Intro 2020

Hello! I’m delighted to be a part of this poetry (half) marathon and am looking forward to devoting so much time to writing in one stretch and reading your words as well! Best wishes for the day.


Hello! I am S. Rupsha Mitra  a student from  Kolkata, India. This is the first time I am participating in the Poetry Marathon and I am too excited. I wish everyone all the best and hope it will fun .



Hey everyone! Gah. It is a little more than 5 hours before the marathon starts and I’m wide awake….

And… I’ve only just realized, I have neither created an introduction post or joined the Facebook group.

I hope this isn’t a foretelling of how this year’s marathon experience will go for me…

Anywho… I am a second year returning marathonist and I am called Kim. I perform my poetry in art form, under the name of Special K  and thanks to the world closing, I have been able to perform all over the world, via the wonderfully fabulous Zoom.

I’m a mom to kids, who have a tad bit more attitude than I care for at the moment (yay… teenagers) and to a 4 year old who still thinks I’m the greatest thing ever to walk this earth.

I do other things, but I should probably save those things for possible poem topics later.

Wishing everyone the best of luck and see you all at the finish line!

Uninvited Guest – Poem #7

Blue-eyed tomcat in silver tabby coat
He simply stood and stared, as if I knew
Not much to really decipher, I guess
A silent, staring cat – wants to be fed?
I always had extra pet food dishes
Almost forgot about Irene’s wafer
I crumble it up into the dry food

Before she left to visit family
Irene gave me a wafer for my guest
“Now this is for the uninvited guest!
Who will come visit you on Christmas Eve.”
Not being Catholic, I took her word
It was getting late, almost Christmas Day
She said nothing about his outer looks

So he’s a cat wearing a tabby coat?
An angel of God, she told me later
Said he would look like us, not like a cat!
How does she know he was not an angel?
My self-image is often a tabby
Besides God loves endless variety
Don’t Catholic priests bless the animals?

Introduction 2020

Hello all! I’m Courtney. I’m 20 years old and have been writing since I could pick up a pen. This is my second time participating in the poetry marathon and I’m super excited. I’m definitely coming in more prepared than I was last year, having an alarm for every hour and designated snack times. I think this is a wonderful exercise and cannot wait to come out of it with 24 new pieces of writing. I’m hoping to submit some pieces to the anthology this year and fulfilling my dream of being a published author.

Hello From Del

Well, here it is. I am excited for the adventure to begin. I’ve wanted to do it in the past, but it wasn’t the right time. I believe this is it.

It is my first time attempting the marathon, so I’m going for the 24 hrs. Only praying the storm and lightning crashing outside do not crash my computer.

So, I’m a grandma of five, mom of three, and a wife with a husband who understands the craft. I’m a snowbird from Flordia in the winter and travels to Michigan in the summer to enjoy my precious family.

I love writing poetry as a way to bless others. This challenge hopefully will be the same. I am working on a devotional book and my goal is to weave the poems yet to be created within the upcoming devotionals.

So, ready, set, go… off to bed


and see you in the morning!

Rhyme Time – Poem #6

I love to rhyme
Most all the time

Rhymes are a song
To sing along

They make a tune
Where one can swoon

A friend has said
Don’t rhyme – instead

Write in Haiku…

I assure you
It can rhyme too

(Cue diabolical laughter)

Hi Everyone

It’s been a few years since I’ve completed Poetry Marathon. I’m from Australia so will be starting from 11pm our time Eastern Standard Time

Looking forward to interacting with everyone….my internet is a bit hit and miss for the first 12 hours as I’m a bit remote staying at a hut near the river!


Introduction to Me -2020

Hello Everyone!


My name is Harmeet and I’m excited to do this for the second time. My first half marathon was 5 years ago and a lot has changed since then. I am excited to write and share the work that will produced during this year’s marathon.

I have been working on a novel for the past month or so. I believe that the word count goals for that book will help me during this 12 hour writing session. I also hope to see prompts that will increase my inspiration. I also think this will also be a great way for me to become more disciplined for my book as well.

Good luck and I look forward to reading your work too!