No Where To Go

Tears blur the lights shining on the street.

Perhaps the rain gutters will catch the overflow.

Each breath is matched with a step, the further I get, the easier it will become.

Keys jingle, leashes clatter, a symphony of people coming home from their day job.

Meanwhile, I’m running away.

Untied shoes will not stop me.

Nothing in hand, I walk.




One Step-Hour 16

You take a single step

Followed by another

Moving as slowly or as quickly as you want

You make plans

Buy things

With your destination in mind

One foot in front of the other

You can change your world

The whole world

You can make things happen

Make dreams come true

And yes it comes to an end


You have a new appreciation of where you came from

You see your world in a new light.

Then you do it again

One foot in front of the other

You carry what needs to be carried

You leave old baggage at the doorstep

You choose a new knapsack

You carry a new burden of your choice

You don’t have to take any steps

You can put the new shiny knapsack down

But why wouldn’t you want

To change the world?

With just a single step?

Dear Mallika age 21

Hey lovely dressed in black
I want you to know that you look beautiful
I know its been a tough day today
But never let anything outshine you
I know you dont have friends right now
And maybe you wont even have
I want you to learn to be with yourself
And be happy doing that
I know its a tough phase right now
As the person you thought to be yours is acting weird
Let me tell you honey, You deserve much more than him
And you will have him at the right time
I know life is a roller coaster right now
But you will find the light at the end of the tunnel
Till then love yourself a little more
And think about others a little less

The Explanation

Before the world began

There was math.

One plus one was always two,

And I loved it that way.

So, I decided to paint.

I threw color at the canvas

And warped the silken threads.

This, of course, was all in my head.

And then I saw you.

Right there in the middle of a blob of blue,

Was you, Love.

I was amazed that such an accidental

Splash of color could create

A being of light,

Like me.

I am that I am,

And I have always been.

I think, I feel, I see, I desire, I cry, I laugh.

Most of the time I laugh.

All of the time, I love.

Some of the time I wonder

Why my Loves, my beautiful Loves,

Love me in the sky when I am here

Among them, wandering aimlessly,

Laughing at their petty feuds,

And knowing, all the while,

That I am.

City Stars

Stars fade into streetlamps as we head home,
Each with a particular nimbus of light.
You can’t get the same quality of night sky
Out in the city with its pollution.
Only a few stars are brave enough
To shine on through the smog and neon glare –
Orion with his sword and belt,
The Great Dipper scooping water,
And every so often a North Star pointing home.

What you lose in stars you gain in people,
The average human crust and grind.
As long as the stars are still out there,
I’m not sure I mind.

16. The Messenger XVI

Do you see that guy with the blue jacket?

Yes, why?


What do you carry in your truck?

It’s a huge one you got these days

Can you shut the F… up?

For a minute

You only puke BS and craps

You don’t take the usual one

And you go around the blue tunnel

It’s longer but safer

Much safer

Mr Jordan, I hope

You’re not too tall

For our Space Suit

In your blue jeans

You’re walking

You do not hurt a fly

And yet we blame you

All the time, to be as

free and the tongue well hanged

Isn’t it, Btch?

What? Shocked, she falls into syncope

To Hear Nature’s Ancient Psalm (Hour 15)

The whole of the world is a swelling daydream,
a gradual infection festering in
self-sought hypocrisy. Bleeding shadows
from behind your eyes, tasting rain-like teardrop
stones caught in your throat. Your voice a silent
cascade of sunset colors, dreaming of the wild
afternoon where trees shimmer in the heat,
a purple sweating craze wiped from your brow.

Do you hear the fox’s gagged voice,
choking ancient words amid the tall grass?
Shades striping, umber eyelids drawn,
whispering in a demonic tongue
a savage song just beneath the canopy.

Can you feel the hungry insects? Chiming in eternal
patience, abundance triumphing over minuscule lifespans,
giving purpose to all that is discarded, hordes chanting,
heralding the incoming dark, giving voice to the trees,
crying with the worms to taste the wasteless.

A seething undertow is coiling
through branching veins, ascending inside
climbing trees, and spilling over objecting
stones of forking tributaries.

Shrinking dusk, crawling beneath growing shadows,
a fading wound in the skin of night, a watching moon,
pale enchanted majesty, swooning divine reverie
in the waters of my being.

Forgotten lore, gives heed to a lost connection,
now buried beneath concrete security,
plastic convenience, and electronic vanity.

Medicinal relic, an incubating thirst,
old magic calling for blood.

The blackness

The world was without form, everything floating around space as we know it now.

No rhyme or reason to this massive blackness, swirls of matter, light years away.

One big black hole, no planets, no sun, just dark matter as if the galaxy’s eyes were close tightly.



I am tired of worrying
About all of my worrying
For it leads to more worrying
About my habit of worrying.
I am tired of struggling
To maintain control.
I know it is time to surrender.

16 – A Freeform Haiku Quintet on Terror

Look what you have done. No animal would do this, only a human.

Torturing children, dragging them from their families, leaving them to die.

You justify it all in the name of your god… so superior.

Babies in cages. You have become so human, you are inhumane.

You have gone too far. I swear on all you love, your god is ashamed.