On a winter’s afternoon- when the magic happened

One wishes deep down inside for the

Magic to happen

On the surface an air of detachment

Disbelief that such a thing can

Happen in the physical


From a soul level the outcry to

Find the magic and the oneness

With another soul is all too consuming


Head and heart in disconnection

The mind convincing the heart

That it’s acceptable to deny these

Feeling deep within our hearts

For when the magic happened


When the connection of two souls

Heart to heart took place

Lifted the roof and at alast

The synchronisation of heart and soul


So what happened to the fear? Where did it go? Never mind

Enjoy the moment

The aching coming from the heart space

The emergence of unconditional love

The over whelming emotion felt by

To two souls in the oneness in that moment

Freedom sort from many different avenues

All external


Yet freedom comes from within

At that very moment when you surrender yourself

To another soul

No doubts, no fears

trusting in the unconditional love

overflowing from within


A childlike abandonment at the headiness

Of the feeling consuming

Every part of your being

And it to think it all took place on a

Sunny Winter’s Afternoon

Tyranny: just go to bed

Ask yourself
If the tyranny
Be in your place
In your home
Your city
Your land
Your country
Your sea

Ask yourself
Then go to bed
See how you feel
when you look
In the mirror
In the morning

We will talk more then

Inner Voices

Be careful how you speak to yourself!

That will never work;

you’ll look like a fool.

Don’t say that to yourself, you fool-

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It is just the truth, you fool

Makes no difference whether I say it or not.

But if you say you’re a fool, you’ll always be a fool

Even if you’re only a fool for saying it.

I’d rather look like a fool who knew they were a fool

Than one under any delusions!

But you’re deluded if you think you’re a fool,

And you’ve just wasted twenty minutes arguing with yourself about it- you idiot!


Soul Searching

You want to understand me

You want to wipe my tears

But you can’t defend me

Until you taste my fears


Racing with the tempest

Barely catch my breath

But it keeps me laughing

I must confess


I want to catch that thunder

Hold it in my arms

Use it every midnight

For all it’s wicked charms


Come, come inside my soul

Come and see the pain

It’s just like dancing

Dancing in tempest rain


“At 14 Victoria Road”

The hesitant knocking

Disturbed his slumber.

Opening the door,

He looked at the woman.


“Can you help me?” was her plea.

“I just need someone to talk to.”

In astonishment, all he could say was,

“I’m sorry. I cannot.”


He closed the door on her tears,

Surprised at his callousness.

Recalling his decision years later,

He always wondered what became of her.

Thank you my friend ..

My eyes were open
Brain was tired

Thought I will lost
everything desired

The goal was near
View seemed blurred

I was about to quit
When my nose picked

An aroma so tempting
That I couldn’t sit

My hands felt the warmth
Lips tasted sweet

It was a strong coffee
Whom I often meet

Oh! my dear coffee
You are the best

If you are beside me
We win every quest…

Seasons Change: 6AM post

The morning is clear

the air is crisp

Summer is fading

for autumn’s arrival

Still about a month away

Leaves turn an array of colors

some sooner than others.


intransigents in this ‘relating’ to her –

stone-cold catacombs of her heart;
the tortuous maze that is her glance,
and a half-smile playing on lilac lips….

specious like his words of seduction.

#23, Silly


You are my laughter.

Tickles and fart jokes.

Finger in my nose.

Fingers on my feet.

Making me squirm and shriek.

Laughter twinkles through the bedroom doors.

You hold me down and put your ass on my arm and rip one.

Gross boy.

24 year old child.

You make me giggle like a 5 year old.

Wrestling matches under the covers.

We accidentally punch each other. Or pinch each other. Or push each other off the bed.

Someone’s glasses go flying off their face.


You make me live again.

You are life. You refuse to let me dry up and become a prune.

But your god damn ass stinks!!