A Recipe For Protection – Hour 2, Prompt 2

A Recipe for Protection
You will need:

1 contraction of perseverance
2 small rocks – your favorite
1 beetle carapace or chitinous exterior
1 gram of love
1 Large AA Egg

Set the contraction of perseverance aside, it is important to have it ready.

Grabbing a bowl the size of your heart and place the beetle carapace inside
Its interior shell should face the heavens, reflecting hidden colors in the kitchen light
Taking a silver needle, pierce the egg, do not remove the needle. Leaking is okay.
Sprinkle your love over the perseverance and the beetle carapace in equal parts
And sing the song of your heart. It’s okay if it doesn’t make sense.
While you sing grind the shell between two small rocks, preferably ones you like
Let them grind the beetle into dust and then keep grinding them,
Using your perseverance and love grind them into dust.
Let sit 20 minutes and remove the needle from the egg.

Take what remains of the egg, for much has probably leaked out,
Pour it over the dust through the small hole from the needle
Do not break the shell.

Stir well until the mixture has incorporated the egg into a paste
Smear it on the photo of that you wish to protect and bury it somewhere secret.
And deep.
Don’t tell anyone about this, just be there for the one you want to protect
Let them come to you with their troubles
And remember to go to someone with your own.

Mother Ear hour 1

What will be left

When finally his turn is done

With what’s left of her

From the clench of

His vice like grip

Dripping with plaque

Will we get there in time?

Will she still be alive?

If we bring the non-doctors

And tell her to please not cry

That everything will be alright

Once we free her from his wretched control

Will there be nothing left of our selfless Mother,

and the only home that we know?

Menly tears

Ever get that one tear from nowhere,

Exposing all your fears,

From the deepest depths,

They reappear


To finish the job they started,

Trying to attract sadness to haunt you,

Anxiety to taunt you,

And depression,

Gives you a 4 foot cord called suicide,

Your memory will live to haunt others too


My Paterfamilias

                 My Paterfamilias

I was humbly and hungrily

Waiting for a day like this.

To see joy sparkling everywhere

In my heart.

And never thought of being angry

For waiting too long

For a day like this.

I was always thirsty

To drink the cup of joy

Fed by my pater.

I was always longing to have joy,

Boldly written in capital letters

And glued to my heart

With the color of joy . . .

By my pater.

There I have today,

That will always give me a happy tomorrow.

For I have been fed to the fullest,

By the man

That never missed any chance,

To break an egg

And make me a being,

In the womb of my carrier.

Thank you Dad!

For this everlasting day of joy.



Quick and Easy Recipe To be a Functioning Version of Myself

Level: Easy
Total: 24 hr
Prep: 10 min
Cook: 12 hr
Yield: 1 You

50mg Sertraline
20mg Propranolol
12.5 mg Meclizine
25 mg Sumatriptan
0.25 mg Norgestimate and Ethanol Estradiol
200 mg Ibuprofen (as needed)
50 mg Tramadol (optional)
3 cups of Water


1 – Preheat yourself to 98.6 degrees F.
Sift the Sertraline, Norgestimate and Ethanol Estradiol,
and Propanolol into a medium bowl. Set aside.

2 – Drink 1 cup of water. Gradually pour the mixture into your mouth,
mixing until incorporated. Let simmer.

3 – Once melted, use a rubber spatula to fold in meclizine and Sumatriptan
until steady. Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center
comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes. Turn over.

4 – Top off with toasted pieces of ibuprofen to add crunch (to your taste).
For more sweetness, add a dollop of tramadol on the side.

5 – Wrap in plastic wrap. You’re best served the next day.

Poem 2

Upon the ground in a field buried deep
I came to the body of the lady

She took breath no more and her eyes to ash
My first thought to mount up and ride away
My second – bury her proper neath the tree
My last – the one that stuck – take her with me.

If I left her naked body a shame
My soul would howl at me in quiet nights.

To bury her would hide her name forever
No grieving mother ever to know now
How her smiling daughter then fed the worms
Squirming through the soil dark and deep down.

So I laid the body I found lifeless
In my cart and urged my mule on to town.

This body now no beat or breath inside
But I insist that its story be found.

Without Saying I Love You

Stay beautiful because you are. Life is worth living with you in it. I close my eyes I hug you in my dreams, kiss you in my wishes. I’m with you in every step, every inhale and exhale of breath. Tomorrow is always brighter because I have you to look forward to. You create every metaphor of my poetry. My world is complete with you in it.

prompt # 2: recipe for racism or awareness of diversity

  1. awareness
  2. colorful props
  3. improv
  4. conversation
  5. active listening


First lay out all props

have each participant pick up three props

use these props as conversation starters/discussions.

practice active listening

next step each small group choose one person to be the storyteller with props.

ST speaks

All listen actively

listeners respond with frozen statues or character enactment, speak one word or line on the main theme of the story heard.

ST responds with yes this enactment met with the same emotions,

or no it did not.

IF no, Listeners use feedback to try again.


Side Note:

this exercise would promote listening skills, empathy, sympathy among strangers.