
Hi. I am a poet, a retired university professor who will have his first book of poetry , Untethered Balloons, published in March 2021 by Adelaide Books, a literary press.  I am in the process of working on my second book and hope to incorporate some of my marathon work into it.
Good luck to all.


Greetings fellow marathoners!

My home is on Phillip Island off the Bass coast in the south of Victoria, Australia.

I guess the fact that we are participating in the marathon is an indication that we are healthy and well.

And I also guess there might also be a lot of Covid-19 related poetry happening.

The marathon has snuck up on me but I will do it anyway. I’m a poet, writer and photographer at heart so I’m looking forward to all aspects – but not excited about losing sleep!

Following Jemima’s lead, here is some more about me:

  • Work: Women’s mentor, employment advisor, end of life consultant, small business owner
  • Daily cravings: Poetry, photography, nature, my dogs, chocolate
  • Study: Currently doing a Masters in Creative Writing and literature
  • Motivation for entering the poetry marathon: To loosen up my creative juices and see what I can come up with.
  • Links to my websites and social media:

My approach will be relaxed and I intend to make it a (hopefully) non-stressful part of my day/night. I’m not doing anything special food or drink wise but I might go for drives around the Island for inspiration. It’s only 23 kilometres long and max 10k wide but it’s spectacular and we’ve got all the whales coming past on their annual migration at the moment.

I wish everyone all the best and good luck!


Hey, I’m Jemima Meyer

  • Day job: Dietitian at the South African Military Health Service.
  • Daily cravings: Poetry, music and controversy.
  • Motivation for entering the poetry marathon: Lately, writer’s block has been constricting my throat.
  • Link to my music:
  • Links to my poetry:

2020 Introduction – H.J / #authorHJ

Hi, all!

Happy to be here – with much thanks to Caitlin & Jacob for everything. I wish everyone the best, throughout this process 🥳💖🕯

This is my second running. I hope to be completing another Half, this year. This piece is my personal favourite, from last season.

A little about me: My roots begin in Poetry, but I am an author of multiple genres at this point. I’ve been professionally published since 2014. “H.J” is a pseudonym based on my first & middle name initials.
My books and published works are known to blend fiction with mental health and social justice topics.

I am from Canada; most recently am an Honours Grad of College-level Social Sciences and hopes to further my studies in Australia, post-COVID.

I have an insatiable love for coffee (iced vanilla, anyone?) and would not be able to go on without it – Remember to stay fuelled, nourished and hydrated through this process.

Thanks again and I do look forward to connecting with you all.
Happy writing! Cheers!

H.J / 2020 ©️♿️

Bring on 2020

Wow, what a year.

Both globally and in some ways personally for me.

I actually nearly forgot that the poetry marathon is already this weekend, somehow it felt farther in the future.

I signed up for the full marathon, but I will be doing most of it while in bed on painkillers, and I hope I will manage to complete.

If not, at least I will have tried and I will have written something.

Bring on the 2020 marathon.

Edit/update: I love doing the full marathon, but due to health reasons and unforeseen circumstances I will have to limit myself to a half marathon this year. Otherwise I would probably fail… Trying to set realistic expectations for myself. Fingers crossed for a good half one!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

Hello poets! I write from the hidden corner of MA. I have been challenged to do the Marathon by a member of my writing group Horizon Glass Poetry Workshop. My day job as farmer means I am doing the night shift – 9pm to 9am- I plan to get myself out into nature at night for inspiration- so you know there will be at least one firefly poem!

Namaste From Delhi, India!

I am Hardika and this will be my 5th full Poetry marathon this year. These 24 hours has always given me a way back to my heart, this is the most exciting time of the year for me. I am glad that the marathon is back this year because everyone needs it.

P.S: All the first timers, Welcome to the club!


This is my second year doing the marathon and I’m really excited about it! Last year a got a great start and a large chunk of a (then) new project done. I have another perfect this year that I might be working on. Or I might just do it randomly… I guess we’ll see!

Happy Writing, everyone!


– Alana


Hello! This is my first marathon and I am so very excited! I studied writing at Kingston University, London, am originally from Colorado/Kansas, and I now live in Portugal with my husband and soon our mini-human.

I introduced myself on the Facebook page yesterday, but I wanted to make sure I had the hang of WordPress before tomorrow 🙂

Can’t wait to get started!


Hey guys!! I am Addy. I recently joined the WordPress community. A friend of mine introduced me to the poetry marathon. I am so excited to take part in it. All the best to everyone 😊