Thought Provoking

Hour 5 – 10:00 AM 


I’m a lion at my best.

I’m calculated, I’ve been put to the test.

I push forward no matter the weight.

I’m elated to say I have escaped.

No mastery can control my thoughts.

I’m a thought provoking individual who’s never at rest.

– J.C.  ©


The Answer

Who do I write for, they ask

Do you think it matters?

Why do you do it, they ask

And so much I want to come up with the

Right answer—


But it’s not that simple

Nor should it be

The right answer is up to me


Shadow figurines

And she chained him to the ground;

bestowed a kiss upon his lips

as if she meant no harm,

and let a crown of sorrow take place

on the top of his head.

Making Love on the Bank of the Eel River

Even as he entered me I thought

What a great story this will be

Naked, exposed, in love

Surrounded by the giant, ancient redwoods

The fresh smell of the forest

The intoxicating sounds of the river

The relaxing heat of the afternoon sun

The gentle bite of the cold wind rushing over us

Completely connected

To him

To nature


That’s the story I tell


At the same time I felt the

Uncomfortable penetration of nature

Trapped, prodded, I barely know this guy

Almost smothered by the weight of his body on top of me

The pungent odor of his sweat

The gritty pain of a million tiny rocks digging into my back and climbing up my ass with each thrust

The salty taste of huge drops of perspiration that fell onto my face and into my mouth

The jarring shudders of freezing wind alternating with the blistering rays of sun

Completely frustrated

With him

With nature


That’s the story I try to forget


And So She Died

I have had the options of reading

Of death and the deceased

I found most much misleading

Death is no fiction

I felt only love, lived only in fantasy

I was foolishly mistaken

She was a flower blooming, a vigorous sea

A haunted passion of the desolate

Grief swayed with her, misery danced around

And laughter laughed mystified

She was my relief, solace found

Though I suppose that was unfortunate

She was a deluge of desire

For even all divinity could hardly wait

To claim her life and tear me apart

No, time never glanced twice

No skies fell

They did what they did, rolled the dice

And all was fine

Amusing to my misery as she fed on me

As grief chewed out my soul

As I fought divine decree

Death remained unexplainable

I wondered, as autumns claimed my springs

Where I had first lost reality

As indefinable, death has a favorite lullaby it sings

As it sang to me each night

It sang and sang and I died each time

And so she died, yes, she died

And here I am, capable of rhyme!

Gifts of the Spirit…10 am

I watched him as he walked across the room.

His head hung low, his shoulders bent.

The weight of his burdens evident.


He sat, no smile on his face,

No cheer or wonder in his voice.

It seemed as though everything in his world was wrong.


It was obvious that he didn’t know.

He didn’t know that he was loved.

He didn’t know what he meant to the God above.


I started to sing a song in his ear.

A song of what he was worth.

I sang of his talents, I sand of love and possible rebirth.


I whispered to him so that he would know,

That he can let go of the past.

That despite what others do and say, he can find a joy that lasts.


I watched as he slowly started to smile.

He lifted his shoulders, his eyes no longer grey.

I slipped away unseen. He would make it through another day.


The Knock

A family’s heart was broke today

With a knock upon their door.

They knew what the two men standing there meant.

For their loved one had gone to war.

Short on Time Noon

Noon time hour

Time is running short for this hour

yes, I took a nap to recharge brain power.

Still searching for words…

My muse isn’t participating

which has me worried.

I forgot to say it’s mandatory

To be here for the 24 hour duration

without compensation.

Nothing left behind…

Do you think about suicide? Often?
Everyone does (it). Right?
Artists at least have created something before parting. What is your legacy?
Tell a therapist. Trust a friend. Try not to dive too deep.
Hope. Staves off the temptation to join Robin.

Eternal Nothing.

I feel its grip around my throat,
Death’s cold and grasping hand,
While the soul I once was tied to,
Drifts free far above this land,
The towns stretched out below me,
See no shadow as I pass,
No gust of breeze to prove I’m there,
I do not stir the grass,
Is this the final darkness,
Is this the thing we’d come to fear?
Not a total sense of nothing,
But no-one knowing we are here?
For I beg of night to take me,
I’d prefer to have never been,
Than this eternity of torture,
Where I can see but can’t be seen.