

Down my throat it flows so strong

I smile and stretch, my mind renewed

I rise and go all day long.

Newbie Me

This is my first Poetry Marathon and I’ll be doing the Half Marathon for starters. I’m in Clearwater Florida and just doing a test post at 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning (what?!) to practice. I’ve been prepping by cancelling all appointment from now until after the challenge, cleaning and decluttering my work spaces, and stocking up on essentials like English Breakfast tea. I’ll be playing here off an on to make some new friends and to get the feel for posting. I’m thrilled to be a part of this!



  • I’m a returning marathoner. I write poetry a lot and love thr challenge of the marathon – I like the challenge of sticking to the prompts as I find that way, it takes me beyond my comfort zone. My special interest is to match up my poetry with work from my other great passion – my photography. I have my own writing blog and facebook page where I share my work.

Not Really Sure What I Am Doing

I’m just here to write the words.

I’m Courtney. 25-year-old writer of sorts. I’ve been writing for the last 10 or so years and just recently made it into my full-time thing.

I’ll be participating in the full marathon. Though I have never participated before, I completed NaNoWriMo the first time I entered. So I am pretty confident that I am up for this challenge.

Any who. Hello, fellow poets. I look forward to our time together!

Feel free to add me on various social media outlets.

prompt for self & test of using site. ” published” 7/30/2017 Eastern time.

Preparation for the marathon, Saturday July 29, 2017, also printed on comments in another section.

A prompt for myself for the marathon
Poetry and facebook have many sides.
Two in particular, or should I say peculiar?
On one hand there are puppies and cats,
and restaurant food.
cute videos of fun times and hilarity.
Sweet notes of support and love and friendship.
The Human Connection at its best.
On the other hand, you have thunder and lightening,
dialog carried out with all the subtlety of a 2×4 to the head.
The storms of the inner self
crying for attention.
Both worlds deserve our attention and are fit subjects.