
You were just a speck of stardust in my sky
floating, lingering, a faded memory I can’t deny,
the swirling galaxy in my head, my star from another universe.
It’s been hundreds of light years since JOY dawned on me
Didn’t notice you before as I’m too pre-occupied being captivated by CENTAURUS,
You were just there, one of the LIGHTS in my own constellation but I was too blind to see.

One day my life had a complete turn around
By just staring at your serene face takes me to the Heavens,
Like a LIGHT illuminating my path spreading good CHEER
Removing me from a dark hole of OBLIVION.
You’re like a NEBULA which left my heart amazed
And here I am standing right before my FUTURE,
ANDROMEDA is waiting for her ORION’s heart to awaken
For them to share eternity in a lost world that is yet to be discovered.

Your star and my star sometimes COLLIDE,
But your beam keeps on striking me even from a far
The fierce look in your eyes tells me something you can’t simply hide
Yes, you are drawn to my radiant ANGELIC glow…
DESTINY and space will let our SOULS meet time and again
In a thousand reincarnations I have seen your many faces…
There’s always something familiar about YOU anywhere we meet.

My DREAMs would take me sometimes to a far away planet in the MILKY WAY
METEORS and COMETS accompany me to the path leading again to you…
You’re a BEAUTIFUL mess of neon hues circling my mind like the rings of SATURN
The son of VENUS …
Yes, it’s always been YOU in a trillion lifetimes, I have been following YOU
My constellations will help me to tell YOU how PRECIOUS you are, my ORION.

Author/Poet Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo


Barely breaking daylight,

doggies on the bank,

and a broken line knotted

over, under, and again

to hold the slippery catch.

I wade deeply into the center

where there is no calm,

casting an offering; an alm

for the fish gods.



Lexical Let-Down

An encounter with an extra terrestrial:

My intellectual burial.


An entire dictionary ahead,

A thesaurus with a blend

Of colours and sensations,

All the precise evocations

Of things that within our lexical limitations

We cannot comprehend

With our basic communications…

And all the frustrations,

Because of the half-truths they send,

Would come to an end

If only we could master – through diplomatic negotiations –

The languages spoken in intergalactic nations


The liberalisation

And diversification

Of thought

If we only knew the concepts denoted by words

Coined in other worlds –

For issues we’ve never even encountered

And the means by which they are surmounted.




In an old computer that I used I found your poetry,
The image of a room,
I don’t remember rhyme or form but four bare walls sit with me still.
No light or sound in that room you built,
But silent echoes still rebound.
I chase your mind from birth to now and try and see the underneath.
I turn my own thoughts next to yours, to see reflection into me.
In all the stories I was told,
All the lies lie next to me.
Before memory came love,
Love in controlled doses,
Even to the others share,
But I never cared.


juxta #3

So I go strolling

And it isn’t very long before I find

I’m in a place I don’t belong

I wandered down this alley because I’d switched off all my thinking

And now I’m here I understand that I’m figuratively sinking

Why else would I be on a muddy river bank?

If not to wallow as I wander. Look through the water dank.

It swirls so dark before me, cold, unfriendly, thick and grim

And I can’t help but wonder if I’m going to just sink in .

And then I see them sitting, coloured umbrellas in a row

With men lined up in uniformity, sitting cosy below

They’ve boxes and they’ve lunches and they’ve snacks and they’ve solitude

And I certainly shan’t disturb them. That would just be rude.

But I find irony and humour in this crazy juxtaposition

I wandered here so black of heart, and these guys are simply fishin’

Cecil’s Nindo

Walking through a meadow
With weapons in her hands
She’s searching for the one,
The criminal who fled.

He took her loved ones lives
He cut into their hearts
He laughed as they all fell,
And so he marked his death.

Training in the shadows
At last she hones her skills
She strives to grow stronger,
To be a lethal girl
And find the bloody fiend.

The darkness is her home
It’s taught her how to live
And strengthened her redolve-
He will take his last breath.

So when the monsters dead
What will this woman do?
Within the shrouds she’ll live
And help the others grow.

Beware this woman’s wrath
Devours it does all
Because she’ll lose control
When loved one’s are injured.

If calm you should find her
Know that her wrath does sleep,
That with her loved one’s screams
It’ll wake to ravage all.

Those born within the shroud
Are safe from her dark heart.
Those loyal to the shroud
She’ll fight to keep them safe.

9 a.m.

your eyes, your smile,

your endless chatter

that sounds like bird song

my child.

A Small Irish Iliad

Naoise tied a red string in her hair

And whispered her name.

Deirdre, with the voice of the forest;

Deirdre, with the litheness of the sparrow;

Deirdre, with the song of the three rivers;

May the music of your body beat

To the rhythm of those who came before us.

May our love, even in death, grow.