Hello 2020


I am on this poetry journey with my little sister and best friend. We are pulling glyphs, images constructed from the letters of words, as inspiration. I spent a large chunk of this year transcribing years of poems from my journals to a Google doc. One more step in honoring the love of poetry in me. As this challenge too will be.

May the words find their merry way to you




Second-time marathon runner!

Last year was my first Poetry Marathon! It was a beautiful, frenzied, and challenging pursuit. It regrounded me in the act of writing and I look forward to this. May it be my touchstone onto which I can put down the words and feelings swirling in my mind, my guts, and my heart. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone! I’m a bit nervous looking at some of your accomplishments, but I know we’re all here for the same reason. We love words. We love poetry. Keeping that in mind, I’m becoming less intimidated and more excited as the day draws closer.

So, a little about me… Currently, I’m living in Oklahoma City. We returned here from my little country home in NW PA due to Covid. I’m a mom of four and a grandmother of six who has been writing since I was nine years old. Poetry helped me survive many things, and I now use it with my children and grandchildren. I’m finally completing my BA in English and Creative Writing and have begun to teach workshops and coach writers. There’s just so much to writing, it’s impossible to cover it all!

I’m looking forward to spending 24 hours doing what I love. 24 hours of surrounding myself with words, and creating poetry. I want to use the time to refine my craft, explore poetry deeper, discover more about myself, and share these experiences with other poets. I want to rejoice with you all and make these discoveries.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Introduction-Emy Deshotel

Hello! My name is Emy Deshotel, and I am a published poet, a freelance writer, and an aspiring novelist. I joined the marathon challenge myself and my creative process. I’m super excited to participate in this marathon and look forward to creating some great poetry!

Nice to virtually meet you

Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m here to generate new material and strengthen my daily writing practice.


A little about me…I received my MFA in Poetry Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. My poems appear or are forthcoming in: North American Review, Stone Highway Review, The Ilanot Review, Anthem Journal, Almost Five Quarterly, Wilde, Sinister Wisdom, Wicked Alice, ROAR and elsewhere. My chapbook Speak So It Anchors You was published in 2016. I reside in the shadow of the Catalina mountains in Tucson, Arizona with my 2 dogs, 3 fish and endless hauntings.

email me at :  poetguru2003@yahoo.com

Happy Writing Everyone.



Setting a mark in the sand before my first marathon.

I wrote a lot of poetry when I was younger and trying to get through many difficulties of early life. I was inspired to come back to writing in the past year and it has been a witness to myself since.

I trained as a psychologist and then went on to focus on psychoanalysis. I have also had a life-long interest in esoterica and mysticism. I lived and travelled in many parts of the world, and my default medium for expression has been oil painting. My writing aims to blend these interests. I am interested in how emotional lived experiences can echo in a hermetic fashion a yearning for the sublime, played out in the diversity of the world around us.

I am intending to focus during the 24 hours on a broader range of themes, than I have written about lately. I was once told that a lack of sleep was a ‘cheap gnosis’, lets see where that takes me from the 15th hour onwards.

I posted some previous works before if anyone has an interest to see them.


Hi everyone. I am a newbie to the marathon. I look forward to the challenge. Hope everyone is healthy. Talk to you in the morning.


Me in a Nutshell

  • http://www.financialtechnologyafrica.comRarzack Olaegbe is my name. I am a journalist with over two decades of journalism practice.

    I have been privileged to report different beats including politics, health, society and entertainment, information technology, telecoms and financial technology for magazines and newspapers including Business in ECOWAS magazine, Classique magazine, Daily Times, TheNews, PM News among others.

    I am a columnist with The Nation newspaper, National Economy, Front Page.com, Brandish journal published in Vanguard newspaper. I contribute regularly to Media Watch, a radio programme of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN).

    As the Managing Editor of Financial technology magazine and Financialtechnologyafrica.com, an online fintech publication, my work is managing and curating content on a regular basis and also ensuring the quality and fidelity of announcements.

    Besides my journalism practice, it is an honour to be involved http://www.financialtechnologyafrica.com with niche events like the Lagos Fintech Week, Financial Inclusion Conference and Awards, TEDxIkeja, Demo Africa etc. Well, that is me in a nutshell.

Introduction from Ingrid

Hi Everyone!!!!

I am so-o- happy to be back! I have done the Poetry Marathon (Half actually…) twice and, this will be my third time! For a number of reasons, I just haven’t been writing that much lately. I hope that The Poetry Marathon can help to jump start the creative juices and get me back on track. I just have a few questions…Where are the prompts again…fb page or webpage? And, we start at 9 am, correct. Do we post poems at exactly 1 hr intervals?


Thanks for the guidance!

