
If you’d direct the masses to go,
Not necessarily to war
This works just as well for any cause,
These are some rules you ought to know

It’s vital to give the crowd a show;
Remind them what we’re fighting for
And, if any of them seem to pause
Accuse them of loving the foe

Many in your party will be low –
Never, ever sound insecure
Or impatient – yes, they may be bores,
But you still need them, don’t you know?

Once you’ve won the crowd, don’t take it slow!
Be bold and let them gape in awe
Meet opposition with loud guffaws
Ridicule is simple to sow

Hold on tight to power, don’t let go
After all, that’s what power’s for
Bang the drum and magnify the cause
Lest supporters melt like spring snow

If you’d direct the masses to go,
Not necessarily to war
This works just as well for any cause,
These are some rules you ought to know

Form: La’Tuin

Prompt: Use the title of a book as the title of your poem. The poem doesn’t have to be connected to the book.

Form Poem

We all need to believe in something

whether it’s true or not

whether you remember or not


She didn’t know what to believe anymore

was it a lie or the truth

was it real or an overthought


Either way it’s what she believed about herself


They trusted you first
Five-year-old hands too small

They handed me to you
You reached out, accepting the call

A pact made before we had language
A journey started before we could adventure
A love before understanding
A best friend before and for life

Before I could speak
You were my voice

Before I knew
You could tell

Before I could fall
You held my hand

Before I could swim
You taught me to float

Time flew
We grew

You into your role
Me into mine

Sisters in body and soul
A bond that defies rhyme

The Thought That Got Away, Hour 9 (again)

Had a thought
Then I got tired and I forgot it
Tried to snatch it from the muse but she laughed and flew away

I chased her for a while
But after running several miles
I had to stop to catch my breath
I really don’t know what to say

The thought is gone now, taken by the muse unto the Great Beyond
Perhaps some other lucky soul will catch it
Perhaps I’ll think about some other cleverness to say
But will it compare to the thought that got away?

I highly doubt it


Why can’t I love you?

(i miss you when you’re gone)

What gnaws at my insides?

(it’s so quiet here without you)

How can I be so peaceful?

(all your things lay scattered

in perfect order

just as you left them)

Is that my music playing?

(but i liked most of yours) 

Why can’t I love you?

(because i love me more) 

Written in Hour 3 – Only Me

No one else

understands my rhythm –

the music I hear in my head,

or the sound of my own special song.

I am who I am.

I sing what I want.

I dance with my own steps

timed to the beat of my heart,

and driven by the dreams

in my soul.

Hour Nine, Promt Eleven – The Shack in the Valley

Image courtesy of Pixabay


As I stepped into the shack

I felt warm immediately

There was a fire in the hearth

An old man sat in a chair in front of the hearth

“I was expecting you.”

The old man said

“I know.” I responded and sat down.

I poured myself a drink

from the jug on the coffee table.

It was good to be home…


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019

Prompt 11/H9- Into the Wild

Good morning kitten, it’s time for your leash.
Out in the world, we’ll see all the trees
You can climb them but don’t run off too quickly
We’ll both get stuck.
Fine, you can go a little further.

Good morning kitty, I’ll be ready in a moment.
My goodness, you are persistent today.
An hour’s too short to see all the trees you say.
Oh dear, but I have to go to work.
We’ll figure something out.

Good morning cat, did you have a nice night?
A nice week as well I hope?
It’s been a few days but I’m happy you’re happy.
And I’m glad you keep coming back.
Welp… of you go, into the wild again.

Down All the Days

These beautiful paradoxes,
made with extreme care.

A gentle chirp and the scaring roars,
A firefly’s little spark and the blazing Sun,
A tiny grass blade and giant redwood,
A grounded fog and heightened clouds…

As high and low notes of symphony
creating an exhilarating melody,
your art,incomparable!

Hail! The craftsman,
for I,a simple clay toy of yours,
can only be grateful,
bowing down before you,all the days!