The Goldfinch*

In the death of winter,
The goldfinches fly
To the little feeder in the big pine.
Some might say, 
Most likely to eat.
Others may say,
to socialize and mate.
I listen respectively.
Smiling in secret.
For I know in my heart,
The goldfinch is here
Out of necessity.
Instilling hope with their colors in the sky.
Assuring  smiles with their songs on the bleak, cold air.
You see, I know, they bring the first sights of Spring.

*Based on the title “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt


The Mushroom Suit

The Mushroom Suit


Now I lay me down to rest

This mushroom suit will look the best


They put me only three feet down

To leave me here then went to town


I had to die I was quite old

There’s no regrets I was quite bold


My life was large I got around

My stories will indeed be bound


These mushrooms chew and eat bad stuff

Our toxic world has made things rough


I didn’t want to leave a mess

To take up room in a big old dress


So here I lay and start to blend

Into the earth I’ll never end


My word to you you’re gonna go

So plant no junk just loving glow


TobeTT  # 8


I put my headphones in

I lock myself in my room

Blasting my music so I can’t hear

Your screams are piercing through

I know what you’re saying

But I don’t want to

The same fight you always have

She’s lazy

He’s cheating

She’s hurting

He’s leaving

The venom in your words is poisonous

You don’t hear the cries of your children

The pleas we beg for the fighting to stop.


In the end, it just destroyed us

Tore the family apart

And left us abandoned

It even took our house.


But yet, it continues

Despite that you’re separated

Always putting us in the middle.

The Iron Tree

In the dark night stood
A tall, tall tree
Covered deep in a dark hood
An old, old tree

Its roots branched out
And spread in the sand
Reaching far, far out
Right in the middle of the land

The branches swayed in the wind
A thick trunk hit the floor, hard
The leaves were nowhere
For the tree was bare

There was a hole, a huge one
Leading inside the hollow tree
Sitting on a stool hidden from the sun
Was the iron man leaning over

He chopped and cut
Moulded the pieces of iron
Thud, smack and a krut
Working away in the night…

Hour ten: Elegy: The labels I’ve left behind

Maybe I’m just some asshole Gen-Z
PacMan swallowing words and avoiding

my own ghosts, or maybe my identity
is not something repressed but grown

like hair or fingernails, trimmed into
shapes that make sense, repainted

and groomed, changed with the times.
My genders stack like dead skin cells,

growing into something long and beautiful.
My room is littered with flannels, the most

non-commital brand of masculinity
I could find– #dyke, #butch,

#transmasc– but maybe I have it
right this time. Maybe my girlhood

was nothing more than bad fashion
sense, a childhood costume I’ve long

outgrown, but I cannot imagine
my voice being deeper than it is,

if it would sound more or less
like myself. Maybe I would wear

skirts again if I could pair them
with a beard. Maybe there is still

time to figure out what kind
of man I want to become.


Poem 8

Quickie ((WARNING….if poems like this make you uncomfortable please skip)) 

By: Ashley L Powers


Our eyes meet

And I get chills down my spine

I close my eyes and dream of you

Your hands on my thighs 

My body shakes at the thought of you

Wondering what you feel like 

Grey sweatpants 

Your imprint 

The only thing on my mind

Lusting, trust me 

I can imagine you thrusting…

…whew damn now I’m mesmerized


Wet dreams

And I’m at my peak

Temperature rising 

I would be lying 

If I said you didn’t bring out my inner freak 

Open my eyes 

And to my surprise

We’re face to face 

My back against the bathroom stall

Nails in your back

You deep inside me

Giving me your all 

I release 

You release 

Our energies connect 

You and I both can’t deny 

Us together….

Creates some bomb ass sex

I wipe the lip gloss from your lips 

And I fix my hair

We straighten up our clothes 

Sneaking out the bathroom…. 


…..back to work we go 

(Hour 07) 04.30-05.30am. PROMPT, song: Resurrection Fern

iron & wine

the pagan, the angel and i borrow a car
overtake the white toothed man
listen to the buzzard’s lovesong
as we flee the carousel racing instead
toward our forgotten house by the sea
no one’s bones are ever innocent

the shepherd’s dog sings songs to the wolves
fearing resurrection or the urn
every boy with coins, bets his soul
knows the devil never sleeps
never finds peace beneath the city
hope is a flightless bird, choking in our american mouths



An Unlikely Father

Whilst everyone is happy
That she got a perfect partner to spend her life with
The father is upset
Because he is going to take the reason for his living away from him

Whilst everyone is rejoicing
That she got a perfect partner to look after her
The father is worried
Because he is going to take the reason for his pride away from him

Whilst everyone is celebrating
That she got a perfect partner to share her joys and sorrows with
The father is envious
Because he is going to take the reason for his smile away from him