Poetry Marathon poem #1

Take every piece and put it back to better
take every ash every molecule
stitch it back together
til its woven into the tapestry
You realists fade and fail
to comprehend me
magic doesn’t exist to the
frail in fealty
learn to accept the unexpected
and prepare for the Storm
you’ve disrespected
left neglected broken
beaten and subjected
left to the elements
to learn lessons of life and love
and the true beauty
of the chrysanthemum
or the butterfly or the pebble
feeling of the wind
or the rush in your hair
feeling all around you everywhere
the lost the hopeless and abandoned
upside and torn and twisted
this town and my existence
but this tempest bred the best
broke me down, put me through the test
of the decision between
life and eternal
rest and what it really means
to have consciousness

take every piece.
stitch it back together.
woven into the tapestry.
woven back to better.

The Sunlight shines,
Moonlight fades
shadows come and go
Time passes, beauty fades
sure as the wind will blow
when the world comes down
to what is made of my calvary
you’ll find out what laughter
means to Chivalry.

time passes with every stitch
moonlight fades when the beauty
stitches the tapestry of the world
to face the sunlight back to the better.

These things I know are true
what it means to be me and you
what it means to give
what it means to take
what it means to save the empire
full of empty ranks
of mindless drones
with no counsel they can stand upon
this is a prophet speaking words
of a cognitive anthem
old words resaid to draw a new flame
from fear and anger burned in pantheon
to the wilting figure
trapped in the mirror.
foretold in prophecy
alive in the deep of the
one who holds the key
the one of hope
who soldiers through the tragedy
the epic hero you hold
cradled in your
philosophic fantasy
the wind of change
have destined
that that the winner
of this wellworn
may always be found in me.
Be my partner on the path
and let’s find the way.

take every piece.
stitch it back together.
woven into the tapestry.
woven back to better.

time passes with every stitch
moonlight fades when the beauty
stitches the tapestry of the world
to face the sunlight back to the better.

-William M Connors

Eighth Post: Rapunzel


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair,
But the princess in the Ivory Tower
Was too busy studying,
Reading and learning
To go to a party right then.

She stayed in her Ivory Tower
And obtained her degree
A doctorate later,
And she was free.
Having built her own ladders.

The Wall

There’s a wall

I create

and build up

around me.

People sometimes make

weak spots, and almost

tear it down,

but then

snide comments

words spoken behind

stiff shoulders,

and the wall is then covered

and repaired,

built up with steel.

Not Mine

Arms wrap around your middle,

lips caress your neck

Whispers turn your hair erect.

You melt into a soft body

and hands run up your back,

but they’re not mine,

not anymore.



She covered her truth in red

It was as her mother had said

To lead astray the lustful

However, she was distrustful

Of the hood that enveloped

And those habits it developed

It hid her, of course, saved much

But its effect was such

That she was reminded forever

She must not forget, ever

A wolf loomed hereabout

It spoke and it would shout

A crimson delight for the beast

As she carried her loved one’s feast

She knew her tale though

She knew the end so

“A woodcutter saved the little red”

We all know, we’re fed

All the stories that have run

The hood saved none, no one

So I wondered why hide so?

By Lord, we should by now know

Make no false defense, hide in no hood

If a wolf is to come, and that it would

No shield of your disbelief shall save you

It will reassure the cowards; true

But if I dare say

Shall you be a coward today?


2 pm Poem

Beautiful melodies sung by broken souls
From major to minor so quickly
Shattered persons with no goals
All feeling so very sickly

Our mother..

It never complains
We go down the lane

Sit under its shade
It never gets paid

Money is not its price
Now is the time when care should rise

She has given so much love
Can’t we give a gentle hug

We take all her fruits
So why can’t we water all her roots

She is our mother
Who gives us life
Due to our mother nature
We all survive…

1 pm Poem

He does make me feel wonderful
Like I’m riding a rollercoaster
And I’ve just hit the peak
Like the sun’s gone behind the clouds
And I can open my eyes completely
Like I’m throwing a frisbee
And it went perfectly straight without wobbling

Dreams Come True

A mighty blue castle

looms amongst the dark skies,

And children scream

as the thunder rolls in,

and a blinding flash

of lightning cracks the sky in two.

And there is waiting,

much waiting, for something

we are told to love.

It’s magic—We’re told

but sometimes I miss the simplicity

of home.