

She said

As she shook the canteen

No more coffee for me…


He said

And come dance

Under the beam of the moon

With me… (more…)

Post apocalyptic world (Prompt 19)

there are no doors to knock on

no paper to write on

no land to walk on

only water

We die thinking about what we have learned

how our lives could have taken a different turn

Centuries later

Humankind will evolve into mermaids…


Have a crazy bunch of people around me
Who care for me in every special way!!

Feels just yesterday, we started off together on the path,
Who knew, we would be as we are today!

I look back..
Years gone by, I now see in a flash!!
Moments together, are all captured in the snaps!!

“HAPPY YEARS”, I’ll name them,
Wonder how strangers become FRIENDS for life!

Guys!! It’s more than a promise,
Loads of memories I will cherish!!

No matter wherever we’ll be years from now,
You all will be the same crazy people for me, I vow!!

Z-School Episode 1 hour 4

Z-School part 1

This was a dream
A dream I had
One day at school my teacher asked,
‘What is 2000 + 259?’
‘2259,’ I replied

That was when a zombie walked through the door
and bit three people
I stabbed him with my pencil
My friend beat him with a stapler

Everyone died
Except us

A sign

A sign


I reside in this in-between

With you on the other side

Our deal not to be shared

With anyone living


I wait with patience to

Know that you are there

Somehow still connected

To me and us


Take only a moment

My last request as

You have joined the others

While I must open this door



TobeTT  # 18

Poem #15

Caffeine patrols, 
Sugar rush
Guilty as charged
We keep marchin' on.

A brand new world 
awaits me today
Imagination is on the loose 
and creativity re-fueled. 

Let's paint this town red.

-Janice Raquela Mendonca

image by Ronaldo Arthur Vidal

Overdrive (H16)

the light’s too bright
and the sound’s too loud
and the ink is frozen in place

if i’d turned down the chance
i’d have missed the moment
that swept me up and
dropped me off and
left me here
one monkey short
or maybe just a hand

so throw me a rope
or hand me a line
and I’ll write my way back
to where the light illuminates
and sound talks sweetly in my ear

The Rest of the Story

There will be no Apocalypse.

No ending of the world.

Certainly no ending of me.

Oh, they of the balance of

Light and darkness,

Young Loves unaware of

The nature of me,

Gather shells like squirrels

Before winter.

And happiness still eludes them.


Like I said, I threw paint at a canvas

And saw you.

I’m still throwing paint.

Journey into Tomorrow

Sit and wonder what tomorrow holds; flipping through channels. Confused by the hours on the clock; it is always today.

A reminder rings, an echoed thought.

Wash and rinse, brush and rinse, swoosh and rinse; kind of makes you thirsty. Remember to remember.


Sunrise, hurried thought, I’M LATE! I’M LATE! Wash, brush, rinse , repeat?? I’m late, now ready. I start off into the day.

I Remembered Today

Hold My Hand When the World Ends

The world has come to an end
It’s a sea of black
And I can’t find my friend

The world has come to an end
There was a bang and a crash
My cell phone rang

The world has come to an end
He managed to get one word to me

The world has come to an end
I pack only essentials
I wear my trusted shoes

The world has come to an end
We are a moving caravan
We are all heading in one direction

The world has come to an end
People fall
Others give up and sit in the road

The world has come to an end
We are pushing each other uphill
The strong and the weak alike

The world has come to an end
I reach up and grasp a hand
And I’m pulled into arms I know

The world has come to an end
But I’m holding my friend’s hand
As we watch the whole world burn down