Love Eternal

A love that lasts beyond a

Life time

A love given freely without constraint

A love to draw on in times

Of trouble and strife

A love to rejoice in

When there are sunny skies and smooth sailing

And provide a safe harbour from the stormy days

A love kept close and

Never to be broken

To be treasured and nurtured

That is love eternal


Dark and bitter poison,

It burns the whole way down,

Like tar stretched on an ocean,

You cannot swim so much as drown.







Poetry Marathon poem #5

I should have left already.
Paid my final dues to no one
and escape
this poison pain
I know courses
through my veins as blood.
I cannot escape this in life.
Though chains keep me
bind to something I do not want
do not hold
something that uses my corpse
to walk
and talk
a puppet
that hold its hands
around my heartstrings
pulling them out
forcing me to feel
every moment
visceral and deep
continuing continuum
of reducing my art
to blood and flesh
surely sorely given
digging deep scratches
that pool and shiver
wrapping bramble vine
on contradicting constricts
of understanding
and acceptance.
I am an artist.


The glass of wine

was as red as the pen

both spilt


became wet

and hit

the paper with


nothing hurt

nothing was tipsy



it all felt good

i was pleased

with both

pen and wine…


Oh so worried and Attractive

Adorable as she twirls

Perfect and humourous

Special and buoyant

Is Steady not a laughing stock

Character is charming

Height is delightful and unfenced

Pious, restful and calm

Thoughtful and honest

Appreciation wishing prosperity

Not excessive only Annual

A Passionate Life.


Prompt for Hour Nine

This hour your challenge is to write a poem about coffee . Although there is one tiny catch. You can never use the words coffee, beans, black, milky, cafe, or caffeine in this poem. You must convey the idea of coffee, of drinking it, without ever mentioning these words.

Obviously, this is a little tricky. If you want to write a first draft containing these words, go right ahead. But then you must edit them out.

The challenge of this prompt is to convey something without stating it. It is also fun to challenge one’s mind to use new and different language to describe something you encounter everyday, even if you don’t drink it yourself.

The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part IX

There is no damn way anyone would want to come
and drag me out of the poppy field;
my life, oozing out and mixing reds
with the poppy flowers.

music begins swimming inside my head,
is this how it ends?
my funeral march a song only I can hear?
it’s that music –
the music that used to beat my head lifeless,
along with 15 empty bottles of beer;
the music that made me buy skeins of rope
and more alcohol and razor blades and anything else
that might kill the pain;
the music that suggested all sorts of immoral acts,
bad behavior and all things,
crimes against my very soul –
I fought them off like angry bastards.

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/23/14 4:00 pm

Being Bald

Your eyes flicker hope when they meet mine.
Your lips curve into that pink ribbon of wonder.
I’m not surprised when your hand grabs for mine, clutching.
And then you ask: Are you a survivor?

I smooth my shorn head, sum you up, smile.
Are you holding out for hope or hanging on?
Should I shake you up or cut you loose?
Will I make you cry…or shall I?
I have a different truth for every stranger’s dare.
I’m brave enough to answer.
Do you have the courage to listen?

Poetry Marathon poem #4

Grant me peace.
Allow me
sleep eternal
or another way
out of here
this dark, this first
forest I called home
not birthed.

my departure
will not burn concrete.

the embers
will burn
then fade
as always
red hot to burn
and linger coals
blindly releasing
in the form
of heat.

Blackened marks, maybe,
but even they
will wash away
with water,
and time

take from me
whatever you want
whatever is left
in the ruins
I won’t be needing
fire sale
if you will.


whatever stays,
is lost.

I am Flood,
pulling under
swallowing foreign
drowning breaths

I have found
this world
is a haven
for ignorance.

The mediocre
is inescapable
the skin
is already

run, child,
maybe you can escape this.


I cut myself, cause I’m afraid of a needle I luv myself, cause I’m afraid to lose me I feel u, cause I’m afraid not to see u I know her cause she comes to see me I never answer but hear the bell ring Demons bark at the door But light breaks thru the floor It covers me in angels heart’s and kiss me To they I adore Myself Me You