Heart Beat

I’m tired and by far completely
Drained of all the things that make me
But my pen
Bleeds and
Bleeds and

Until I can feel
Alive again

Lub Dub Lub Dub Lub Dub

Taking on the characteristics of a
Pounding life
Supplying the necessary oxygen everywhere

Lub Dub Lub Dub

But it’s just a pen
For me

Lub Dub

Giving life
When I can’t find a way



My Mind is a Mine of Gold

Hour 22 – 3:00 AM 


Who’s mine am I in?

Or, Who’s mind am I in?

These words look like coal.

Pressurized diamonds create images of old.

Jewels upon jewels, I’m scolded for all the gold.

Any two day pass created a new arrival.

Enterprise, and monopolies is how we compromise for survival.

To many robots playing the part.

How can we evolve, if we don’t know where to start.

– J.C.  ©


I closed my eyes four hours ago.

My words withered into hardened berries clinging to a November vine.

My body ached like the leafless lone oak standing in a harvested Wisconsin field.

My muse was mute.

But the hum of my heart promised
deep sleep
blessed rest
night night
sleep tight.

So I picked up that gauntlet,
only to dream
a thousand sweeter poems.

“Lucky Thirteen”

On that hot, humid night,

He walked slowly to the inn.

Halfway across the street,

He paused.


The faintest nauseating whiff

Of week-old cloying sweat,

Tinged with palpable fear.

He smiled.


And then, the slightest whisper,

Of steel being drawn

By a trembling, uncertain hand.

He grinned.


The taste of excitement

Coursed through him,

With the prospect of another duel.

He laughed.


Anticipating the side attack,

He quickly spun.

Battle-scarred sword in hand,

He thrust.


The fusillade of arrows soared down,

Spearing him instantly.

Collapsing in agony,

He died.


Hungry stomachs churn

with food anticipation,

then turkey is served.

5AM Hour 21

Made it to hour 21

3 more to go

I’ve got this now

slept about three hours

in bits and pieces thru the night

My brain is misfiring

coherent thoughts not forming

The sun is rising

my family still in bed

two and a half hours more to write.

Got it!

Pieces Poem 22

Squirming against the current

Jaded in my soul

I cower in a corner

Afraid of what I know


Grief, apathy, and anger

Has split my soul apart

Broken pieces, small crumbles

Dangerous pointed shards


Get up you lazy coward

Pick those pieces off the floor

Put yourself together

But the pieces are too small


I cower in a corner

Afraid of all I’ve seen

Pieces of hope are scattered

My life a broken dream



Golden Clasps

A poor and loathesome begger
Through devious channels
Put his filthy long-fingers
Onto the head
Of a young girls golden curls

“You are my child,” he muttered
Blindly, his rheumy eyes cauled over
“You were birthed in the ancient

She didn’t cry
Even when his rotten, toothless
Moved enough to her ear
So that she could feel his whiskers
And his hot breath

“Can you keep a secret?” He asked
His voice trembled with his demand

She nodded and only a mute whimper
Showed that she was more afraid
Than he

“Can you keep a promise?” He looked her
Full in the face
His brown, bloodshot eyes
Scanning her large blue ones

Both sets were filled with tears

Finally she made her lips
Move and murmured, “yes”.

He reached into a satchel
That could have been made
Of most anything

And put into her tiny,
Plump hands
Two golden clasps

She felt that something had happened
The clasp vibrated in her hands

The begger turned and left her
All ferocity now
Gone from him
And he shambled
With broken shoulders
And never even
Glanced back

The girl opened up her fingers
Her face lit up with gold

She murmured, ‘yes’

And put the clasps in the
Bottom of her jacket pocket
And skipped down the street
Where her friends were
Already at play

Who Do You Want To Be?

Five years old, “Who do you want to be?”

A pilot and a diver and a sailor on the sea.

Ten years old, “Who do you want to be?”

A teacher and an artist and a kind mother to three.

Fifteen years old, “Who do you want to be?”

A doctor and a lawyer with a bachelors degree.

Twenty years old, “Who do you want to be?”

A person who remembers what it’s like to be happy.