hour 5 poem

surface wind

over the lake

no willows

to bend over

before my

apprentice wizard


nature can also

do magic

at Hogwarts

Hour 5 (My daughter’s p.o.v.)

Mommy is giving me that look again
I wish we would just play pretend
She’s going to lean in close to my face
Very seriously, while making sounds I don’t understand

Wait… I think this mumble jumble gibberish
The grown ups speak has meaning
Now mom keeps pointing to that picture, repeating the same thing
Let me try… “eye keen” no… that’s not it… “eyes kweem”

What is this foolish woman trying to do?
She looks so silly with her eyes so big
pointing to her mouth dramatically, too
Thinking the exaggeration will help me learn

Mom, I clearly hear you saying “ice cream”
But learning to say it is a difficult thing
If trying again will make you stop,
Then I’ll give it another shot

“ice kweeeeeeem”
Look at mommy gleam!
“ICE kweeeeem!”
I’ve got it! Mommy is smiling so big!

Yummmmmy! So this deliciousness has a name
And all this time I thought it was mommy’s silly game
Every time I wake, I learn something new
Maybe tomorrow I’ll teach mommy about my nose’s green goo

My Lost Star

My Miracle is yet to meet my yearning soul
Still scanning this Universe with some light years ahead of us
He and I are like lost stars in this ocean of constellations
The crescent moon is at bay with its beaming glory
Unknown ’til now that we might be each other’s destiny.

Author/Poet Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo

Hour Five

Granting wishes

Righting wrongs

Waving wands

Singing songs

A fairy’s work is never done

Happy thoughts

Children fly

Boys lost

Mothers cry

A fairy’s day isn’t all fun

Crocodiles tick

Pirates fight

Darling children

Homeward flight

A fairy’s world is full of woe

Believers clap

Lives saved

Lost found

Adventure craved

A fairy’s life, I love it so

Because of You (Because of Me) (Hour Five)

I ran.

I ran to run towards and away.

I ran to move.

Like a shark, I would die, if I did not move.

Columns of sorrow rose up in this city.

I never perceived them before.

It took near-fatal heartbreak,

To become sensible

To the near-fatal heartbreak that is like fabric,

Like mesh,

The warp and the weft.



You threw a javelin.

How did you have such perfect aim?

And I, compelled to run,

Cannot remove it, or I will die outright.

What a heavy object with which to move.

What weight I bear because of you (because of me).

Window AC

I have power buttons and thunder sounds,

And they complain I run too loud.

But I stand still, balanced

On their window sill,

Half in and half out,

In the heat and in the house.

I may not look like a ballerina,

But that is what I am.

I dance my cold air dance

Like a swan in the moon light

My boxy shape and industrious frame

Dances en point in the cool

Relief of restful human dreams.

Into Light

Passing into light

From darkened shadows of trees

Take your flight, sweet dove


by Karen Sullivan

Form: Haiku


I wake up and go to check up
on the older female, as I know
all too well when she has to be
up and walking towards the
kitchen, then I can eat.

It’s a thing, I don’t eat alone,
even when the bowl is full,
I need the company of a

Most days are pretty much
the same, they get up, they
leave and they come back,
usually at the same time,
and as the other four-legged one
is old, she is no longer the
messenger of the keys dangling
outside the door, my hearing
is much better as I am
still young.

And yet today, they have taken
them out again, the soft boxes
the ones that are not always
open and often just
too large for me.

They are moving objects
that take up space in
the soft box, and I hurry
to climb in, to take up
my space, that should
rightfully belong to me.

They think that I don’t know,
but I see they are leaving.
I know they will be back, but
I just really want to
go with them.

Cat in a suitcase
Runa packed

Dramatis Personae

You open the door with no inkling of what’s to come;

Today is the day I end it;

We had a fun run, but it’s over, don’t you see?

And this is going to be icky;

Because you won’t cooperate;

Sitting there with your green eyes;

Crying like a bitch;

Why can’t you just yell at me like I want you to do?

Then I could yell back, leave and slam the door;

It would be the easiest thing for both of us;

Instead, I have to sit here and listen to your weak shit as you blubber in my lap;

And while I hold you I have to look around the room;

I see the reminders of the times we fucked like beasts;

I see where you held me as I told you about the woman I loved who left with tears in my eyes;

And where, after I apologized taking up our  date with that story, you just smiled and said “This is the work”;

No, bitch, this is the work

Because now I have to leave.



Divine Mind

A crack in the sky

lets sunlight seep

through the logy muck

of morning and mourning

making this one moment

peculiar, enough to reach

up and tear open

the heart of the orb

that sustains us

while pulling us under

into the distant keening.