We Need Rest… 8/24

We need to come to a place
Where we would be able
To realize the importance
Of being human…

We need the assurance that –
No Matter what –
We will not lose our dignity
Because we are human…

We need to understand
That we need each other,
And also the animals,
And also the plants…

We need to link these all together
And begin to reverse the effect
Of carbon footprints
On this planet we that call “home”

And most of all…

We need to come to a point
Where we know for sure
That we need God
So that we can rest…

And last, but not least,
We need His Grace…
And we need His true rest
That only His Grace can bring…

Yes we, like all else,
Need rest…

© 2015 Antoinette LeRoux







We Need

We need justice
Not sympathy
We need change
Not hate disguised as criticism to tear us down
We need change
Not just for one community
one minority
one country
We need truth
Denial is ugly
It causes pain
Inflicts more destruction
We need action
Not the majority’s permission
We need unity
Love and care for one another
We need community
Providing paths for our children

Hour Eight

The future is a place I’ve never been, maybe I never will

It’s a thought I’ve yet to have

A spark not quite ignited

A dream I once had that may never come to pass


The past is a place I’ve yet to escape, maybe I never will

It’s a lesson I’m suppose to learn

Trauma and regret I can’t change

A time I’m destined to relive every night

Super Mouse

Super Mouse in my house,

We need you to leave.

You’re cute and furry,

But you run from me in a hurry.


Super Mouse in my house,

We need you to leave.

I asked you to leave.

But you refused.

Then I found mouse poop in my shoes.


Super Mouse in my house,

We need you to leave.

I asked you to leave once again

The day you scurried across my skin.

Now the battle must begin.

I play for real with a box of poison.


Super Mouse in my house,

We need you to leave.

You had one more romp across my dishes

Now, poor friend, you swim with the fishes.


Dead SuperMouse in my house,

We need you to leave.



POEM # 7





Billy and Bobby could be twins,

Listen as their story begins.

Billy is hard to see, being a flea,

Bobby is easy to see, being a bee.

Billy rides on Bobby’s back,

Once they flew to Hackensack.

These two are really quite a pair,

Flying in and out the screen’s tear.

Bobby buzzed and flew around,

Everyone ran hearing his sound.

Laughing watching people scatter,

Winking, as they cause such clatter.

Bobby said lets go sniff a flower,

I will be strong they give me power.

Sun going down, day almost over,

They flew in and out of the clover,

As day turned from light to night,

Both were ready for the next flight.

Written by Carl Mann

The kurlman


Tell Us Something We Don’t Know

Tell Us Something We Don’t Know

We need more money for education.

We need less money for political campaigning.

We need to think carefully about going to war.

We need to think more carefully about keeping the peace.

We need fewer forms of carbon-based energy sources.

We need more solar and wind and geothermal energy sources.

We need fewer bureaucrats and autocrats.

We need more independent thinkers and voters.

We need improved infrastructure.

We need fewer potholes.

We need committed parents.

We need to look out for one another’s children.

We need timely, affordable health care.

We need more taxes.

We need fewer taxes.

A Shoulder, Venting


Needy friends…
Do you know what burdens you place upon me?
You’re always crying,
“We need, we need.”

What are you good for…
You always have too many individual issues
to ever listen to what I have going on.

You never ask how my day is going…
Well, at least not with an open ear.
I have issues in life too.
“We need… we need.”

Maybe I should just walk away…
and let you face your problems on your own.
Think you would be able to handle that?
“We need! We need…”

Selfish? Maybe…
but I wish, just once,
that you would care to know what troubles I am facing.
“We need! We need!”

I’ll just suck it up… like always,
and continue to be your crying shoulder.
Maybe one day you’ll finally hear me cry,
“I need! I need!”


Your Shoulder

Oedipal Hibernation – Hour 8

We need, we need, we need, we need, we need…


from your hearts

Like haemophiliacs

Who all lack

The art

Of consideration

Stuck in Oedipal hibernation…

So like a parent gone wild

In the supermarket aisle,

I’ll see your demands and raise you:

I’ll beat you at your own tantrum

Listen carefully, please do –

It may take a while to get accustomed:

I need!

I need!

I need!

I need!

I need!

(c) Gemma Hinton 13/06/15