First time marathon participant from Scotland!

Hi, my name is Kat and this is my first poetry marathon. I’m an English literature student at Stirling Uni in Scotland, and I love writing so I’m super excited for the marathon. My biggest influences are Angela Carter and Leonora Carrington so I’m planning to write some fairytale inspired pieces! I’m a little nervous though.

Half Marathon Prep

Another year, another half trot around the corral! I look forward to calling my inner muse to come out to play, stretching her sweet lace poetry wings out far and wide. May a word strand stumble forth, worthy of, if nothing else, the sheer eloquence of creativity.

3rd year half marathoner back!

I am looking forward to my 3rd year with the poetry marathon. It has allowed me the space to focus on my work and create poems I never thought I could produce. I am releasing my first poetry book, ” A Divine Collection of Chaos” next month and I give a shout out to the poetry marathon for helping me create pieces for the book! Follow my Instagram for more info on the book release @divinecollectionofchaos

Hello fellow marathoners!

I am a newbie but am looking forward to the challenge! I have been writing mostly poetry all my life and have had a few pieces published in anthologies. My writing group friends have encouraged me to pursue my poetry and having a book published. I hope you are all healthy and safe. Hope to connect with as many as possible. Best of luck to all!


Hi from Oregon

Hi, my name is Beth and I am a poet, writer, editor — and this is my first time doing the poetry marathon. I’ve been a bit stagnant as a poet, focusing on other writing, but have felt that tug to start writing poetry again. So when this opportunity hit my inbox, it sounded like the perfect way to do that! And also a great way to stay away from the stress of the news cycle!

How am I preparing for this? I have literally dozens of snippets of poems that have been floating around in my brain, so I’m fairly confident of having enough ideas, plus we’ll have the other prompts. I have some prompt options, too. Mostly I’m focusing on high energy snacks and stocked in lots of water and juice. I can’t have caffeine, so I am at a disadvantage to all you lop and coffee drinkers. However, I do have plenty of chocolate, my stimulant of choice!

Looking forward to hanging out with all of you on the Facebook page! 🙂




Needed a reminder to figure out my !@#$^#%$^%$ password, username and how to publish. It’s been a while. 🙂

All set for tomorrow and looking forward to it!

jc the poet

A little bit of introduction

Last year it was a skeptical approach.

I had registered  for the Poetry Half Marathon,  12 poems in 12 hours. I was pretty sure I was going to fail. Being sure of failure took away the sting of a possible incomplete marathon. At the end of 12 straight hours of writing poetry, like my fellow marathoners I was exhausted. More than that, I was awed at the possibilities that participating in the half marathon opened up.

It is that awe and inspiration that gives me the courage to participate in the full marathon, 24 straight hours of creating poetry. How am I equipped for it? Firstly, keeping myself hydrated with plenty of water as the temperatures touch 30 degrees this weekend in Graz,Austria.  Secondly, I plan to keep the inspiration flowing with my life’s bible, Letters to Theo by Vincent Van Gogh, in arms length. Thirdly, coffee. Fourthly, I plan to document my thoughts when I am not writing that hour’s poem, so that i can share them later with others. And finally, write as my thoughts bleed.

Gavin’s Introduction

Hello. My name is Gavin. I am friends with the organizers. I have joined this event based on their recommendation. I am not one for poetry, but I am going to give it my best effort and I look forward to participating with all of you. Good luck. End of introduction.



My name is Amy and I am trying to avoid the plague by staying home since April. What better way to distract myself is this poetry marathon. This is my first year for the poetry marathon so I decided to challenge myself with the half marathon. I will most likely rely on prompts. Anyway my brain is full of randomness so hopefully I can go beyond word salad. I’m looking forward to the challenge.



I’m Kaili. I’m a singer and songwriter from Toronto, Canada. This is my fourth time participating in the poetry marathon. I’m doing the half marathon this year!