Culinary Beast Mode

Killer culinary concocter,
Easy mode set to feed
Like a top shot always on
Tricky skills school my cuisine.
All his presentations dwarf
No stopping the big white

it burns

do you have a toaster?
yeah, just don’t burn the
place down
is it even plugged in?
why wouldn’t it be in working
i don’t remember
what we were talking about
it seemed important though
scratches from a woman’s heels
can be
same with toasters
if they aren’t used
don’t forget the cat scratches
that shit hurts and then itches
i guess there is no proper way
if there are chemicals involved.


I mid evening break

the bubbles poured over the rim

im beyond the wine now

the ink is still with me though

the jacuzzi

it flooded the room

i would think

i poured so many bubbles

i can’t see the ink

i feel amazing though

the freedom

to soak

and write

how visual my mind is

as I see each bubble

as a cloud

i would say

im checked




mecum omnes plangite :

…..they say the mountains are filled with crystals,
and good fortune.

Turn off the gas now, the jester weeps;
it is the hour the long-haired croupier
(O Fortuna! Sors immanis!)
in skirt and stilettoes, steps
on shards from shattered hearts.

that which the eagles at night had dropped from Psunj….

“….perhaps I’ll bring you luck!”


Can you become

Like a mirror

Reflecting that which is?


Can you delve

Into every crevice

Of your being

To finally meet

And come to know

Who you truly are?


Can you explore

Your fear

And tremble

Through it

Rather than

Trying to

Escape from it?


Can you

Go into it,

Even if it brings you

Suffering and pain?

Just maybe ….

On the other side of fear

You will find Love.


You never said goodbye.

You just disappeared

Leaving me to wait

And wish

And hope


You erased yourself from my life.

There’s an emptiness in your place

I don’t wait anymore

Or wish

Or hope


I just miss you.

Seeds of Change

What does it mean?

One ponders, one wonders

At the complexities

Of what life delivers


The thought,

The wistfulness state of

a perfect life

can it exist?


Yes indeed! It starts

From deep within

Self-love blossoming

Is the birth place

Of your inner bliss


Trust in the deep within

The Voice,

The Heart of the matter

For then, you will find true

Inner peace and happiness

our forbidden love

What am I doing wrong?

I pour myself into witty conversation, but you remain mute.

I stir in sugary comments designed to get you upset, but you’re still mum.

I sip your love and wonder if I return it in full. Doesn’t one always give more?

We’ve been together virtually every morning for decades, yet

I know so little about you. Yet without you, I would not function. You, however, would find somebody else.

You pick me up in the middle of the afternoon and our souls dance together.

You talk to me in a different language that I’m slowly learning, oh sexy, four pumps venti, white chocolate macademia nut frappucino.

I am Rebel

Dancing to the music

When the music hits you

You feel no pain

I am a Rebel

Waiting to hear the sounds

Thunder through the clouds

Music gives rhythm to my Swag

Keeping those feet moving

All over the moon lit shores

Music is the greatest

It stabilize your heart

And mesmerize your Brain

without the Drain.

Footprints in the Sand


just down the road 6PM

pizza place for dinner

but I had a calzone

shared with my daughter

had to get out of the house

just down the road

not even a mile away

half of that