
A hummingbird flaps its wings up to 70 times per second


Which is how fast my heart beats when you look at me

And I cant find the perfect words to say

So I just look at you, and smile and wonder if your heart is beating as fast as mine

They say when you hear someones heart beat, your heat syncs to their beat

I wonder how many times, when you were on top of me

When we were a tangled sweaty mess, our heart beats became one

Two hearts beating, 140 times a second

Baby we could power small cities

Small cities filled with jealous lonely hearts wishing they could beat as fast as ours




This Place

This Place
Virginia Carraway Stark

The leaves wave
Away the tears
And lines on your face
They say it’s safe
And make this place
Paradise even for a day
The wheel of fate
Is graven here
As is each roses thorn
And every petal
Made of pink silk
The leaves rustle
In the invisible
And the rain cleans off your face
Here in this place
Each dew drop
In the very hand of grace


The moment my heart felt love.

That moment my heart.

Filled with love .

One side of my heart filled with love.

The other side filled with pain because that day.

You die you took my heart with you.

The moment my heart felt.

Love that moment my heart felt pain for the love that.

Went away has fast my heart felt it.

Know matter how love comes into a heart.

it can be just a moment when the heart.

Die from a love that was forever.

Prompt for Hour Five

Write a persona poem. A persona poem is when you write from the perspective of someone else; e.g. not your own perspective. That person can be imagined, or someone you know personally, or alternatively the poem can be from the perspective of a famous individual. That person can be alive or dead or even fictional.

Land of Perfection


Back in the days, before the injection, life was not like it is today

people spent their time at labor

often with little rest,

then they found the perfect serum

and here we are,

look at us,

living here

We spend our days at the coliseum

watching them rip each other; from ear to ear

Before the injection and the time of Perfection

we had to watch them suffer

it was all their doing, and their choice

But now all is well in the Land of Perfection

Lie back

inject the serum

you don’t want those cracks to show…

By: KMH 2015

POEM 4-Us in the mirror

What if Cinderella had said ”Mirror, mirror on the wall”

and not the well-known Snow White?

What if my story was yours

and if your story was mine?


What changes if you are a beggar or a prince?

Does anything change at all?

If yes, for whom?

For you or for the people around you?


Will you care more for society’s whims

than for your soul, than for your beliefs?

Are we going in the right direction?

Or are we wrong? Quo vadis Domine?

Hour 4: Fighting Clichés


All bent out of shape, I abandoned ship

As the Cliché Monster destroyed every quip.

I tried to look on the bright side, but he was armed to the teeth,

He preyed on every word I tried to bequeath.


At my wits end, I beat around the bush

Writing lyrics I knew would fall at a push

I put my heart into it, but pound for pound

The monster threw curveballs and they all hit the ground.


I cried ‘all hands on deck!’ And help was at hand;

As luck would have it, the best in the land.

I had an ace up my sleeve that was good as gold

I invited her in from out of the cold.


The Poetry Fairy had got back from her hols,

From the sun, sea and sex, from the booze and the lolz.

“What’s up, m’love?” she asked with a grin.

Said I, “The Cliché Monster has wandered back in.”


“I’m back to Square One, and I’m bored to tears;

The monster attacks my work in all gears.

I wish he would just go and bite the dust

Or I’ll be unable to earn a crust.”


The Poetry Fairy sighed and looked pained

She took out her bazooka, took position and aimed.

The magical dust bomb puffed a plume of pink dust

Coating the clichés in a fine, single gust.


“Thank fuck!” I exhaled. “He’s gone back to the bogs.

Thank you so much; you are the dog’s.”

“No problem” she said. “Another day, another dollar.”

“Just a joke,” she tittered. “If you need me again, holler.”

Sound Bytes

Waves push past tentacles

Quivering in clear blue

Waves thick with life.

Circular flow



Undulating gazpacho

De mer la vive.

Silence not silent.

Not silent.

Loud clattering



City of ancient life

In a silent sea.

S. Kiss Snows

I’ll give you kisses with my nose
Like we were Alaskan eskimos
Fighting the arctic winds as they blow
How else do you think they survive in the snow?