Haiku(s) (5)

Sometimes I am sad
Green-eyed cri de coeur hasten
down pale Irish cheeks.

When my third eye sees
the beauty of your old soul
my heart skips a beat.

Ennui as quicksand
your hand pulls me to safety
blood moon guards us both.

A High-School Junior’s Prescription for Pimples

A High-School Junior’s Prescription for Pimples

Take one each night before bedtime:

SAT score

College application

Grant application

Loan application

Acceptance letter

Rejection letter

Career Counselor Conference

Decision: commuting or residing on campus

Decision: community college or four-year university

Choosing a major

Finding a job

Saving money

Incurring Debt

Dealing with parents

Losing best friends

#5bis – Your body does the work

20150320-232317Your body does the work

You float away from it


You wait for something

And suddenly you see it


It joins you

You can’t say it’s good


Or bad,

You just can’t do otherwise


Your body does the work

That you cannot do


Your body is alone

When it’s not with you


You use it to bind you

To the ones around you


Always better

When they’re new


So bad they’re so blind

Even with the power lighting


Totally above true dreams

Come shine in my clues


Your body does the work

You float away from it







E A Poe

Darkness is my light

Poetry is my pain;

Broken silence in the night

Bears my Name


Walls of decay guide my way

Brightness is a blur;

Sanity is decay

Fear is my fantasy


I write of pleasure;

I write of pain;

My tortured soul

Shall remain

As I dip my





On the shelves

Behind the walls.


Death and demise

And vulture eyes,

Black cats,

Sealed caskets,

Boarded up behind the

Mortar and the bricks


In your nightmares

In your dreams

Within the bright moon beams,

I am the ticking of the clock.

John Doe (Poem 5)

I loved her
I should’ve told her
But I thought she deserved better
More than me
I thought I was giving her a chance
I could see it in her eyes
I could feel it in her spirit
The love as well as the pain
The pain I created
I yearned to make the pain go away
I could’ve made the pain go away
She took mine away
I should’ve told her I loved her
Without her my life hasn’t been the same
Now it’s too late
Contemplating irrevocable mistakes

#5 Neighbor

Clean up that yard for heaven’s sake!

Don’t you even own a rake?


It’s a useful activity, so do some weed-wacking.

But no! You take off and go back-packing.


Pay someone to do it. You could, you know.

Just don’t let those weeds grow!





Flaming Edge

Poem Five for the Hour Five

he invented the pendulum of change
welcomes each difference to create
kaleidoscope of men’s healing grounds
he is a matchstick lighting candles
of small words of the small worlds
he is a street corner of philosophy
son of S.A.P.-Socrates, Aristotle and Plato
S. who didn’t write books but gave
a rise to teacher’s teachings
A. for his long walk to the Golden Mean
a counsel in moderating things
P. with his great physique
who believed in pre-existence
and immortality of the soul
he is a Father of all fathers
not a demigod who spits feign
his mind soars the infinite horizons
his flame goes beyond
truth of all truths
he is the timeless ageless warrior
like Vulcan’s undefeated fire


(c) Ceri Naz
photo credit: http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Tr-Wa/Vulcan.html

Panic Poem 5

Unforeseen, sudden,
heartbeat increases suddenly
I can’t breathe
Gasping, gasping for breath
Watching, watching my surroundings
I can’t move…
Nerves thrumming like guitar strings
Silver, a taste of metal in the back of my throat
Am I going crazy?

Big Talk

(Sorry, this one says some not-nice stuff. It’s about a not-nice person, and in no way reflects the views of the author.  If you are uncomfortable with strong abusive language, keep scrolling.)


You know what I said, girl?

I told the sons-of-bitches they could all fuck off!

But they’re still out there, spreading lies about us, kid.

Got to circle the wagons

until all this talk dies down.


Yes, I say“nigger” if I want to,

because I sing the blues.

Even B. B. King said I was a white nigger.

Anyway there ain’t no dirty words, kid,

only hurtin’ words

and they only hurt if you listen.

No one’s making you listen.


Don’t walk away when I’m talking to you.


Call me a bastard?

Call me a son-of-a-bitch?

I could shoot you where you stand, girl.

You don’t talk about a man’s mother

unless you are ready to die.


You know I won’t cheat on your mother-

don’t roll your goddamn eyes at me!

I’m not a cheating man.

You can’t understand it but

a man’s word is his bond, his honor;

aside from whiskey, it’s all he’s got.