Hour 10 (autobiography of a face)

Dimples as deep as her thoughts
She hates the scar that stretches
From the corner of her left eye
Down the side of her face
If only she knew how beautiful
He thought she was, scars and all
Because, he saw her story in every mark
Her scars showed him her triumphs
The wrinkles that recently showed up
In the creases of her eyes held experiences and secrets
She’d never shared with anyone
Her smile lines which she constantly injected with Botox
Let him know just how often
She kept a smile on her face
The autobiography of her face
If only she knew just how
Beautiful her story was

Autobiography of a face

Who do I need to be?

Stretching forward a hand to grab, extended fingers clutch

many jars on the shelf

Which face shall I wear?

this one went to senior prom though that one begged to go

but would not fit the dress

What will I need to do?

another used to sell furniture and got misread by

a boss who knew better

Where did the young one go?

hidden in the back, my favorite, kissed booboos and is

still wet with good bye tears

When can I go with out?

there is one no one has seen, under all the rest, waiting

the day that I can ask,

Why must I wear a mask?

Autobiography of a Face

I’m an oddly-shaped square
With pale, porous skin clinging tightly
I carry all emotions

I am different from others
Yet, still the same as all of the rest
I carry all emotions

My seasons

As the season pass one by one
I’ve learned the been selective in my
Battles it’s the peaceful thing to do; it’s better then being rigth.
With the amount of life experience accumulate in this 30years and
364 days, I’ve learn to stand tall
and proud of each of my accomplishments as well of my mistakes.
I learn to go out in a limb,
Not everything has to be black and white! There’s this thing call rainbow, there’s plenty colors to picky from.
I also remember my roots
It’s what keeps me humble and connected with who I’m.
I learn to know the difference of been thirsty or just been greedy.
I’m content with my natural beauty
I love my self for who I’m and what I stand for. It’s a must rule to show love and dedication to one self, before we could show it to others.
If there isn’t self love
There isn’t determination, courage, and survival skills.
I also learn to enjoy the view.
Life it’s to short to ignore the beautiful seasons and the miracle of life in everything around us.
The beautiful lady bug, the Eagles , the Owls and everything the it’s a living & loving thing.
I learn to enjoy the rain and the windy night. I learn to not take each day for granted. I learn to tell god thank you
For everything in my life. I’m in a temporary life stage , the I don’t know the day or time of my final departure.
But I do know the I want to live my
Life to the max and share the blessing of each awaking with my love ones. My life it’s continually starting a different cycle each time a year arrived. Feeling fearless and in control of my wants and needs.
This it’s me. I’m exactly where I want to be and won’t let go of my dreams.
This is an other wonderful season.❤️

—by Meriyen Marquez⭐️

Life – 10/24

I am still writing…


My story here…


So despite my scars and the memories of blood, 

My broken parts don’t leak into my definition


@ Angel Rosen (half assed poem)

Poem 10/24 – Autobiography of a Face

Poem 10 –Autobiography of a Face
There once was a girl
With golden blonde hair
So innocent,
So young
Her eyes would forever stare
Amused at the world,
Yet wise beyond compare
She knew no pain,
No sorrow
No fear
She lived in a world
Where kindness was as dear.
Naive was she
Until she grew into me…
Her youth faded,
Her innocence loss.
She continues to stare
Bewildered by this world
As she tries to relate
To her new reality –
Soulfully seeking herself in between…

6 pm Poem

Autobiography of a Face

Eyes that still gleam

With the memories of all they’ve seen

Lips that still smile

Even after all this while

Lines across the forehead

From years of worry

Crows feet at the eyes

From years of laughter

Marks and scars

Hard won in battle

The face reveals

The secrets of its life

Poem #10: La Vida.

Not only does the day drag on,

But baby, you lead me astray,

And I can’t behave in your presence,

I want to unravel and break all the shit in your home.

I want to destroy the peace that you cling to,

The emptiness of your mind, give me the time to rummage through every box,

And mismanage your heart the way you did mine.

Bitterness creeps through these halls,

And I am all of the best parts you could have been,

If you loved me and not her,

Or you loved who you really were,

But sometimes we hide in the closet until the darkness,

Comes to find us.

And the light, oh god, the light,

Will fucking ruin us with the truth,

Here in this city, if you do not get away from it.

I know that this is life,

The crazy ballad to our chaotic turns,

About the room, the glass figures telling us what we should do,

As you travel behind your walls,

That cover your mind and your heart,

Your lips moving but always silent,

Picking and choosing the lies,

The deceptive gold behind your tongue,

This day is for you, la vida, the life you lead,

This day is for you, all these poems are about you, baby,

The man who at 21, has ruined every good part of me,

And these are for you,

all of them, between now and later,

The satisfaction of your heart against my bones,

Seeping out like a runny memory we refuse to patch up,

I am here, the ghost, and the phantom pain,

Until you come find me,

La vida.

✨Slipping away✨

When your significant other it’s slipping away, and reviving memories isn’t enough. What it’s there left to do, but to let things flows. If you rush into it, it break faster, if you give too much space it ends, when you try to hard it just don’t work. So what it’s left to do. Express how you feel and hope they see things as you and deal with the anxiety of been the one label as the one responsible for the break up and the broken personality. How you deal with all the i security knowing the everything it’s about to end. Specially when your trying to hold on to dear life. The best to do its Let go of all your thought and guilt off been in the position of feeling as you just not good enough. Yes re-focus on you and the point the finger. Give your self time to think clearly and most important space before approaching , but if In your end you say it all, you just got to wait and see what’s more important to the individual and the would also tell you where you stand all along.
Crying help clean your soul , so if you must, let them out.