Fairies at Dawn in June

Periwinkle hue

Reveals the truth.

Twilight fairies gather round the morning dew

As they know their work in nature turns

To napping soon.


Untouched by light,

Time is slipping

Giving away the night.

Night shift ends, these fairies take flight.


What’s left for the morning fairies?

The weaving of and wonderful start of

Another golden day

In precious June.


Mary Gabis


Pointers into new avenue





Thinking therefore as I am

Pointing to a new direction

Life tales exuding

Find the colors within

A contouring reality to grasp at




Love envelopes

Clarity points new direction

A life forming a transformation






Prompt # 15 Hour # 12

8:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019





I became cleaner after he died

Allowing forever paint chips

To loosen and be swept

Human smells creeping out

Through windows, doors ajar

Leaving constellations of dust

Autonomous universes

Home to beings who do no harm

Recycling even bad thoughts

Into tulips


TobeTT  #12


Cat cry breaks the night

right under my bedroom window.

It has a burgundy wildness

that is the opposite of my

outward tame energy.


We are not adversaries, this cat and I.

we compliment each

Like autumn and spring

like sky and sea..


Together we own

the brash spells of night.


J. Pratt-Walter


If Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad Then One Out of Three Is

Baby we can talk all night


I told you 

There’s nothing left inside



you can cry all night

that’ll never change the snow

piling up outside


I wish you would make me leave

I tried to show you

I’m tired of words

I keep on telling you

there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you

be sad

be sad


I know you’re looking for a

Cracker Jack 

I tell you 


I’ll never give you

so many years

I’ll never

love back



she left me on a stormy night

She kissed me and got out of our bed

I pleaded and I begged her to walk out that door

She turned right away


there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you

Now be sad

there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you

Now be sad


ain’t getting nowhere


Voice mail- Moby Dick

Call me. I thought I would sail.
Whenever my hypos get me to knocking people’s hats off
I get to sea as soon as I can.
All men cherish the ocean
washed by waves and
cooled by breezes.
Thousands upon thousands
of mortal men
fixed in ocean reveries
looking high aloft
to get a seaward peep
How are you?

Invoking the muses

Euterpe, giver of delight,

please kindle my imagination!

I would love to ride a Pegasus

and to own a hive of virtuosos!


I was a girl who really wanted to have

a unicorn or a gifted mermaid like Ariel.

Maybe deep inside it’s the same girl-

a girl with a huge writing and singing passion!

Hour 12. (2019)

We, America, rebuild

and confront power.

For too long the people have borne the cost.


[Taken from the Inaugural Address of the 45th President of the United States]