#19, Drenched

Sweat pours and gathers in the dark.

It can be cold as a refrigerator and her collar still gathers sweat over night.

There is no reason

No good rule to follow

It was what it was.

You cant change the wind by blowing into the storm.

So you smile into the breeze and clean up after it blows over.

Alone now

Rock steadies my feet; we stood here together. An ache, relentless, crushes my core, from which legs are like nothing; inadequate trusses.

Yet still I stand.

Now, from below the Earth, our beacon rises. I know nothing of God, but still I stand. I only know the truths beyond knowledge.

I hear myself! … The moon never answers but its reflected light attests… the sun is there always, even when it is gone. Somehow I know strength endures, though not where… It’s so cold now, but I stand because I know, from knowing you, why I must lead the pack.


I held onto the afternoon,
My fingers tinged light pink,
With fear of what was coming soon,
For night brings time to think.

But like the dawn turns into day,
The day turns into night,
Lost and lonely on my way,
I held the fading light.

And as the sun sank lower still,
I felt the thoughts emerge,
Filling me with icy chill,
As fear and fact converge.

The darkness now consuming stains my mind a shade of black,
And though the sun is coming I know I’m never going back.

Beware of what raps at your door at 3 am

” Beware of what raps at your door at 3 am”

Wicked 3 am is here,

What unearthly , nightmarish beings

Will rap upon my door?

Ghosts of yesterday

Linger and mingle,

Whispering, growling, howling,

Making their presence known.

Morning is nowhere near sight.

For 3 am is the hour of the witch,

Black magic, white magic,

it is no matter,

Malicious, nefarious demons with seven names,

Are conjured at 3 am.

Beware of who will rap at your door at 3 am.


Two gasping
Quick inhalations

And then

‘You have got to learn
To wing it
Only then can we
All flock together”

She told me when I was age four

Then there was that day
The day of


They called her grandmother
I called her grandmother too

She said, ‘child,
Nothing can ever harm us
Save that which we fear
Or that which we love’

Breath like knives
In my lungs
Grandmothers face
A mask of riteous fury

A quick inhalation
A sob

Grandmother holds me
The bad man dead
We both safe
Covered in his murderous


Poem 19

You left me in the rain
You said you would be back with an umbrella
It has now been 2 hours
Yet I have stayed
Why did I stay in the rain
Because I believed that you would come back
And I still believe

A mother’s love

There were never stories at bed time,

with a hug and a kiss,

there was no connection,

they were merely the kids;

a duty,


quite simply a chore,

needed to cover the truth

behind closed doors;

a marriage of convenience,

with no love in the mix,

the ones that suffered the most,

were those



they paid with their hearts,

they paid with their souls,

that slowly froze inside them,

from a mother so cold.

Concealed beauty

Concealed beauty

Reach unreachable heights,

Self becomes No self

Only one with awareness

Can SEE that beauty

Under my veil

There is such a beauty

How can I let myself

Be seen?

Seema Sahoo – ©

The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part IXX

he got the best of me;
young, untouched, naïve, conforming…
I cannot have a do over,
now I am pushing fifty,
survived a myriad of physical calamities,
never even entertained filling his spot;
I cannot go through that again –
educated but dumb,
a weakling in strength,
that four year old inside me,
who remembers a mother who didn’t want children,
also remembers a husband who didn’t deserve her;
she wants to forget,
so that the skeins of rope stay beyond grasp…

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/24/14 2 AM


Sometimes i judge myself, this world is so hard to live in, I just want to be me…