Moving (hour 12, 8:01pm)

I am stoked.

I am a furnace fresh

with wooden fuel.

I am moving to my own tune,

dancing with phantoms,

and loving life.

This is temporary, and the result

of a liberal glass of red,

luscious wine.

When we find that house, I will

plant grapes.

I will plant tubers

of potatoes, and asparagus.

I will have huge

rhubarb, and my kale

will win awards.

The red wine is a ruby jewel

reflecting light

through its portly waves,

and I wish for a moment I was

light enough

to wear a red velvet


Wine does this to me,

makes me wish

and wishing makes me


I move from here to there,

and am hopeful that the movers

will come

next week.

Of course, they won’t.

I raise my glass

to empty rooms.

To you, to this house,

to these walls that have sheltered me,

it is not your fault

that you are losing nails.

It won’t be long before

this structure crumbles,

and I weep

for the waste

of trees.

Bubble and Whir (8:00 PM)

In the bubble and whir of white noise around us

I heard your voice speaking to me.

The rest of the world fell silent.

I heard your voice and the percussive beat of

our two hearts.

The whole world softened and fell away to

make room for the miracle happening between us.

Poem #12

Beneath our storebought clothes,
The smiles we plaster daily on our faces,
And the filters available in Instagram,
It’s getting pretty easy to cover up our real feelings, faces, personalities.
Now, our friends and followers can see ‘who we are’ by just getting online.
They don’t need to talk to you face to face anymore.
It’s easier to send someone a text than pick up a phone and listen to someone else’s voice.
We all prefer our internet personalities to how we deal with problems in real life.
The internet gives us freedom, anonymity, courage.
But sometimes, we take those traits to the next level,
And we don’t see all the pain we leave in our wake.


White hair
Glistening stair
Playful-childish care
Nurturing my soul
Claiming each scratch
Within each hair
Something happens
Old age
The last moments
Of her
Lying asleep
Broken hip
Pee’s on floor
Blankets- blood
Hours crying
For her soul to come back
After the soul
Cold and stiff
Lying helpless
Within whiteness
Of light


1, 2, 1, 2, left, right, left, right, left
and lingering…
loafers are lace-less, listless, laughing
at the language-lopped, flopped flipped
Flying florid and flowing to

1,2,1 first, fourth, final


lights, camera, action

she’s so glamorous!
a gem, a bauble, a sparkly toy.
her mouth is perfectly pink, rounded
in all the right places, slightly puffed
out and wanting to be kissed.
her eyes; green, bright, dishonest,
they’ve seen some things that weren’t
as beautiful as she.
hair curled and made stiff with spray,
moves not an inch around her neck.
upon her ears dangle diamonds
and rubies borrowed from the jeweler.
she walks into the studio where
everyone starts to buzz around her,
finally able to work, get the shot,
be done for the day.
she stifles a yawn, makeup is applied
by a young woman in jeans, who tells her,
don’t smile yet.
which makes her burst out in a grin.
I have to work on her mouth again, the
makeup artist calls out,
and everyone groans.

#11 My Loyal Friend

You greet me whenever I come home
Doing your bumble bee dance of hello
You follow me around to keep me safe
From unknown predators in the house
When I settle down with tea and the paper
You sleep nearby, always aware of me
You remind me when it is dinner time
Heaven knows where you get your clock
But it is always very precise
You remind me to exercise
With your persistent nose prodding
You take me to bed most nights
Again with your amazing internal clock
Sleeping on the floor beside my bed
What a dear and loyal friend you are

simply moving

movement where something is pushing or pulling in every direction

unto life yet yielding to what is truthful and undertaking for known encounter

deep seeded treasures which can be denied upon

looking up to the upscale or down-line living

it is something to get out of one’s comfort zone

yielding in the innermost thrust

echoing and deepening in every endeavor

something to look forward midst the frailties of life abounds

simply moving


#12 – Finale

bittersweet ending
wounds bled deep in healing form
words poured out like rain
blood and water flowing down
mixing and taking new shape