Estacy (Prompt 4)

The love I feel for you my love
is more than I can explain
The way my heart beats for you
Its like a drum at bay

Drifting on the sea of love
I quiver at the smell of your robe
the lust in my heart is unbearable
as I lunge towards your land of pleasure
my eyes are blinded by the sight
of pleasure lurking in my mind.

Moments unsung
pleasures have won
words are not lost
Treasures are born
a long lasting love, that whispers
the pleasure of your treasure.
Abundantly blazing through
every vein in my body is the
satisfaction of your long
unfainting desire.
You estacize my entire live wire.

Chicago Calves

My calves have always been my best feature, I think.

I can thank mom for that, with her “Chicago Walk.”
As she always called it.

Never in a hurry, but always on the run.
That was just her way.
A speed walker at 9, I was going to train
Whether I had a race or not

I can thank Mr. Blue, too.
That one time in 5th grade, when he made me do squats for an hour straight
In the back of the classroom for being a smart-ass

At least it felt like an hour

I ran home that day, because my legs burned if I went any slower
Feel the burn, indeed.

I don’t run as much, these days
I catch myself “Chicago Walking”, sometimes, though.

My calves still look good.

Not Today

Someday the day will come when I can see your name and smile;

I’ll be able to think of the good times we shared;

And how much joy you brought to my life;

Someday I’ll be able to remember your beautiful eyes;

How they sparkled equally in the Bay Area moonlight and in the sun of a beach afternoon;

Without my own filling with tears;

Someday I’ll be able to close my eyes and not see your face;


That day

Is not





Hour 3

I sunk beneath the waves
and did regret the afternoon
that had seen me a victim of
submission. I wondered if the creature
that watched me would scoop me out
anytime soon and devour me
from between his claws.

Hour 4


From a century of mistakes that I could choose to make
I chose what put the laws of love at stake

I am fire, he, the sumptuous calling sky
I am earthbound, he, heavenly high
In passion irrevocable, I betray my creation
Where, my binding tradition, do I find my aspiration?

From a century of mistakes that I could choose to make
I chose what put the laws of love at stake

I am the soul of his love, he utterly unaware
I am those desires inconsolable, bounds beware
In the ringing of the wind and the caress of the rain
How long creation, must my heart you detain?

From a century of mistakes that I could choose to make
I chose what put the laws of love at stake

I am a distant twinkle, he a wonder blinding
I am a drizzle bashful, he a deluge in hiding
In nights of wonder wandering the unholy
Nature, why may I not make him mine solely?

From a century of mistakes I could choose to make
I chose what put the laws of love at stake

I am evident, existing, he, unnoticed a thought
I am burning, sinking, he, the refuge sought
In the forever bubbling, singing stream
O life cruel, why is he only a dream?

Tradition, creation, nature and life, may all you take
I gather apologies but no regret for my mistake
For I willfully surrender to each error I make
And put all laws of love at stake

Subversion (hour 4, 12:05pm)

Life is science fiction,

she said.

It stands reason on its head,

and drowns the memories

of yesterdays.

Look up, she said.

See what stars you can

in the daylight sky.

She is this close

to sanity.

I’ve lived here before, she said.

I’ve walked these steps,

in these shoes,

on these days,

and have yet to step off.

I keep returning, she said.

I keep forgetting the message,

what it said, and where I left it.

I experience, she said,

all the joys anew.

This close to sanity…

All the sorrows afresh.

I’ve forgotten where I left my map,

she said.

Four hundred times,

repeating the same moments,

walking the same shoes

into raggedy bits,

leaving my heart gently folded

into origami birds,

spread out one after another,

on the ocean’s waves.

She is holding my eyes,

and she really is,

this close…

Broken in

my ankles are shaking, please help me, please. I don’t understand why this walk is so hard, who are you to buckle me down, change my thoughts of myself into something so hateful, so unworthy, deplete me as if all I have is not enough, who am I. I constantly forget to ask myself this so I may say out loud who I am… and with the confidence implanted in me some where I am self loved enough to hault the shake…

#4 poetry marathon: Ropotics

command this
control this
option (alt) that
everything happens …beep, beep, beep, blip, blip, blop.

clickety click per minute.
click. beep., click, click, blop.
click, click, click, beep, beep.
sound system of our lives.

Time. Fast.
not enough time.

causes our bodies to break down
cortisol to increase (beep. beep. beep. beep!!!!)Melatonin to decrease (ahhhh!)

Whatever happened to thyme.




12 pm Poem


Meet cute

Meet cute again

Love at first sight (or second)



Hand holding

Stolen kisses

Sweet caresses

Lazy mornings

Date nights

Soul mate

My true romance