
A slight illusion that brushed past

A waking dream behind the shadows

A deception waiting for a spell to cast

On a bewildered mind beneath its sorrows

The silhouette of a whispering lover

Impassioned thoughts revealed in a dream

All mesmerizing beauty within that tower

A fall into unknown fantasy it may seem

Legends from meadows far away

Misunderstandings of words not known

Fantasies of thoughts that continue to delay

The flame of mind to rekindle after being blown

Beyond all limits it rests for sure

And tempts all to dream a trance

Even in its pain is a cure

For each lost it is a whimpering chance

What to speak of the visions that live?

From celestial gardens to these minds

A truthful fabrication is all it gives

Yet it lives in all of our kinds


The gatekeeper and I

I had hoped that
Watching my footprints
I would stop going in circles
The gate master fiddled
And asked for my passport
I begged the gatekeeper
For cider and cake
In the old tradition
Of wasailing
He told me to sing
But I couldn’t think of a song
Until I walked in more circles
Then I sang him this
Keeping time with the clapping
Of my hand on my thigh
Then he laughed in delight
And he opened the gate
We ate cake and cider
He said, ‘get on with you,
It’s gotten too late’
The door slammed behind me
I don’t know where I am
But I can see my footprints
And I have my song on my tongue.


I am programmed

With words that I say

Over and over.

You are programmed

With questions that you ask

Again and again.

Eleventh Post: Ten


1: Meeting

We met over ten years ago,
Very different people,
Not knowing this was the beginning
Of our greatest journey.
We met, and then, we had to leave
But too late
A die had been cast,
Our lives now entwined.

2: The First Year

We have been a pair now
For almost 10 years,
Starting as two separate people,
Slowly edging together,
Becoming one married couple.

At first we fought against it,
Used to our independence.
But the call of fate was stronger
And we moved, unknowingly, to its tune.

3: Year Two

Days turned to weeks,
And months to years,
As we spent more time together,
The distance between us now an obstacle,
Rather than a nice distraction
Against going too far, too quickly.

4: Year Three

By now we knew,
This was real,
And so combined our lifes.
One flat, two copies
Of favourite books and CDs.

5: Engagement

On my birthday, you proposed,
High above the earth
As we glided on the London Eye.
Joyful tears with a backdrop of rain.

6: The Big Day (part 1)

Nothing ever goes quite to plan,
And this was some arrangement.
We rearranged the seating thrice,
For everything just right –
Even found the perfect vases
For lilies in purple water.

We wanted something personal,
With poetry and prayers,
And friends and family around us,
In a ceremony we had planned.
A string quartet the final touch
For waltzing down the aisle.

To be the centre of attention
Was a lot of fun,
We felt very loved
And very proud,
As we showed off shiny
New rings.

7: The Big Day (part 2)

Then followed a party,
With some unusual picks
On our wedding music list
And some more classic hits.

With an Jewish dance,
Where I was twirled round and round,
I laughed so hard
When my feet hit the ground.

The food was delicious,
The cake chocolate and rich,
And everyone had fun,
All said and done.

8: Honeymoon

Breath-taking Alaska
On board a luxury cruise-ship.
With just one small problem –
At some point, we had to leave!

9: Afterwards

Is it different, everyone asked,
As we returned to the same flat,
The same jobs, same lives.
Yes, I had to reply,
Unable to stop smiling
At my brand new husband
As I tried the ‘h’ word out,
For the twentieth time that day.

10: Ten

Ten years it’s almost been
Since you entered my life,
Changed it completely,
For the better.
Now I know who I am,
And I am your partner,
Your wife, your equal.
Your soul-mate.


Today I read words I had never heard before the end of the page caused me to gasp for air it was refreshing caused my mind to race creative juices flowing like Niagra Falls. Drowning never felt so good I was submerged in the possibilities my pen,pad and mind had in front of them then I realized the miracle of how precious being a poet is. Anything can trigger a masterpiece a thought or even an awakening.

Good Bye

This time in your Arizona desert
I pry open that brushed gold container,
then cut the bag, careful not to spill.
I sort through your chalky ashes.
I see no bones. I recognize no bits.

But the Sedona breeze stirs us both.
The contraband candle flickers to reveal our secret.

Sissy, remember our hello?
You yelled at me when I lit the toilet paper on fire,
but gave me your Bic because I didn’t burn myself.

The water rushed through my mind i was on a deck not cards that was to risky of win or loose draw or fold i only wanted the night air to deck me and the water fall to be so loud that every stranger walking by gave a moment of time i could engage them this way allow them to stimulate the convo i had much more to share i needed more than every hour i think I needed 15mins every 15mins i was always told that I indulged in center of attention thats the truth no that’s there view the truth is I do but at certain times i choose the deck for height but the waterfall i honestly choose that for silence see I don’t always need to be seen oh wait I forgot about the strangers the ones I wanted to see me…

The Consuming and Raging War of The Poetics

Part XII

after admitting to myself
that if I didn’t let go of the alcohol,
it would swallow me,
as it had swallowed him,
as I swallowed it…
I prayed upon a wood,
an August sky uncharacteristically cool and stormy,
I prayed that God have mercy on my drunk soul,
I prayed that He give me strength to love my husband,
soberly and with strength.

I approached the patio doors,
the clock reflected 9:20 at night,
my husband was passed out on the floor,
he must have tripped over the laundry basket –
there he slept,
tangled in clean clothes and a white plastic basket;
I didn’t try to rouse the bear,
I stumbled to bed – dizzy and alone.

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/23/14 7:00 PM


Husband and Wife

They live in
Perfect harmony

She with her almond eyes
And pouty lips
He with his broad chest
And bald fade

They love to play together

Today they are
Playing tennis
In the city park
Laughing,grunting and running
The clunk of the racket
Causing the ball to soar
Elates them

They live in
Perfect harmony
And they are always smiling