Intro Marathon 2020

So the time has come to write like we’re running out of time 🙃. Don’t ban me for my Hamilton references! I’m Jade writing from Chicago. This is my 3 or 4 marathron and I’m I’m excited. It’s great to be back and I wishing everyone a safe and hopefully relaxed success marathon.

Hello everyone, I’m happy to be here … and also scared … !

Hi everyone,

My name is Diane and I live in Southern California with my partner, four dogs and one tabby cat. I participated in my first poetry half-marathon last year and it was absolutely the hardest and most thrilling writing experience of my life. I was astonished by the process itself and by some of the poems that emerged. And I was very honored to have one poem selected for last year’s anthology.

I am very grateful to our poetry gurus for creating another poetry marathon/half-marathon this year.

Like many of you, I’m sure, I am very distracted and anxious these days. My life is so different than last year. I am honestly less confident about my ability to concentrate and keep up. And, yet, I also think this half-marathon is probably one of the most important things I can do right now.

As writers, we bear witness. As writers, we channel voices. As writers, we help to bring change.

And I am ready to be part of that change.

I look forward to reading your work and being part of this wonderful group.

Very best,


Hi Everybody!


I’m Toshia and I’m so excited to be a part of this experience.  I have written two children’s books about diversity and bullying, but my first book was a poetry book called, “When Your Heart Aches and Your Soul Cries.”  I’m excited to be a part of the poetry world again.


Hi everyone! Thanks for being here on this adventure! and to the wonderful organizers of this digital event, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! This is the first year I’ve known about the Poetry Marathon, and it is RIGHT up my alley… in fact, you could say I write all my poetry in a 24 hour marathon (sometimes longer) though I’d never thought about it that way before! I’m just a person with rapid cycling bipolar disorder, so I figured, the manic marathon of output was going to be my M.O. whether I liked it or not. How overjoyed I was to find that I’d been training for a marathon all along! 😉 It’s all about how you write your own story 😉

Hi from the Upper West Side

Hi, everyone! I am honored to participate in the poetry marathon. I feel a bit breathless as I imagine what it will feel like to produce one poem each hour for 24 hours. I know it is a challenge and a feat to complete such a marathon, and I am looking forward to doing it myself! Once the marathon is over, I will have twenty-four lovely (or messy) poems. I write poetry regularly, and I know this is an opportunity to strengthen my skills.

I am most excited to see what I unearth within myself. Each poem I write is a doorway to a piece of my soul, and I feel I will go to a place where I have yet to visit within my self.


Best luck to all participants!


– Pearl


Hello kindred Wordsmiths!

My name is Onoruoiza. This is my first marathon and I can’t wait to get started. Considering the current global pandemic, we are all on a restless sail… Forging communal bonds across virtual spaces has become the lingo of survivors.

I am here for the fun, the literary run

For a dramatic turn…


Hi, my name is Nykki and this is my second poetry half marathon. I’m beyond excited and a little nervous. I recently lost my job because of the pandemic, but on the bright side I’ll have more sleep.

What I Am Is What I Am and Who I Hope to Be

I’m a former high school English teacher living and writing in San Diego, California. Lover of animals, nature, big hearts, and rainy days, I spend most of my time engaged with friends and family or in the pursuit of art and entertainment. I’m not ashamed to admit I love to watch movies and tv shows, and I’ve recently discovered an appreciation for podcasts.

When I was younger, I played volleyball and basketball competitively and was inducted into my liberal arts university’s Hall of Fame, an achievement that reminds me my body used to be a fierce machine. Now, I read by the pool, practice yoga, and take long walks in parks, and I’m always thinking about how to jump back into a regular cross-training routine.

I love Halloween and Tarot and most things considered dark, strange, unexplainable, or unique. I’m trying to figure out how to apply my affinity for eerie, mysterious things to my art. My most recent creative passions include painting acrylic on canvas and drawing animal scenes for a coloring book compilation.

When poetry strikes me, which is sometimes every day, I write. I recently finished my childhood survivor memoir titled, When I Was Her Daughter, and am currently seeking a publisher. My work has been published in F*** Isolation, fws: journal of literature and art, Coffin Bell, and A Year in Ink, vol. 9.  

I have two cats, no kids, and one amazingly supportive husband. This August marks our eighth wedding anniversary. We love to travel and look forward to getting back out there to see the world once COVID calms the heck down.

This is my first poetry marathon.

“Greetings and Salutations, fellow marathoners!”

As I always tell myself every time:

It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

If you gotta take five, take five.


For a change of perspective, step out occasionally to breathe in fresh air, walk the dog, play with the cat, whatever.

Write what you want, how you want; it’s just an opportunity to share and leave a little of yourself out there among like-minded souls.

At the end of the day, it’s like an virtual outing.

All the best, and have fun, everyone!

Hello! My name is Daria Lebedeva. I am an emerging poet using the format of the rhymed lines to pack in the depth and complexity of the thoughts provoking the thinking process to start up. I am Ph D in philosophy and probably because of it the choice of themes for poetic expressions is of the most challenging ones. I venture to label my style – that I think I am aware of and I am developing it in everyone’s stanza- as empathetic poetic storytelling placing woman in the center of narration. As much as I can I try to dive inside an imaginary personality – the protagonist is simply called ” she” in my poems- who faces some difficulties to overcome and as result to win over the routine of uselessness and idleness to arrive at the blessed island of a lifelong meaning. I need to add – the language of poetry is not my native language that makes the task more challenging for I have been writing in English and Polish, rare in Russian. So I must admit another label to my style- linguistic experiment. I am excited for trying poetry marathon for the first time being motivated to test my skills and imagination under pressure of time.