5-Minute Break


35 years together, quite a milestone

Kids and critters, good times and pain


Never a moment to rest and recharge

Go, go, go……..keep going; no time for breaks


The dust has settled now, kids are adults

Critters have come and gone and come again

First homes, second and third homes


The race is complete now

5-minute breaks at 23 North Market

Making up for time not lost but invested

Victory is ours




#2 The Volta

That rubber-soled squeak, screech
(meant tenacity, speed)
now highlights sharp discord
of my crumbling strength, echoing
from the loud tv.

Stupid Recipe Prompt 1/2 marathon poem #2

Stupid Recipe Prompt
1/2 marathon poem #2

Take 1 stupid prompt.
Add a generous helping of overcomplicated rules.
Add approximately 500-1000 frustrated poets.
A dash of desperation.
Allow to boil over furiously for about an hour.
Ignore for 24 hours before tasting – mostly bitter.

9 am Sat

No alarm you’re in harms way a million miles away

saw the time need a rhyme what can I say

App’s a mess so I guess I’ll try to log the laptop now


but the passwords’ failing the passwords fail me

my finger’s in the keychain- gotta get in my e-mail

the past words fail me my past words fail me

what to say when your out in the fray and I’m still here


said goodbye didn’t cry now you’re up in the sky

breathing air with careless strangers flying hope

to get your horde out of lockdown storage


but the passwords’ failing the passwords fail me

I’m locked out of your journey- pray N95 will save me

the past words fail me my past words fail me

what to say when your out by the Bay and I’m still here

H.2 – Tranquillity

1, A long walk, a meander, slowly from lust to love.

2, First light, drenching the morning in hope.

3, Wind dancing in tree tops to a song written in the stars

4, Sunrising above wild seas, bathing the morning in gold.

5, Spread all  on earth, rest your body against its skin

breathe deeply in – out – in – out – in – out – in – out

Walking Ashore

Walking Ashore

Darkness, like Armageddon,
does not announce its birth.
You begin to see walls crumbling on you.
And there you are, swimming to nowhere
after being broken by nightmares.
Because every sound is a constellation
of scourges on your existence.
There’s something persuading you
to leave this place of woes:
ten thousand woes after an amen of blessing.
Is home not a haven of peace?
You remember we are parts of the same fig,
and stayed to feel the touch of winter with me.
You would call God if you knew him,
as you would a beggar roaming the streets,
as if he was the one in need of you.
I learnt there is an answer to prayers
even in God’s silence. You did not agree.
I do not blame you for saying the brick
life confines you is too large for one.
It is because you’ve forgotten you are broken,
perhaps, a bit – there are too many of you
to sing songs of hope until the stormy sea
parts for you to walk ashore
without your worries.

What is Forever

A handwritten letter
lies told to me
a tattoo
a promise
committed crime
published poem
true love
recording a song
performing a concert
saying a prayer
making a wish
a wish granted





More fear this year.

News sites drone about

cloth masks and personal protection,

viral symptoms and death.


More gardens this year.

Social media posts about

patty pan squash and pests,

raised beds and healthy soil.


Ashes to ashes,

dust to dust.

Remember that you are dust and

to dust you shall return

Recipe for Success


1. Commitment

2. Determination

3. Consistency

4. Action

5. Adjust



Take your Commitment, add to that your Determination.  Blend with Consistency.   Add Action as needed, and Adjust as necessary.

My Venture

I can venture out right now,
in sloppy hills of valleys
where every height gives fright.

The ups and down are sudden,
when I am on car of wooden.
I ride the car, getting millions of scars
to make memorable my drastic oldage
while I enjoy my venturous coverage.