Parmesan Chicken

Pecking corn,

bright sunny day,

unaware, organic,

go this way.


chicken noodle,

hen my friend, never again.


Farmer’s market,

cold as ice,

unbeatable freshness,

breasted slice.

Kinda vicious,

yum, delicious.

down the trach(ea), for Peta’s sake.

We Need (Prompt 8)

“We Need” to let go

“We Need” to stop measuring freedoms

“We Need” to stop acting like we figured it out

“We Need” each other

“We Need” to accept ourselves

“We Need” to love more and speak less


By asking

What purpose is this serving me?

we can learn to let go


Freedom isn’t a condition provided to us by man

We either are or we aren’t

we can’t be both


No one here has figured it out

we only know what works for us


We are all in this life together


Together we can create vibrations

that will transform the world


What others think of me won’t matter

when I start believing more in myself


I don’t know the way things should be

I only know this isn’t it


Love is certain and quiets the mind





Poem 7

Love that reaches

beyond the heavens

deeper than the

trenches of the oceans

No one knows the ache

of that love

but she who bears it

She prays and hopes

that all she does

is right

She fed them

and prayed with them

and sent them to bed

when what she really did

was send them back to


for she could not

bear the ache

any longer

Others ponder

pass judgment

criticize and punish

There but for

the grace of that


go I

For I have known

hurt and despair

And I plumbed my heart

trying to reach

beyond the heavens

deeper than the

trenches of the oceans

I saw the gifts I had been given

and loved with all of my

God-given heart

For He named me


and asked me to take care of them

So I fed them

and prayed with them

and sent them to bed

to live the joy of

many days


Eve Remillard



Prompt 8/Poem 8

We need a resolution
A solution to a continuing issue
that has been plaguing this nation
My people are dying needlessly
In an endless war
A war considered by some to be obsolete
A war that has gotten much media attention
in days of late
due to the actions of the police
Killing black men, unarmed or packing plastic
pistols with orange tips, filled with BBs or metal
pellets, non-lethal weapons being carried
in states with open carry laws
that only benefit those who are not stigmatized
as being violent
We need to have a conversation
A conversation to address the struggle
between hard earned money and poverty
between easy money and prosperity
We need to unite as a country
as the melting pot we are
We must stop the violence against my brothers, against my sisters, against
anyone we consider different
We need to focus more on our similarities and less on our differences
We need to accept one another as human first
It is time…the time has come for change

She Sinks for No One (Hour Eight)

She sinks for no one.

She is fire and love and a caressing sweet breath of wind,

Playfully mussing your hair.


Love is her habit, not for gain,

But because it flows.


When the darkness came to call,

So brilliant was her light,

And so much her habitude,

That it did not darken her heart,

But provided a place for becoming,

Like a butterfly’s cocoon.


faces blood red, dripping, salty, sticky

bodies jump, twist, gyrate with and with out rhythm

screams over thumping thundering bass

t-shirts and leggings join the skin in a macabre duel of push and pull

World Chorus

say the bees and hummingbird in tune: we need sweet nectar, more flowers to grow
and the spiders say: we need less stomping and less death please
the bears chime in: We need more fish, more berries too, more seals, more ice would be nice
say we all: we need more sun, we need clean water, travel, we need less hunger, and to breathe
and the humans pitch in: we need to love one another, homes for the homeless, hate to begone, and art of course
dandelions have their say: we need the wind and breeze to spread our seeds
the praying mantises: we need to eat, we need to eat, eat, eat
say the wolves at night: we need to howl at the full moon each month with abandon
say the dogs: we need to howl too, but why?
say we all: we need more babies please. we don’t have enough babies!

we need we need we need…

Loss – 8/24

I guess I memorized the feeling of loss…
I guess I look for it everywhere
Sometimes I throw away something previously precious just to have a reason to be sad.
I guess, I know before everything, the feeling of losing.
The death grip of life as it takes something that was yours and plucks out it’s soul or simply puts her in someone else’s arms.

The feeling of loss makes my stomach rumble.
My anxiety triples, spews discomfort up my throat.
But I feel this in everything…
I can’t convince myself that anyone knows how to stay put

@ angel rosen

Hour 8: Bend

They call us witches

So let’s set ourselves ablaze

If they turn away

We’ll just watch each other burn


They say we’re useless

So let’s make ourselves lame

If they watch us crawl

On our neighbours we will turn


They say we have no morals

So let’s behave in sinful ways

If they think they know us

Then we’ll lend truth to their lies


They call us cowards

So let’s point away the blame

If they point right back

We’ll elect ourselves their spies


What they tell us

We’ll make true


What they give us

We’ll make do


Whatsoever they might make us

We will make each other, too