Fishing 3/24




Some people go fishing,
Others fish every day…
The former group fish for cyprinids,
The latter fish for compliments…

© 2015 Antoinette LeRoux

#3 Fishing

Each day you cast your net
Put out your carefully baited hooks
Waiting patiently for signs that confirm your reality,
Your control of the world
Some days your boat is full
you drift,
wondering where the catch is.

Trail of Tears (3)

Always, when I am driving
through the territories
when dusk descends
I see them.

Void of artificial lights
bold flashes of white figures
in the ancient darkness
sentry the highway.

Communication of souls
direction and guidance
the movement on my periphery
tells me I am not alone.

The 3rd hour

Let patience have its perfect work.

And so it is with the sport of fishing.

Man versus animal – a game of wits.

The bigger the catch yields all the accolades and glitz.

Curse you fish fillet! How I wish I didn’t love you so.

How you were seduced and harvested, I’d rather not know.

A casted line and hooked wiggle worm, ready to pierce your mouth and watch you squirm.

Don’t fall for it Nemo, it’s a trap! Haven’t you seen this before?

Dori was lunch last week and you’re just the snack they’re looking for.

Lord, please make me a vegan as fast as you can.

I’d so rather be a fisher of men.

good catch

Poem Three for the Hour Three

my father was a fisherman
he had his fishing tackles
kept at the backyard store room
i loved the fresh catch
freshwater fish, prawns and shells
i would asked him
why he needed to fish
his answer was, ”i love your mom”
i always wondered why he told me that
it was like a deathless joy in his heart
i have learned Ichthyology
and still a mystery for me
where do fishes came from
what would be like if there are no fishes
in the ocean, lakes, and rivers
i was in grade five
when my father died
i told myself i don’t like ”fishtalk”

two decades and seven
i have learned to fish
at the Steveston Waterfront
it reminds me of the one who loved my mom
until i loved to fish and yes fish loved me too
i love cooking, i love serving
and tell my friends bon appetit
it’s unfleeting words of wisdom
why good catch
is like my father’s love
to someone’s best
he fished with all his love

( my fishing memories at Steveston Waterfront, Steveston, British Columbia)

#3 – Rainbow of Life

Red, vibrant
In the beginning there was energy.
Or so the scientists would have us think.
It’s still around, in everything,
moving back and forth, up and down,
in circles and patterns.
Vibrating eternal life.
Flowing through you,
as the colour of your blood
matches that of my lips.

Orange, creativity
In the beginning there was creation.
Whether by external force,
or by itself –
that may be debatable.
Recreating nature’s beauty,
now that’s a challenge for life.

Yellow, wisdom
Wise men and women
are often portrayed
with grey hair.
And yet, wisdom is not
necessarily related to
age, hair or teeth.

Green, nature
Green is the colour
of all things good
and safe
and friendly.
And yet you will
throw out your cheese
when it turns green,
no matter how
natural that is.

Blue, divinity
If blue means divinity,
would feeling blue
make someone divine?
Perhaps the most
controversial colour,
with so many different meanings
in other languages and cultures.

Indigo, infinity
May we all be reborn,
as indigo children,
continuing the infinite circle
of life. Coming back.

Violet, spirituality
I believe in a spiritual
connection between all
living beings and nature,
whether we need divinity
to define it, or not, we are
all one.


Inspired by:

Rainbow colours and meanings



Who isn’t?

Under the air, silky smooth caressing me while I glide deeper, ever deeper…

Bubbles tickle rushing past my long, slow hair as I turn and see the others staring back at me…

Who is the Shark now?

#3bis – Butterfly grass on a bird, Chinese gown

20150409-111926The flowers on your dress

Are not real

They are much better

They are much more

And less too


The flowers on your dress

Never dies

They go fearless

With all the powers of

Being flowers


More than that, on top

Of the grassy bird

The butterfly is flying

Flowing and giving birth

To the young pretty girls


The flowers on your dress

Are not real

They are much better

They are much more

And less too





Mr. and Ms. Busybody Go Fishing

Mr. and Ms. Busybody are always standing by,

listening and fishing,

 is how they spend their life

Mr. and Ms. Busybody standing by Gossip Lake

fishing all day, and all night

 no matter what it takes

Mr. and Ms. Busybody have nothing else to do

they love to fish

they love to catch

and love to stir their stew

Mr. and Ms. Busybody are really rather sad


has been the best time, they have ever had

by KMH 2015