The Queen of Hearts (hour 16)

The Queen of Hearts never wanted children

but when she met Alice,

she knew.

She had spent a lifetime making mistakes,

cheating on her husband, and eating too much,

but what was she to do during those spells of emptiness?

The Queen had to find entertainment somehow,

So why not chop off a head or two?

Afterall, blood tastes better with fear.


In neon chromatic I skim in a machine that purrs.

The wheel smooth as it responds in hairpin curves,

Lazy winding on glass smooth blacktop

And roaring engines that snarl hungry plumes

To a cityscape blur.

I’m slipping, sliding, gears slick and tuned

Flowing as you dare to crowd the road,

Watch me glide.

There’s no lap to the future, there’s no end,

Just the revolve, the next turn, and the blur

Of your life speeding closer to infinity.


Hour 16. (2019)

Flashing vignettes of post-war, post-regime countryside

From a grey city of hidden color that bleeds history

To timeless tranquility beneath Oaks, two world wars strong,

Within a valley strewn with flowers

Whose scent chases me back into the city

My world as I know it (Prompt 18)

There is no darkness

only light

i see coral oranges and teal blues

i see anger…I see rocking chairs

I feel questions

I hear pain

this is my book of genesis

I have no illusions on how I came to be

i moved into a womb

of a stubbornly loving mother

and a cancerous father

he negotiated his blueprint

to another

my mother had not ceased to exist to him

she was solely the woman he wanted at convenience

his disconnect seeped into her womb

and I wondered in the wake of this family fire

how love existed on this side

I had seen our lives disconnected

defied by my father’s own selfish crusade

he was imperfect, as every man I have encountered

And he bailed, as every man I have encountered

he taught me first

that i mattered only after his own needs were taken care of

my existence to him is only after

that is how my world came to be…

i have no doubts about any of it….

and I still love him despite it all

Hour 16: Car

I sit in the backseat

Earbuds in covering the sounds of the road

I bop my head and watch sometimes

Flat and woody to hills and valleys

Finally making it to cornfields  far as I can see

The scene changes quick when you stop watching

When you look up from wizards and dragons

I am home and I start the quest

I look up and I see the new scene

In time with the rise of action

And I’m back into the quest saving the kingdom

I look up heros done and happy

I have arrived


My family will try to make it to some extended family’s place once a year. But we drive and it is a nice nine hour car ride. We do go through all these scenes on our trip. (it’s weird sometimes going from state to state seeing how each has a different type of main landscape) 

Prompt 20/H16-Journey

Walking through the city
Silence pervades each corner
Everything is somewhat gritty
Caution as we move south
A glint of silver, a flash of red
Murder in the daylight
Your turn to take her head
Pocketing the valuables
Quickly, the world is watching
Round the corner, down the alley
Stealth and silence are catching
An empty courtyard, bleak and grey
Pretty, petty, artificial,
Almost garish in the light of day.
The guards arise
From the pavement and the shadow.
Commanding and present, unavoidable.
Faster now, the roof will work somehow
Up the steps, no hesitation
Snagging gold statue decorations
Aha! At last, the signal boosting,
A rock, arcane, the key it’s plain
A snap, a spark, an empty roof
Returned from whence you came
Safe at last, murder success
And thanks to the statues
Rich as the emperess

Prompt 20 Hour 16

Love landed

squarely so

In my lap

my heart did grow

as tall as sunflower

as wide as the sea

There was no containing

You plus me.


C. Churchill




Why did it come so easily to mind,
the decision to change my life?
Just a spark, a passing notion one
lazy summer day. That zing set me on a
new adventure.

In theory it’s exciting, not scary at all.
A new purpose, bringing with it
determination and a throng of new friends.

One week before classes begin.
I’m going to be a college student,
finally, only five years late.
The impending change is suddenly daunting.
How will life continue? When will it all
become too much? Can I do this?

Assignments daily, deadlines constant,
I’ve used my education to propel
me into a dreamer once again.
I look forward to graduating, to becoming
a writer, a teacher, a professional,
but more than that I find joy
in using my mind again.

I memorize, I read, I criticize and heed
the criticism offered to me. I dive
headfirst into a world of literature and science
that my thoughts have long since abandoned.
I “feel smart” for the first time since
graduating high school.

I’m using my mind in a whole new way
and reaching for my brand new dreams
all at the same time.

It feels amazing to have my life so in focus,
yet so precarious.

This is living.

My Odyssey

My life has been an odyssey
A balance of good and bad
I have seen so many things
Such adventures I have had.
Not too long ago, at my older age
I decided to return to school.
Everyone was so much younger
At times I felt like an old fool.
Surprisingly, as the time went on
My confidence in myself grew.
I began to see me doing things
I never thought I knew!
I learned to be a leader
Organized (oh my!)
I became someone people looked up to
Even if at times I questioned why.
I found within myself it seemed
A wealth of knowledge I’d never pondered
When I began my soujourn to
The chance to let my talents wander.