Another Year, Another 12 Poems

Hi everyone!

Last year I did the Half-Marathon while sitting in a BnB in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. The weather was great and the Victorian desk sat with a view of the old (by Canadian standards) church across the street. The bells tolled on the hour, the place was quiet (Covid), and the time difference was perfect for my late-riser personality.

This year I’m in Germany, which puts the timing at 3pm-3am or vice versa. I’m not sure which I’ll do yet – still weighing the pros and cons. I often stay up past midnight anyway, so probably the first one.

In any case, I’m excited and happy to be part of this great event again! Some of my poems from last year have been published, and anyway, it’s just a good way to spend a day, flexing those poetic muscles.



Hi everyone!

This is my first year attempting this, so I decided to do the Poetry Half-Marathon instead of the full 24 hours. I didn’t want to overwhelm my system with too many commitments as I work as a healthcare professional. Trying to balance work and life is already a challenge for me. Most days I run on little sleep and leisure time, but I love what I do!

I can’t wait for this challenge to start!

Edited (6/25/2022): I won’t be posting my poems on Instagram or any other social media platforms as I may consider submitting some of my poems for publication.

Instagram: @kathyunguyen

2022 Rolls In

Dear Fellow Marathoners,

This is Cindy Whitaker from Durango, Colorado USA. Just 35 miles from my cabin lies a working cattle ranch dating back to the late 1880s. Those are my roots. Delving into DNA has only opened my eyes to what tenacity and perseverance really looks like!!  I come from stock, the tried and true tough stock, only few recognize. My great aunt and uncle, each in their 90s, still work the ranch! They are everyday heroes in my book!!

This will be my third year as a full marathon participant. I spend approximately 10 days collecting new materials to go with my tools of the trade pwriting box. My box has some very old dictionaries and poetry collections ( classics and peer/modern writers ) and the essentials. I use bold pens, special scrap paper I collect all year for drafts &/or meters. During the year, I add random words, images or short articles for encouragement as much as actual inspiration! For 24 hours I am a skilled and talented writer. I don’t have to travel far. I am instantly transported into a precious writer’s nook with solitude and quiet.

I want to add that I have had my poems included in the anthologies and those collections are so very cool!! I gave away many copies, specifically for feedback!! Feedback was always raw and exhilarating! I ve also had other, non marathon pieces, published in a local community magazine. That feedback was also life changing! Folks had known me for 30 years in that small town, but once I wrote and published several poems, relationships shifted. Yes, it felt like a grand sense of accomplishment in one way, and then suddenly those folks began to actually see me. I began to write and create and share more…fear no longer held me back!

Lastly, the community of writers right here in the marathon are supportive and real! You are truly welcomed in!! Expect to be pushed and challenged! Expect to be vulnerable! Expect to be humbled! Most of all give yourself whatever time you can to decompress * I find that helps with intention in reading and commenting on my peers’ work following the marathon.

As the 2022 Poetry Marathon Rolls In, like a rip-roaring tidal wave, I send out best wishes and happy trails to every participant! Let’s do this!!

Hello and Hey

I’ve been writing poems my entire life, and have always loved poetry. Emily Dickenson is one of my favorite poets. I’m very excited for the marathon.

I’m actually not too worried about getting out 24 poems in 24 hours. The biggest issue for me will be staying awake the full time.

I will be prepared with snacks. I would say coffee, but I don’t like coffee, and I drink uncaffeniated tea. So.

Maybe I can just sleep most of the 24th. We’ll see.

Uhh, I don’t know what all to put here. I’m 25, nonbinary (they/them pronouns please! Or ne/nem, if you want to use neopronouns or have something against singular they), in general queer. I’m Autistic and disabled with chronic pain and fatigue (although no diagnosed issue and I don’t know the source), on top of my mental health issues and, as much as I like it, my autism itself.

I’m a cat parent, too. Cinnamon is my pride and joy.

Man. I am not fond of talking about myself. Nice to meet you?? I’m excited for the marathon.

Greetings from Kansas City, Missouri! Jan Rog, 2022

Hello, I’m Jan. I teach English, love reading, and (surprise) have taken new delight in exploring my neighborhood. This will be my fourth Poetry Half-Marathon. I completed my first two but found my energy waned last year (2021). Still, I have returned and have found more comments from you remarkable people.  What fun it will be to write with you all, read your works, and make new friends along the way. . . .


Sign up for the 2022 Poetry Marathon

Sign up is now open for the 2022 Poetry Marathon! You can sign up here.

The 2022 Poetry Marathon starts at 9 AM ET on Saturday June 25th and will go till 9 AM ET on Sunday the 26th of June.

Those who are interested in doing a half marathon start at 9 AM ET on June 25th and go till 9 PM on the 25th. Or they can start at 9 PM ET on the 25th and continue to 9 AM on the 26th, which works better for some time zones.

The goal of the poetry marathon is to write and post one poem an hour for 24 hours. Half marathoners post a poem per hour for a 12 hour period.

This is an international event with participants from all around the globe. Generally 500 people attempt the marathon. You do not have to be a poet to participate. To find out how to convert your timezone go here.

To learn more go here.

To sign up go here.

If you are interested in participating please sign up by June 19th! We will get back to applicants on a rolling basis. Most people who apply will be accepted. If you have not heard from us by the 19th of June please send us an email at Please do not try and contact us through the FB page. We will make sure everyone who contacts us, gets an opportunity to participate.

Announcing the Editors of The Poetry Marathon Anthology

Hello everyone! We are thankful for the many wonderful and qualified individuals who applied for the editor positions this year.

We are very grateful to announce the editors of The 2022 Poetry Marathon Anthology! They are both excellent writers and editors, and long term members of the Poetry Marathon community.

This year’s Full Marathon Editor Ofuma Agali is a 44 years old writer and editor based in Lagos, Nigeria. His works have appeared in Nigerian publications – Post Express Literary Supplement, The Guardian, The Vanguard, and National Mirror – as well as in publications in other climes – Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Praxis Journal of Gender & Cultural Critiques, The Kalahari Review, and The Purposeful Mayonnaise. In his early years of creative writing, his poem, Sunset at Midnight, received a Special Commendation at the 2001 Poetry Competition of the Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON) Festival. To date, five of his poems have been published in poetry anthologies, including two Poetry Marathon anthologies. He has also written a full-length published collection of poems, If We Are Willing The Earth Will Listen (2017). A revised version of this is ready for publication later this year. He has also written two full-length unpublished collections of short fiction. His current works in progress include a collection of short fiction, a collection of poems, a novella, and a novel.  Besides creative writing, he is also a journalist, a marketing communication practitioner, and when he has the time, he likes to assume the work of a healthy living advocate. He holds a first degree in physics from the University of Uyo and a post-graduate diploma in marketing management from the Lagos State University. He is a father of three high-spirited boys, and that often feels like a full-time job.

This year’s Half Marathon Editor Cristy Watson is an award-winning author of eight novels for MG and YA readers. She loves entering writing contests and was thrilled to receive Editor’s Choice in the CV2, 2-Day Poem Contest in 2013. She also regularly participates in the Poetry Marathon in June, and she has a poem in an important and timely new anthology, ‘Worth More Standing’ (Caitlin Press; Christine Lowther, editor). She also volunteers at the Surrey International Writer’s Conference and was recently Committee Chair for Wise Words through the BC Federation of Writers. She completed a manuscript evaluation for an author through The Writers Union of Canada, as well as helping to previously judge their short fiction contest, and in the past few years, she has assisted writers of fiction, non-fiction, memoir and poetry. You can find her here:

Editor Applications and Art Submissions Now Open

Editing Position

For the first time this year we are going to have two editors  – although we are still planning on publishing only one anthology. One editor will be in charge of the half marathon section of the anthology. The other editor will be in charge of the full marathon section of the anthology. You can see what last year’s looked like here.

We’re able to pay each editor of the anthology $350 USD. It is still a lot of work for the payment, and we want editors to approach the position with that in mind.

The Poetry Marathon Anthology is many writers’ first publication, and others’ hundredth, but it is always a clear representation of the range of people who participate in the event. The editor is expected to choose one poem out of two that participants can submit, to publish in the anthology. They’re also expected to organize them in an order they feel is engaging, and to keep track of participant information, and write a brief one to two page introduction. Optionally they can organize the anthology with subheadings.

The goal this year is for editors to respond to all submitters by September 1st, although the anthologies need not be organized by that point. The anthology itself is usually published in early December.

If you are interested in applying to be one of the editors of this year’s anthology, send an email to, with a link to your poetry marathon profile/blog, and a paragraph or two explaining your previous experiences. CVs are not needed. Please make it clear if you are applying to be the full marathon editor or the half marathon editor.  Applicants for the full marathon should have completed the full marathon before, the same goes for the half marathon position. If you have not participated in the marathon at all before, please do not apply. Previous editors of the anthology should also not apply. We want to feature new editors every year.

We close to submissions on May 26th. We will respond to applicants by the first of June

Artwork Submissions

We are also open to artwork submissions from anyone, previous marathoner or otherwise. If your art has been on the cover before, do not submit again. We want to feature new artists every year.

Work must belong to you and you must be comfortable with us turning it into a book cover (digitally of course).

You can submit something that already exists or link to your previous art work examples and offer something new. No more than five pieces of artwork can be submitted per person. Any medium is allowed, as long as it can be turned into a print book cover. High quality resolution images are a must, though your initial submissions can be lower resolution.

We tend to chose images that either have space for the title and editor’s name built into the image or an image that can be interrupted by the title or editors name. We have never chosen an image featuring winter or specific holidays/overtly religious, but other that we are open to most images.

We will respond to applicants that we are not interested in by the end of June, but may make our final selection between a few artists in July or August, once the anthology nears completion.

We close to art work submissions on June 20th. Please send work to

If you have any question about either position please send us an email at