
I waited for the ring the one on my hand the one on the phone. I waited until I questioned his sincerity and my sanity I had to get away. No pressure just honesty with that he couldn’t give. A commitment was what I was looking for with that he couldn’t live. Now he rings my phone and waits for answers I give when it suits me he waited so long I changed my mind now I want to be free.

out of fashion

you put on your white socks
and commented on how ugly
they are and i realized nobody
likes white anymore. it’s way out
of fashion.

A house like a women

It stands abandoned
Like a women in shock

Quite,alone and still

Soundless it stood
No one lived inside

Like she becomes speechless
Nothing to speak

The windows were closed
No one looked from them

Like she shuts her eyes
Refusing to see

The house looked bad
No one cared anymore

She looked horrible
She was left alone….



Losing their wings

Sky losing color

Waiting for a return

And yet
we smile?



A pin pricked her and blood fell to a fitted sheet
of fabric, that was lying on the oak workplace,
she couldn’t bare herself to sew the pleat.

Many men wanted her to tailor their suits complete,
but all she wanted to do was efface.
A pin pricked her and blood fell to a fitted sheet.

And it’s true, the girl was quite petite
when she let them pay her, just in case
she couldn’t bare herself to sew the pleat.

She would often cry, and take the mistreat
and know it as a falling from grace.
A pin pricked her and blood fell to a fitted sheet.

And with needles thin, she sewed designs discreet
although people still knew her face,
she couldn’t bare herself to sew the pleat.

Later they would find her body in the street,
and her life would be nothing but a blank space.
A pin pricked her and blood fell to a fitted sheet,
she couldn’t bare herself to sew the pleat.

My inner mental room

Close your eyes and imagine a place:

Always spiral stairs from the entrance- an oak wooden door

Accessed from a hilltop, but the building is ethereal

So as not to ruin the landscape.

No one else can come here; they do not know the way.

Inside is solitude, but always a happy place;

It knows that I need to be alone

To find peace with myself again.

It is always light, with the light of early morning/early spring

Seeping in through the windows

And casting angular rays, in which I always stand, or sit.

It is warm, but fresh.

It is small but has everything I need:

A comfy chaise lounge, upon which I can be restful, if needed

But can also be bright and awake.

I can look at my life from the correct angle.

There is even a television; I can play videos back to myself,

Decipher what needs to change- make it melt away.

Then play it the right way.

Solitude of Pain Unspoken

There are things I can’t speak about.

I want to.

I try

But they stick in my throat and won’t come out.

They are things that were done to me

That stole my innocence

My confidence

My voice


The counselor says What would happen if you just talked about one of them?

Just one.

I can’t express what would happen.

Probably nothing

But it feels like my whole world would explode

And I would disappear with the flying shrapnel


So I say nothing

Walking on a jittery tightrope between

Holding it in forever

And letting it out

Both options are equally painful

Equally bad.


Every now and then I try to tell someone who loves me

My husband

My best friend

I never do.

The counselor says that talking about it will ease the pain.

I wonder how it would feel and

Sometimes I imagine myself saying them out loud.

In my day dreams they flow off my tongue easily

Like a story I’m telling about someone else.


Only it’s not someone else’s story.

It’s mine.


The solitude of this unspoken pain

Is comforting at times.

It’s mine, no one knows, no one can judge

But most of the time it’s crushing

I struggle to breathe

I can’t think

Until I distract myself with other thoughts

Like a child is distracted by a new toy

Or a puppy.


Several years ago I tried to tell my husband

Just one of these things.

I took a deep breath and forced it out

Just a sentence

Then another

I waited for the pain to dissipate.

I waited for him to say something.

There was only silence.

Some say that silence is nothing,

But that silence built an impenetrable barrier

That has prevented another sentence from

Ever being spoken about it.


I wonder if I’ll live in this solitude for the rest of my life.

I could live with the pain, but not the loneliness of

Knowing that someone else has sentenced me to this solitude


What was done to my body was





But it was nothing compared to what was done to my soul.

Little Girl in a Lake

I saw her drowning

She was so small and so scared

We could all see her from above in the murky lake frantically flailing about.

She didn’t know how to swim

Her face grew grim with fear and panic

But she didn’t close her eyes, she didn’t look away, she didn’t give-up

We finally pulled her out of the water; her heart beating louder than that of a caged bird.