
Hi, I’m a returning Marathon participant, back for my third marathon. Joining you from the UK! Any tips on staying awake? That’s always what I struggle with the most!

Hello 2020!

Hello everyone,

This will be my third time participating in The Poetry Marathon!  I am so very much looking forward to writing in community, especially during this upside down, social distancing, anxiety-ridden, inspiring, and challenging time.

Many thanks Caitlin and Jacob!

Happy writing to all!


Hi, my name’s Ivan. This is my first poetry marathon and any tips i could get from experienced folk would be helpful. Thank you!

Hello All

A big hello from Melissa from the Hudson Valley.  I participated in one of the 24 hour marathons long ago and it was great. I’ve returned for the half marathon. Wishing you all the best!

It’s 2020 and it’s time to do this!

Are you warming up your weary, quarantined brain? I think I’m still in a state of shock over the events and non-events of this year. So, I’m cracking my knuckles, stacking up paper, sharpening pencils, and stocking up on cheese, fruit, peanut butter, and yogurt. Did I mention coffee??? Good night, I’ll see you Saturday morning!

Happy to be back writing poetry for 12 hours

Hi, my name is Sandy And I am 63 years old. I am really looking forward to writing poems for 12 hours. My last marathon was a few years ago and I enjoyed it very much. I hope I can come up with meaningful poems. I also look forward to reading everyone else’s poems. I find that to be the best part. There are so many great poets out there.

I live on the west coast of Canada with my family and our Springer spaniel.

That time already?

[avatar user=”kevinjoconner” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” /]

Oh, these are weird times! If one thing isn’t falling apart, something else is. Or everything else is.

Fortunately, it is Poetry Marathon time again. This will be my fourth time participating—and, as I always say, I have opted to do the half-marathon again, because I like sleep.

I am looking forward to seeing what comes out this time around. Will I be able to get through 12 hours without writing anything about death or covid? Well, probably not, I suspect—but if any of the prompts can coax a new angle on something out of me, that’ll be good enough.

Good luck to everyone!


(25 June 2020)