Philosophical Love

Once upon a time, I defined love
As acting in the best interests of the beloved.
While that is still sometimes a thing I can believe,
It is not something I can believe constitutes all of love,
Or even the most meaningful parts –
As if it were possible to always know the best interests of someone else!

Love is a chemical reaction,
As much emotion as proaction.
We shape the quality of our relationships
With the material we bring to them –
Brick and mortar, wood and straw.
It is the invisible elixir of personality interplay,
The love you give and the love that is given.

Love is a thing you do, not a thing you are or say.

Hour 15 – Forming of the Universe

Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann at Pixabay


Before everything, there was only darkness

And vacuum

And then a slight amount of activity began…

exactly when, is anyone’s guess

but it was a long long time ago…

when the time came

that which was the nucleus of all exploded

and began to expand in all directions

Galaxies formed, each consisting of

billions of stars and planets developed gravities

and began to encircle stars…


And today, the universe is still expanding


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019


Prompt 18-19/h15 Beginning and End

To start there was fire,
combustion, and coagulation
Sulfur and oxygen
Moisture so warm you could not breathe
Without drowning and boiling alive
Not that anything was living here.

Then came the rocks
From beyond our great planet
Where they started is for another time
But they brought with them the source of all life
Ice which became
Water which dissolved into

Hot, absolute, steamy,
Then cold, kelvin, frozen
Imbalanced and imperfect
That was day one.


To end there was Fire
Combustion and destruction
Hydrogen then nothing
So hot it was like the beginning
So fast shadows remained
Of what used to live here

Then came new rocks
From within our great planet
Small, imperceptible
Bringing the end of all life
Or what remained after the blast
Poison which
Irradiated and became

A hole
Sucking out the atmosphere
Hot, absolute, vacuum
Then silence, yawning, void
Day 3.89 Quadrillion



A bright light,
fumes all around,
witnessing death in front of the eyes
the early living beings stayed in tight hugs.


Church bells strike violently,
Tempest gaining strength every second,
birds,animals,insects all in fury,
the mansions man carefully built,killing him.
Crying for help,holding the holy cross
they awaited death!

Hour fifteen: Ode: the light in the window

Driving up, your glow swells & opens,
like the air is a curtain you can part

to engulf me. There is no better sight
than my own messy table, my laptop

the intermingling of our everyday
clutter. Some days, I come home

to roasted vegetables & the beginning
of a TV series I will accidentally fall

into, the easy laughter of people
who will listen if I’ve had a bad day

or a good one. Other days, the kitchen
is hollow & I am a burning candle

in my own smile, standing with my back
to the darkness, grateful that someone

cared enough to leave the light waiting
for my arrival. When I know I’ll be alone,

I leave the light on for my damn self–
proof that I am my own arrival,

my own happy ending, the only
glow I need to find my way home.

Hour 14, Borderland

Parched and twisted,
my mind reflected the desert
surrounding me this last year,
emptied and lost.

The sun there scorches
and thins all it touches,
a child’s plastic rattle
half buried in the ocher dust
shattered in my hand
when pulled, brittle shards,
and I bled.

I have been concentrated
down to essential elements,
all extraneous softness
near completely drawn away,
dispersed into the driving winds.

Bone and blood yearns
for that which I once knew:
verdant grasses rippling
in a softer, soughing breeze,
trees like sentinels on the horizon
guarding entrance to Eden,
and my tissues expanding to store
the humid green that hovers
within the very air,
the path appearing
before me, pulled home.

“The land knows you, even when you are lost.” Robin Wall-Kimmerer


Beginning to End

In the beginning
the world was dark
The stars began to shine so bright
Creatures started to roam around
Scampering, hopping throughout the night.
The trees they grew to reach the sky
Flowers began to fragrantly bloom
Bees were buzzing gleefully
Birds were chirping
In the beginning.
In the end
The world was dark
The stars brightness waned
All throughout every night
Not a creature could be found even hiding
The future did not look so bright.
No live trees could be found
No more flowers bloomed
The bees were absent
The birds music
Was gone.
In the end.


Ruled by the others she was till date,
Serene and innocent.
A damsel indeed;
Attempting to prevent apocalypse,
With a smile on her face.

But she was made to write her own fate
Growing in the shadow of the apocalypse,
Strong and fierce she became,
An independent queen with fire in her eyes.

Fairytale was her life.
Little did she know,
She was a monster in the making.
Did apocalypse change her?

Angel cum devil
As she thought of herself now,
She understood she was –
An angel
With invisible wings and robe
A devil
With invisible horns and tail