Hello, howdy, salutations, guten tag, etc.

Hello all,

My name is Jarrod. I’m a SCAD grad, writer, and multimedia artist/harsh noise maker from Georgia.

I participated in the marathon last year. It was a great experience. The no-stop nature of the Marathon ensures that anxiety and procrastination can’t get in the way of writing. It’s go-go-go which means lots of work actually gets done for once. Deadlines, while terrifying, can be a writer’s best friend. Hour deadlines even more so. Self-judgment, wallowing in imposter syndrome, and paper crumbling are hard to do here. In the time it takes you to delete a poem or agonize over a sentence, the next one will be due. More often than not, I found that some of the ones I hated, that I posted to keep up, were ones that some people really liked. Another invaluable lesson here, that I think we’ll all learn or revisit, is that we aren’t the final say in whether what we created has value or not. As much as we’d love to scream-through-sans-serif font at our kind readers here, we can’t. Move on. There will be 13 more to do, and so on.

I’ll see you on the other side, friendos.


A Test

Hello all, am not new to this game, but having a senior moment of pure panic and can’t remember how to navigate around the system.
Good luck everybody, and lets have fun again

Ready to Write

Hi everyone. Iā€™m exhausted from my week but ready for some creative refreshment. This marathon always unlocks the lesser used side of my brain. I look forward to reading your work today. Good luck everyone! Stay strong!

Wish tree

If a wish tree appear,

If it grows wand,

It can give only three wishes,

If it grows magic broom,

Then it can be destroyed by lighting or thunder,

If it grows bottles of poison,

It does not grow medicine for curing,

If it grows magic carpet,

It will be destroyed by rain drops,

Every thing has disadvantages,

So,take our life positive,

And live a happy life…

Year 2!

Hello everyone! So excited to be back for year 2 of this absolutely amazing marathon! Cannot wait to write and see everyone’s poems this time. I’m with @meghana and we’re writing this year together :3


All the best everyone!

Attaching the link to the spotify playlist I made last year for anyone who needs one


Hour 1: Swimming in the Heat of 1950s Mississippi


Wednesday was Colored Day

At the Jackson Public Pool


Arriving too late,

All we could see was a rainbow of brown heads

Bobbing up and down in water

Once cool but now heated by bodies

Packed like cargo but

Pressed too close together to lie flat and flay

Through the warmed water


We wore our swim clothes:

(There was no Colored Day

For public toilets or changing places.)

Walking barefoot from the car,

Climbing in

Pushing aside other bodies

Bobbing along the water

Cooling off the sweat

Raining from the relentless sun

Beaming its hate upon our heads


An hour was too long to stay

Walking the bottom of sweat and pee scented water;

No need to carry a towel

When the oppressive sun dried us on the walk to the car

But towels covered the seats

To catch the dirty water


We bathed at home sweet home:

Lying face down in the cool soapy water

Kicking our feet

Imagining what it would be like to swim


Good luck today!

Hi everyone! My name is Jill Halasz. This is my 6th or 7th poetry marathon and I am excited to get started again. If this is your first, it is a rush and so much fun. Whether you are planning a half marathon or a full, best of luck to each of you today. The important thing is to put something creative out into the world. Get it out now and you can always refine it later. šŸ™‚