
Hi, I am Arundhathi from India. I have just finished High School and I am looking forward to doing an undergraduate degree in English literature. I think of poetry as a means of not only expressing myself but also as an instrument of understanding myself and the wide world. I am seriously looking forward to this matathon- this is my first one. My favourite poet is Sylvia Plath and her works have had a great influence on my own writing.

2020 is crazy, so why not a 24 hours poetry marathon?

Hello there!

My name is Ibtihal, but for my writing I go by I.B.Y

I am so excited to be participating in the full 24 hours marathon this year! Last year, I did the half-marathon and it was truly such a pleasure. I enjoyed reading the work of others and I had lots of fun pushing myself. This year, because things are already pretty nuts, I figured I would go to my own extreme and participate in the full marathon. Wish me luck!

I’m an Educator and Communication Specialist who studied English Literature at a University in Canada. My passion for writing is what landed me in the careers I’m currently in. I think of Literature as a field that requires constant growth, learning and self discovery. At the base of it, I think I am at my happiest when I am learning – whether I be learning from others or more about myself, every experience feels like a victory.

That being said, I cannot deny that 2020, despite its difficulties, has been an easier year than the past 8 years combined. Many things have happened, and many unexpected changes in the past years have left me feeling disoriented. Poetry, however, (and writing in general) have been a constant. Through writing I am both grounded and elevated; I get to enjoy exploration and the wonder that lives in the simplest moments.

I would love to connect with you all, and learn what draws you to writing poetry!





My name is Krista.  I live in Ottawa, Canada.  The following is my life in a nutshell, written as part of an exercise for creating copy for my coaching business.  It was my first kick at the can.  Great to be here.  Looking forward to digging deep together tomorrow.

Once upon a time there was a bright, scrappy, freckle-faced kid, who climbed trees, caught snakes, made up songs, and got good grades.

She spent hours imagining she was a teacher, using chess pieces to play school, believing she was captivating these unordinary students with her extraordinary magic.

Most of her time, though, she was really just trying hard to be good, and useful, and smart, and pretty, and tough, and quiet, and funny, and grateful, and helpful, and selfless enough to win her mother’s love and affection.

Alas, as some well know, people can’t give you what they don’t have. 😞

The love never came.

Our little freckled-faced friend would have to figure out another way to get her own needs met. And a lot of times, for a long time to come, she got a lot of things wrong.

She had a huge hole.

And she didn’t know what she didn’t know.

Her head had grown full of lies and misperceptions, her heart full of sadness and anger. Her guts full of confusion and fears.

It just so happens that those conditions weaken the body. It’s totally not surprising that she got sick. Dis-ease creates disease.

At 21 she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She also had a breakdown, a breakup, the 1st of four bowel resections, and a near death experience. Not all in the same day, of course!

You know what they say, though.

Life goes on.

She goes to work. She pays her bills. She loves her son. But she still parties every second weekend like she’s trying to die.

The innocent child is the light of her life. Slowly she begins to wake up to a sense of purpose. Something to live for, fight for. A reason to ask for help. She feels a duty to be better.

She goes looking for answers to questions she doesn’t even know she has. She goes looking for something that will help her break the cycles,

end the suffering,

clean up the confusion,

bring some peace.

She enters addiction treatment. She meets a man. She gets kicked out of treatment. And she’s quickly stripped of everything – her health, her job, her family, her friends, her son, her self-respect, EVERYTHING

This is where her dig begins. This is where she begins to surrender. This is where Grace enters. This is where choices are made.   This is the part in the story where she begins to reclaim her worth, her truth, her power!

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

And they did.

Hungry for answers, she heads to the library where books filled with wisdom and instruction launch themselves at her. She consumes them like they were a wellspring in the harsh dessert.

She meets strangers who share their loving kindness, their strength, and their wisdom. She reaches out and taps into community resources for support and guidance.

She is on a quest to learn about love, to end the suffering in her life, to replace confusion with clarity, anxiety with peace, and powerlessness with empowerment.

She was on a mission to heal that hole.

And she did!

Today, that freckle-faced warrior woman is living her childhood dream, teaching her sisters do the same.

And you guessed it, that warrior woman is me!


Namaste from Chennai

Hello there, I am Vidya Shankar from Chennai, India, a widely published poet, writer, editor, motivational speaker, yoga enthusiast, exponent of mindful mandalas and an English teacher. I am the recipient of literary awards and recognition and have been on the editorial of three anthologies. (In fact, I am currently working on my fourth anthology as chief editor.)

A “book” with the Human Library, I use the power of words to create awareness about mental health, environmental issues, and other oppressing shackles of an out-dated society.

My first book of poems, The Flautist of Brindaranyam is a collaborative effort with my photographer husband, Shankar Ramakrishnan. My second book of poems The Rise of Yogamaya is an effort to create awareness about mental health.

My social media handles are:

Twitter: @VidyaShanks

Facebook: Vidya Shankar – The Quintessential Word ( https://www.facebook.com/shanvidwinsalways )

Instagram: @vidya.shankar.author

Trying again



Hello web from the world,

                          people unite by the spider net,

               here we are trying to figure it out what to do, or how to escape,

            if I’m on track asking to the silence,

                                 would I have a name?

            the involuntary rhymes sound like a frantic game

in the wrinkles inside my brain,

a labirynth wich is made by my own reseach

of how we see in the mirror image

Is this how everything about this is suppouse to be?



Goodday everyone!
I’m Arielle from Africa, a young budding writer, I simply love poetry. It’s always been hard to express myself vivdly, but through poetry, I am able to carve my imaginations into reality.
I am honoured to be here, among great writers, I’m excited to read everyone’s work and soak in your amazements.

2020 Marathon Introduction

Greetings to my fellow participants,

My name is June and I’m a poet from Berlin, Germany. In the fall, I’ll be starting my senior year of highschool. In this time of turmoil I’m glad to be able to participate in the marathon for the third time, allowing for a glimpse of normalcy amongst general uncertainty. I’m also happy to celebrate my birthday during this years marathon and further celebrate taking part for the first time as an openly transgender poet. I wish everybody luck and much success in undertaking this taxing but extremely rewarding experience.

May The Force Be With You

Greetings Poets,
This year I will enjoy the company of my puppy, Miss Millie. Finally someone I can read to!
I wish you all a creative, fun, and snack rich experience. Though I have done this before I do
not consider myself a poet, however, on most days I consider all singing, humming, laughing
humans POETS.
Blessings and have fun.
Tobe & Millie in Vermont, US

Sailing Over The Blank Pages, Leaving words as We pass !

Hi fellow sailors.

Hope you are staying safe while going through the incidents that were only in books months ago.

I consider myself as a sailor in this endless world of hopes and dreams. We explore many things in life, moreover its a desire that we can’t quench.

I often stuck in dreams and finds myself in confused state of mind. I reads a lot and writes a bit. Mainly stories and journals. Its my first hand experience on poetry which I wish to make a success with you fellow writers and poets.

My Desktop: Pencil Glass, (I use pencils to write:) ), Current reading, a small blank paper notepad (I made it from one sided papers), Perfume

My Writing Pad: A nice paper which become ultra confusing by dreams and ideas that I have jot down at night in half asleep.

Likes: To Lay under a tree in its flower bed and hear birds chirping.(Never Happened though)


Last but not least. Myself Adarsh, living in this beautiful earth for the past twenty five years and I wish to leave a mark in this vast sea.

(I reckon that name is something that you have so that you can turn when someone call you from behind. And I don’t believe in posts statuses and positions which makes (as some say) superior or inferior)

Hope to see you all somewhere at the end.