Poem #2 Prompt #2 Jumping For Joy-Recipe by Ingrid Exner

Recipe for Jumping For Joy

  1. Humour
  2. Smile
  3. Child-like Glee
  4. Humility
  5.  Sun

Measure out 3 cups of humour and pour  into a large mixing  bowl ( container of you.)  Add a handful of smiles. Fold in 1 cup child-like glee and mix well to form a paste. Sprinkle in 2 tablespoons  of humility. Lastly, add Sun to taste. Bake until golden and delicious!


Ingrid Exner, Poetry Half Marathon 2020

Queen Ana Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba

Born with a cord around her neck

foreshadowing power and pride,

she was taught by Portuguese missionaries.


Her father, king, trained her for battle,

showered her with affection; the daughter

of his favourite concubine.


She wore traditional attire to a treaty meeting,

they expected her to sit on a mat

but underestimated her belief in equal status,

she had her servants bend over backwards to become her seat.


Held up as a goddess but with mortal complexity,

for thirty years she lead her army into battle

she fought against Portuguese invasion

she fought against slavery

she fought for peace and liberation

she had her lovers fight one another

for a night in her bed

then executed the winner the following day.


She died at 82, was laid out in leopard skins

with her bow across her shoulders

and arrows in her hands.

My Intro 2020

Hi, my name is Tanya and I’m still kinda new to this marathon thing, although I was in the 2017 Poetry Marathon. I did the 24 then but this time will be doing the 12 and will start tonight at 9 pm. I used to write stories and poems all the time but I reached a low in life around 1992 and attempted suicide, I’m so glad I lived because I would’ve missed so much in my life no matter how good or bad; my experiences have taught me so much. I lost a fiancee in 1994 to drowning and then in 1998 I lost another one when he was hit while riding his motocycle. I have kids by both. Anyway I’ve been busy raising my kids and just trying to get back to me. I now have 4 adult kids; a son 25 who is now a stepdad and married, a 23 year old daughter who is a new mom and made me a grandmother, a 22 year old son who is in a new relationship of his own and doing well in his job, and a 19 year old son with autism spectrum disorder. I myself became a new mom at 48 years old and am engaged, my new addition is an 18 month old little girl whom I gave birth to 2 months early on December 17, 2018 through emergency c-section due to a placental abruption she weighed 4lbs 7ozs. She has brought such a light into my life. Thank you for letting me be involved.

Hour 2: Time (Form: Pleiades)

Travelling through ages,

Trails that made memories

Tying the bonds that last,

Thoughts pervading the hearts

Transiting the seasons

Transpiring days and nights,

Treat the generations.

hour 2 poem


Science is not dead

But it is on its way

In the United States it causes dread

Lies all lies I hear people say

Then they turn on Fox News for their lessons today


The president no mask is he willing to wear

Maybe because he thinks people will stare

Covid-19 he often has said

Will not be that bad no reason to fear

How this makes sense I do not know

For no science he used that much is clear


To many smart people there are in the states

Time to stop learning and trust to the fates

Go out to work don’t go on to school

And vote with the right and don’t be a fool

Yes, the President the greatest we have had

At least that is what he says but I am a grad.


So, I know the difference between greatness and fool

Even though he works hard to institute a gag rule

So, to college you should go to fill your brain

To know the truth between science and the arcane

Fill it up full but don’t forget to think

So you can recognize the truth from the stink!

Recipe for a Staycation

A reading nook

A Long book

Chill background music

A warm blanket

3 to 5 pillows

A rainy day (optional)

Cozy pet (optional)

Prepare reading nook. Add a warm blanket to get acclimated. Gradually place 3 to 5 pillows to your liking. Mix in chill background music throughout. If it suits you sprinkle in some rain and a pet to keep you company.


Recipe for Future Mom’s!

A Mother’s Love: a recipe inspired by my mother


1 pound of unconditional love

1 bunch of affection

3 tablespoons of trust

2 cups of patience

1 dash of sleepless nights

Season with:

Creativity, intuition, tenderness and dedication.


To be a mother is the greatest gift a woman can have. She makes an imprint on our hearts and becomes an example
to follow. Mother is the noblest title on earth. Invincible warrior.

She dedicates her soul to make sure that her children have everything they need; she is the friend who we never have to tell we are hurting, sad or worried; she already knows.

Mother is the one who can ground us with able to give us the wings to fly.





She makes us feel like the most exceptional and precious person in the world. She holds our hand and protects our heart. Dedicates her life and soul

She ignores her weariness and her pains, she soothes our sorrows, cures our woes and rejoices in our success

I love you, Mom!

Recipe for Early Morning Pep

Recipe for Early Morning Pep

  1. Go outside and smell a whiff of mint kissed by this morning’s dew.
  2. Then drink a cup of freshly- brewed coffee like granddad used to do.
  3. Take a brisk shower alternating 30 seconds of cold and warm water.
  4. As they leave for school, hug and kiss your sons and your daughters.
  5. Go to work with a purpose each day, or else why would one bother!

9:19 CDST


Recipe for Humanity 2020 – Hour 2 Prompt


1. Face mask

2. social distancing

3. Stay home when sick or not essential

4. Kindness and non-judgment

5. Thinking of others


Wear your face mask and maintain at least 6 feet social distancing to keep others safe. If you are sick, stay home. Be kind to essential workers and don’t judge others that sin differently than you. Don’t take more than you need and think of others. Listen to protect yourself and others. Doing so will lead to a great outcome for all.