Good morning!!!

Good morning!!! How everyone feeling? My name is Tamia. My first time participating. So excited. Can’t wait to share my creativity. Everyone have fun!!!

Hello, friends new and old

I’m Tracy Plath, poet and grandma, and more than happy to be in a good head space to write once more. During the marathon last year I and my family were in the midst of a move across the States from Texas to Indiana. Previously, I was able to complete three full marathons, an experience that brought me new friends, better writing, and the opportunity to publish several books and edit several more for my new community of writer friends. The experience has enriched my life on so many levels I can’t imagine what my life would have been without the marathon. I posted all twelve poems of last year’s half marathon from a hotel room in El Paso overnight after a day of intense packing. The torture was only compounded by slow and spotty hotel wifi, but I managed to finish after producing better poetry than I had anticipated being able to do. Something about the time crunch of the marathon and the unseen but ever present support of hundreds of other poets helps me to create in ways I was unable to imagine before my first marathon in 2015. Our family made a week long, tortuously slow trip across country with our four generations of seven people a day and a half after that marathon ended. We made it with surprisingly little damage, and then spent nearly a year shuttling the family from one room to another in our little Indiana home as renovations were completed to make it a larger and more handicapped accessible space. We just finished on May 1 of this year, in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, and were grateful to just be able to curl into our new shell and settle into a somewhat unnerving peace and quiet after such ongoing chaos. Suffice it to say, I’m very much looking forward to writing once more, and meeting many more lovely poets from around the world!



I have just realised that I haven’t tested my posting abilities. So bear with me whilst I try this.

And if some of you clever ones can tell me if I’m doing it right? Thanks,


Truth Is Out There – Poem #12

Around the Meatball Planet
Which has a bit of granite

Connections are being made
Amongst many noodly shades

I’m a Pastafarian
Means I’m non-sectarian

Spaghetti Monster Flying
Challenges those a-lying

Pasta, pirates, rum, and Cats
We believe in wearing Hats

We even got a Garu
Living in a cave Guru

Try to be logically
Science-based society

Should you find us wanting
Then go elsewhere haunting

Miracles (Poem #8)

It takes a miracle
to endure to come out on top
Its the miracle that gives birth to

Its a miracle that gives birth to greatness
Its a miracle that gives grace
Its a miracle that sets free
Its a miracle

All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2020 Roxann A Harvey-Lawrence


Welcome fellow half-marathoners! I am John from Ocean City, New Jersey. Best wishes to all.