
Devoid of life: all in his wake.

Evolving us from living things,

Adorning us with angel wings? Or,

Turning the tide from life to death,

Heaving us- brutally, choking our breath?


I feel like an idiot, but, I can’t figure out how to single space on the posts? see no icon for it?

Almost Death

There once was a girl named Angelle

She lived in her own private Hell.

She twisted and turned

And often got burned,

Trapped in her own little cell.

You are… 9am

You are who you are.

You were not designed to compete

to change who you are,

who you were meant to be.

Embrace your identity,

the things that make you unique.

That’s the only way that you will be free.

The Green Canoe- Poem #3 by Ingrid Exner

The Green Canoe by Ingrid Exner- Half Marathon Poem


It greets me at the water’s edge

Where pebbles meet the shore

“Come closer friend,” it beckons me

“And I shall tell you more.”


Of sparkling waters deep and clear

Weathered rock and trees,

Of Natural beauty everywhere

As far as your eye sees.


“Take me to the water” and

“Travel with me, down the bay”

All you need to bring is your paddle

To bring with you this day.





Poem By: Ingrid Exner, April 23, 2014 accompanying photography also by Ingrid Exner, Tobermorey, Summer 2013.


#5, snow

More than sometimes I imagine what it would be like to just disappear

from everything.

Drop it all. Leave everything. A rucksack and a duffle bag and just

walk into the woods.

Look up into the stars as the snow falls soft on the trees.

Blissful silence. Snow-quiet. Cloud of breath into the dark, just the moon

illuminating the water vapor in the air.

Not even the skittering of animals can be heard.

The breathing moving under current of life that runs deep under the brush.

Like blood under our skin.

I’m not, I can’t

I’m not dreaming this sense of allegory

I’m not imagining this sense of melancholy

dark robed figures swing scimitars

in grain filled fields of wheat and oats

death is in the harvest

bloated bodies line the streets

no cart, no crier, no relief

i can’t make up the raging anarchy

I can’t unsee the sight of destiny

if this should be when we bid each other adieu

recollect the times I tried to put my arms around you

forget the times my temper flew

in passions flames I will collect your ashes

but there’s not enough to bury beneath the tree of life

good bye my darlings

and good night

fixing cliches

everything happens for a reason,
except when
it doesn’t
only the good die young,
do the bad die golden?
they usually die as
poor writers
tragedies happen to
good people
poets are not usually
one of those good people
they are usually one of
the tragedies
depression. (noun)
the hospital in which
poems are born
and given to
the wrong parents
i spent a lot of time
wondering why
nobody taught me
how to swim
if there are
so many other
fish in the sea


Oh, Just Trust

Oh, just trust.

Have I failed you yet?

You keep declaring it’s the end of the story,

And yet, I know it isn’t.

No wonder you are disappointed.

You have not gotten to the best part.

Stop truncating majesty.

Stop nailing down mystery.

You will see, once you are wide, wide open,

Why I first began your story at all.