The first time

This is the first time

To join this platform

For gathering a new phase

To write to set.

This is the first time

To see the trail of words

How can they come

How can they shine?

This is the first time

To show a new trend

A challenge for a moment

That must be adorable one.

Pray to God

I’m not panic afterall

Dare to hold

Poetry is the lovely goal.




Half Marathoning from LA

Hi everyone!

This is the first time I’m joining the poetry half marathon. I’m really looking forward to writing and reading some poems. If there’s anyone out there who has done it before and has any tips to getting a poem an hour done, I’d love to hear them.

Thank you,


Marathon Complications But …

Hi Everyone,

This will be my second year doing the full 24 hour marathon. I am looking forward to it, the first was hard but so very rewarding and I ended up with many very nice poems after. This year I will have my ten year old, very ADHD, ODD, RAD grandson with me but, I am determined! Wish me luck and good luck to everyone as well!! Gypsie-Ami

It’s Poetry Marathon Eve!

Good morning! I’m sitting at home with the window open listening to the roar of lawn mowers, chirping of birds and the whoosh of cars down the street. And then the moments of silence. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a poem or two in those sounds and silence.

I’m looking forward to participating again this year. I found Poetry Marathon a few years ago and have managed to complete the Half Marathon. It’s not easy and even doing 12 drafts, for that’s all they really are, is quite a challenge.

See you tomorrow!

Hello and Welcome from Goa, India

Last year, I got to know about this challenge just two days earlier and I jumped in, not knowing whether I would swim or flounder. I did stay afloat with admirable support from the community of marathoners and some comfort foods. It’s one day in the year when I let go. Cheering all the participants as you warm up.

First post~

Hi all ~

This is my umpteenth poetry marathon — really, I don’t even remember how many I’ve joined! I think from the 2nd year until now, with a couple of hiatuses caused by illness, etc. This year is the first w/out my biggest cheerleader — my beloved husband. It’s less than 5 weeks since he died. So if my work is a bit dark, or obsessed w/ mortality and its associated baggage, you’ll know why.

In other background? Expat brat (known among the cognoscenti as ‘third culture kids’, even as we age!), lived abroad for many years: Southest Asia, Middle East, North Africa. Lots of travel and exposure to other cultures, in other words. I miss that, as travel has become increasingly fraught. But next month I’m off across the country, to see family & friends in Oregon. The other coast from Virginia, where I live!

Poetry since a kid, writing as both career & passion. Tea right behind writing, and being outdoors with both! Here’s to a great marathon (or half, in my case!). Enjoy!

Random Prompt Practice

So I just used the Random Prompt button and this came up:
From the 2015 Poetry Marathon
Prompt for Hour Nine
Set a timer. Write whatever comes in to your head for 5 minutes as fast as you can. Don’t delete anything you type, and don’t bother to spell check. It is all about getting the words down on the paper.

After the 5 minutes are up start editing what you have. Feel free to cut and add material as needed. Try to spend at least 15 minutes, if not longer, editing the piece.

I love how this prompt gives us space to create, such a big part of the Poetry Marathon, but how it also reminds us that editing is an equal part of the process. Though we have little time during the contest, I do try to edit each poem every hour before pressing send (if time allows) and then I return to edit my work before submitting to the anthology. During the hour, when finished a poem, I often stretch, get some fresh air, refill my water or brew some tea and then return to the piece I just wrote and change the font and colour so that it looks different on the page. It is amazing what I notice that I didn’t see before, so I can make the poem stronger!