hour 11 My big furry friend prompt 11

I throw the ball and u fetch it for me.

I call your name and you run back so quickly for all to see

You run around in circles chasing your tail for hours

Then you give up and look at me begging for treats, that bone he chews in no time he devours

As powerful you are you’re a gentile teddy bear always at my side

My big furry friend all cuddled up your so sweet tomorrow I’ll take with me for the ride

Runny Fear Post #1

Swimming in the plankton sea,

my running fear caught up with me.

My hopes and dreams can not be found,

reaching, groping as they drown.


One thing so powerful,

neither money,

nor love,

Its something

we share

as a writer

as a reader

its a bond

which keeps us going

hand in hand

we stand strong

A power only ‘us’

can provide …..

(Hour 11) 8.30-9.30am — #55 “Snakes alive”

Five is my lucky number, so I was very pleased when this number came out of the hat. So much so I’ve got two poems up for your delectation. I wish I had a chance to give the first one, one more verse, but oh well.



snakes alive
give us a bunch
it’s all the fives
some famous
some jackson

& one renault
no prizes
for picking
the odd one

clearly the Renault 5
French supermini
aka Super 5
aka Supercinq
aka Le Car

true to its number
they built nearly
5.5 million of em
take that Timmy
& Tito too



— snakes alive!
the sort of
my mother
spouts at the footy
to vent her
with how
the game
is proceeding
& the players

along with other
almost obsolete
idioms as:—
— alack & alas!
— boomshanka!
— ay, ay, chihuahua!

sometimes it seems
as if she wants to be a pirate
with her:— cor blimey!’s
— blooming heck!’s
— shiver me timber!ing
— gee whillikers!
— suffering suckatash!
& — gadzooks!

a vendetta
against god’s creatures:—
— loveaduck!
— leapin’ lizards!
— jiminy crickets!
— holy mackerel!
— ye gods & little fishes!

other times she berates
people not even present:—
— jumping Jehoshaphat!
— Jiminy Cricket!
— my giddy aunt!
— blimey charlie!

& then there’s the ones
that simply make no sense:—
— och aye the noo!
— pish posh migosh!
& — thunderations above!

& she wonders
why i’ve taken up


#10. Another low number. Though I think I’m due a short poem soon.

Summer Mornings

The birds woke me up this morning with some new sounds.

I can never memorize which is which, all of it is musical.  It’s as though

the sun switched on the light and surprised them all.


And so it is every sunrise.  I could invent a name for every birdcall,

a different name for each day.  They wouldn’t care.  The songs would

stay the same, perhaps with a mutant variation from year to year.


I am the one who would change.  My voice would be deeper, my text

would vary in cadence.  My feathers would turn grey, my wings shorter.

If she could see me now, my mother would find me changed beyond



©  Ella Wagemakers, 01.56 Dutch time (= 19.56 EST in the US)


Whimpers under the golden sunset
Lying awake
On top of the sweetest grass beads
And scratches
Golden dawn sleeps
Echoes- whimpers dry and weep
Crying for the master
The blessings of each hair line
Of warned protection
The soul misses
This feeling
All of them

#11 Adopting Molly

I adopted Molly four days ago.

She is sleeping at my side.

Her foster mom knew nothing about her dad.


I adopted little Molly for her playful nature.

She loves food of all kinds.

She likes playing with toys and in the garden.


I adopted Molly so Tsunami would have a little sister.

She likes him a lot.

He barks at her and she barks back. It’s working













Night Fragments (Hour Eleven)

We climbed out a window and lay on the roof.

The Universe sprawling out above us, in all directions.

I fell in love long ago with the silent silver streaking

Of shooting stars.

Fragments flaming, falling.

The crisp pinpricks of distant suns,

Some daring to be blue or orange to a human eye.

The black spaces in between, so full of what we cannot see.

Once I saw a comet, its tail a smudge.

It sat there, as though it were ordinary,

As though it did not come from the icy edge

Of all that we hold dear.

And once, an eclipse of the moon;

It turned blood red before my eyes.

It did not disappear,

But sat there disquietingly

In its rouge.

Hour Five. Morning Star.

I fell like a star from the sky

A ball of flame to blackened ground

As I stood in darkness

Fallen from the heights

Of great and luminous beings

I stood on earth liberated

I felt free and well

To think as I please

A challenger to that tyrant

Who would call himself god

No man is god to me

and no man should be

a god but to himself.

I stood amoungst man

Who called me Morning star,

Lucifer to their tongue,

I am the great illuminator,

Of light and knowledge

Of truth for oneself,

I gave them their right

to their own minds.

Of knowledge for good,

Or evil, No one being

purely either

I gave them also burning desire

For knowledge and truth,

For passion and pleasure,

For hate and love,

For the coo of a dove,

Or the howl of the wolf

That primal nature

Which all men harbor

For power and glory

For their own honour

Man stood mystified and fearful

Then some lamented

Their loss of innocence

Some foolishly wished only for bliss

A blind kiss from some misbegotten holiness

But you cannot have joy without pain

You cannot know glory without first knowing disdain

A man can’t truly live life without death

A life isn’t lived without loss

For with nothing to lose there is nothing to gain

So I be a snake in the sand?

Or am I something more grand?

Truth must be sought

Like Liberty is forever fought

While some kneel or bow

I stand strongly sound

Forever a rebel

I fight for my own heart!