Prompt #18 Dear Death,

Dear Death, 
How have you been?
it's been a while
have you come to collect some souls?

It's not my time yet...
but, while you're still here...
Join me for a strong coffee
I imagine your work must be killing - no pun intended .

img – DDP
Tell me what does dying feel like?
Where do you take the souls of the dead?
Does time wear you down like it does the living? 
Do you have a soul?

If given the chance to be anything other than death 
what would you chose to be?  

-Janice Raquela Mendonca 

Inspirational Chicken Sandwich

Is it really your pleasure?

To drop chicken and waffle fries into a fryer?

Extra sauce please.

Your pleasure?

I’m no one special, just a fast food buyer.

But the words come with such ease.

It is my pleasure!

As if this sandwich is meant to inspire.

Magic words like a cheerful disease.

Your pleasure indeed.



Art is theft
It steals time
It steals sanity
It steals clarity
It steals health
It steals wealth
It steals breath

Art is life
It fills the time spent doing nothing
It gives voice to the deep secrets inside
It pulls out our darkest parts and makes understand ourselves
It feeds us on cold nights of the soul
It spreads to others who appreciate and purchase and beg for more
It reminds us to breathe when we have run out of breath



~How do I feel?


Like a tiny, fluff


~~~drifting in the wind…


How fragile and delicate

~complicated and free!




~so very soft…


(((like a whisper)))

~drawn across a heated inferno~

of smouldering passion…


so easily~~~~~~~~~>


routinely, in fact.


~but today?





Magik Boy

He’s a little magik boy

known to fiction and real world joy

millions love his special gift

many enrobe themselves and lift

their wands in unison, a rift

and instantly the world’s adrift


Uttering lyrical rhythmic words

swish and flick may sound absurd

but we adore the learned mimes

and pretending in medieval times


Bravery and brains alike

Potter and friends they take a hike

but at their heels shall always be

whose name must not be uttered, he


That wizard casts a glowering cloud

‘cross every non-death eater around

man and woman, boy and girl

shudder from his gloomy swirl


But we, at Disney can pretend

to vanquish Riddle in the end

with scar across our muggle pates

we raise our wands

and dream our fates.


– 6/22/19, Sandra Johnson

I’m not

I’m not sick
I feel fine

I’m not sad
I’m happy inside

I’m not hated
‘fore i still love most

I’m not lonely
Even though I’m alone.

Whisper in the Wind

Make a wish with a whisper,

Send it into the wind,

It will come to pass.

You wish will come back.

The wind will hear you,  and send it were it needs to be,

Listen as it blows through the trees.

Send your wish with a whisper into the wind.

And your wish will be granted with what you need…

C. Burgess (c)

Yes Sunshine

Yes Sunshine
All the time
So welcome here
With that glowing luminescent vision
How’ve you been my dear?
It’s was quite bothersome before you came on in
Fluctuations in storms and dark
But then a dove returned a branch
Indicating safety to the ark
Yes Sunshine
All the time
So welcome in this place
The rays shine bright
Turn to day from night
Shine on
Right on my face

Prompt 25, Hour 20

We are almost there! This is the hardest part. But it can also be the most rewarding. I want you to read the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot and use any of the lines, words, or phrases it contains, to write your own poem. Make sure to give Eliot credit if you end up using a line of his, by italicizing that line and mentioning the poem and the author after the title of your poem.