Test post and introduction

Hello everyone!

I’m a first-timer and I am having a look around the site ahead of my half marathon tomorrow. It’s slightly daunting and I’ve a feeling I might get lost in here but I’ll try to stay on track.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

Cody’s Introduction Post

Here we go again…
Feels like a lifetime ago since the last Marathon. As the world spirals further into uncertainty, I find solace in poetry, using words and lines, allegories and metaphors to try and describe my state of being in context of the chaos that surrounds us all.

In these crazy times, creative expression becomes ever more important to try and make some kind of sense out of the all-that-is.

I’ve always been inspired by society’s upheaval and radical culture shifts, from the anti-globalization protests of the early 2000’s to Occupy to the present day the collapse of the American dream has always been a muse, for better or for worse.

I think there’s a beauty in the transmutation of pain into art, and I’ve always been inspired by those who are able to take personal and/or collective passion and express it in a way that makes you think, makes you wince, makes you feel.

Passion can be love and happiness, but sometimes it’s righteous indignation and uncontained rage. Sometimes it’s anguish and sorrow at generations of oppression. Sometimes it’s hope, sometimes it’s hopelessness. But for all that it is, I think it’s our duty as poets to express it in this form.

Good luck everyone, see you in the trenches. Hold nothing back.


Hello everyone, this is Vishnu B. Unnithan. This is my first time participating in the poetry marathon and am really excited. Looking forward to having a great time interacting with all and writing some lovely poetry. Many thanks to the organisers for taking so much effort to continue with the poetry marathon and anthology in spite of everything thatโ€™s happening around the world. Hope everyone stays safe. See you on the marathon day. Best of luck!

And thus I am born….

Vishnu B. Unnithan is a doctor by profession. He hopes to enter surgery residency and has every intention to publish profusely along with carrying on his medical duties towards the global community. Currently, he serves as a contributor to the Artifice.

His arsenal includes such enviable superpowers like the ability to fantasize about food even in the midst of a pertinent crisis. He romances the English language and loves quotes. (Some of which may inadvertently find their way into his writings: A few, inspired and always, entirely original)


Hi! I am Christina. I’m a poet, writer, and artist. I’ve been trying to get myself to write more so this is a great motivator. Thank you for organizing it!

Hello Again

I am participating in the half-marathon for the 5th time, writing in Bellingham, Washington. My husband and daughter are also participating. The pandemic has wreaked havoc with my creative practice. I hope the marathon will jump-start my writing. Wishing everyone a happy day of poetry!


Hello, all. My name is Megan, I’m a 47yo teacher in Austin, Texas USA, and this will be my second half-marathon.


Hi. I am Prachi from India and this is the first time I am participating in this marathon. I am so excited! I began my writing journey with poetry during a trying time of my life and I have been writing ever since. I have always been inclined to the traditional rhyme scheme and it is only recently that I have come across the modern ways of writing poetry and I can’t wait to try it myself! I have realized in the past few months that although I love this art form, I don’t have much knowledge regarding it and this marathon will give me an excellent opportunity to read all the different styles.

Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚



Hello there!

I’m Nadine from Malaysia and this is my first poetry marathon. I’ll be going for the 24-hours with my best friend who’s in Pakistan and hopefully we’ll be keeping each other awake. I started writing poems when I my mother bought me a narrow rectangular-shaped notebook at around nine-years-old, and since then I have written very occasionally (less than twice a year), so this marathon will certainly help me beef-up my collection. I can’t say anything for sure, but expect some poems about love, politics and prayer! I will be starting at 9pm here and the last time I pulled an all-nighter was when I was finishing up writing my thesis a year ago, so this should be interesting!

Wishing all the best to all the participants this year and I’ll see you tomorrow!