Time (Hour 8)


By: LuvMiFreely

(Hour 8)

The world is always in a hurry

Rushing to get nowhere

Everything in a discord 

This is the norm

No one knows what calm is anymore

Always trying to outrun time

People harp on it as if their lives depend on it

No one lives forever

Time is nonexistent

Why not enjoy your life right now?

Slow down… 


Summer Solstice 2021 (Hour 7)

Summer Solstice 2021

By: LuvMiFreely

(Hour 7)

The grass welcomes me

Standing barefooted 

Rooted firmly

A Earthly connection

Eyes closed 

Warmth consumes me

The sun beaming 

Smiling at the sky because it’s her season

She embraces me

Coloring my skin golden

Welcome back Summer

Fire (Hour 6)


By: LuvMiFreely 

(Hour 6)

Watching you do what you love

Got me cheering you on in the background

Seeing your face light up 

All that passion in your eyes

Got the fire inside of me burning bright

I’m holding the torch for you

Just in case you forget who you are

I’ll give you your light back

Spark you back up

I’ll never let your fire die out

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (Hour 4)

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

By: LuvMiFreely

(Hour 4)

Bottled up feelings 

Sealed tight

Afraid to let any of those collected tears to leak out

All the years of pent up angry

It all fills the bottle to the brim 

No room left for anything else to go wrong

You pull it out when you need a reminder

Of the memories you’re afraid to let go of

You grip it firmly 

Protecting all the chaos

You’re scared for everything to fall apart 


But this time as you stare at that bottle

The tears forming in your eyes cloud your vision

There’s no place for them to gather

As they run down your face

Onto the security net you protect with your life

The wetness of your tears causing the bottle to slip right out your hand

You watch as it shatters

Forcing you to face the fact that you can no longer hold it all in

You allow yourself to feel every emotion that you’ve been denying


It feels good to let go

Therapy (Hour 3)


By: LuvMiFreely

(Hour 3)

I don’t know how to articulate how I feel

So I let my thoughts spill

Across these pages

As I go through phases

Trying to understand my feelings


Going through the motions

The highest heights

Cloud nine potion 

Until I realize I have a phobia

And then I’m left falling

Crashing down at a speeding pace

I have to admit that I’m all over the place


Yet unbothered 

Brain racing at full throttle

It makes no sense 

But this is my normal


Feeling used and useless

Sane yet insane

Why do I feel this way?

This isn’t my mind on drugs

No illusions 

These delusions aren’t a dream

It’s my reality 

And now you’re probably just as confused as me


Now maybe we should both go get some therapy

The Joy of The Unseen (Hour 2)

The Joy of The Unseen

By: LuvMiFreely

(Hour 2)


Sometimes I find myself staring out into space

Mind all over the place 

Soul jumbled 

Inside my head I call your name

I ask God for a sign that you’re there

I just need to see your face

Maybe hear your voice and laughter

That’s when the sun shines a little bit brighter

The wind wraps me in a hug 

Your picture pops up on my phone

Your voice sounds angelic through an old video

I can’t help but to smile

Everything that was crowding my space

Feels less claustrophobic 

I can breathe

Although I can’t physically see you

I know that you’re here

I feel you in every fiber of my being

That brings me comfort in the midst of my chaos

I love you, 


Curtain Call (HR 24)


I give You all the praises
My heart is overjoyed
Because You blessed me with such talent
To be able to use my words to uplift
To spark a reaction
To share my soul the best way I know how to express it
May my words inspire
May it breathe life into those who come across them
Now I can lay down my pen
The battle has been won
24 hours, 24 poems
Thank you to those who read them
Thank you all for your support
The finish line has been crossed
And I have no regrets at all
As the curtain comes down
I give my last bows
It’s been real everyone
It’s time to rest now
…Until next time
Be safe
Love y’all

Encouragement (HR 23)

E-very one needs to be uplifted right

N-ow more than ever. Offer up a smile,

C-all someone up to tell them you love them.

O-nly love can erase the hate that lies

U-pon us. God created us all equal so no form of

R-acism should exist. We have to learn to

A-ppreciate our differences and learn to

G-ravitate towards peace. Unity! Raising together!

E-QUALITY! We all have a rights! We all belong!


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